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Keep in mind that if you have shared your form via one of the link options and subsequently marked your form private, users will see an error message indicating that the "Access denied. Are you trying to access a private form / flow?".
The Google Gadget option in the flow sharing list is not currently supported and will be removed in a future release.
Embedded Form/flows on Mobile Devices
The Embedded Form share link will now dynamically determine if it should embed an iframe for (desktop) or a link for (mobile). Using the Embedded Form share link on a mobile device, then a basic link will be embedded in the page rather than an iframe, etc. The designer can customize it a bit with some new parameters.
The relevant url parameters that may be appended to the share link are:
- linkId - id to be applied to the rendered anchor (<a>) tag. If none supplied the id will be a generated unique id.
- linkClass - a space delimited list of one or more classes to be applied to the rendered anchor (<a>) tag. This can be used by the third-party web page designer to style the tag/link.
- linkTitle - any title text to be applied to the rendered anchor (<a>) tag. This will be seen as a tooltip when hovering with the mouse. If not supplied, then the form name will be used.
- linkLabel - any text to be used as the link. If not supplied, then the form name will be used.
- linkTarget - if set then the form will be opened in a new tab/window. Can be any text and is the name of the target window.
- linkThumbnail - if set to 'true', then the form's thumbnail will shown as the link on the web page.
- imgWidth - if linkThumbnail=true, then the width of the thumbnail image. Any css units are acceptable.
- imgHeight - if linkThumbnail=true, then the height of the thumbnail image. Any css units are acceptable.
- showLink - provides a way for the designer to force the rendering of the link or the form in a frame. If true, always show as a link. If false, always show as a form in a frame. If not set, then the system will automatically show as a link if on a mobile device and as a form in a frame otherwise.
Anonymous Access to Public Forms/Flows in Container Managed Tenants
If you are using a tenant configured for a container security manager and you want to allow anonymous access to your forms/flows, you must manually add "public" to the link to make forms/flows accessible to users who are not logged in. You must do this if you are using any of the url types in the Share dialog for forms and flows, using a Space or embedding forms/flows in your website. The public URL allows the tenant to be secured while public forms can be accessed anonymously, ex: a job application on an external website.
Here is an example of a public url used to access a form in a container security managed tenant. The form/flow visibility is set to public via the Access Control feature. Anonymous users will be able to access the form as the servlet container will ALLOW access to the frevvo.war and ' access control will ALLOW access to the form. Close/open your browser or copy/paste the public url into another browser when testing.
You will not see the public url listed in the Share light box.
Browser Session Security
When you create a new form, by default it is marked as private. At this time the only person who can use the form via any of the form's share choices, is the person logged into this account. Once you are ready to let others use your form you can mark the form as public. Now anyone that is given the form's Url via any of the form's share choices, has access to use and submit the form.