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When you click Test  icon  will display your flow in “Use Mode”—in other words, the flow will appear and behave exactly as it will when users access it. To test the flow, just complete it as your users would and click Submit. Test mode allows you to view your flow as it would appear on a desktop, iPad or iPhone. Refer to Testing Forms for more information about Test Mode views.


The Flow Tutorial is a fabulous way to learn how to test your flows.


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Table of Contents


Live Forms provides a method to show validation errors at the time of submission. Click on the Continue or Finish button in a flow that contains invalid data or required fields that are empty and the invalid controls are highlighted with a background color. Refer to this documentation for the details. 

Approval Flows

Approval workflows are very easy to automate in . The requestor fills out the original form (or set of forms) electronically and the flow is then routed it to the appropriate person or persons according to the desired business scenario. They’re notified with an email and can take action instantly using any device e.g. instant approval using a smart phone. E-signatures are collected and pdfs can be generated along the way.  offers multiple integration options so you can save your data. 

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Approving a Task

Reviewing a task for approval is very easy in  using the Task List. The approver can use the  Quick Approval or the  Perform icons to  display the approval step. Quick Approval displays a Quick View of the task without displaying the entire form. It allows the user who's responsibility it is to review the task (manager, supervisor, reviewer etc.) to add a comment, approve or reject, sign and pass it to the next user in the flow. This works well on mobile devices. Of course, if the approver wants to see the entire form they can click the Details button.

 Follow these instructions to approve a task for the flow that you downloaded:

  1. Access the flow from your space. Log in to . 
  2. Click the appropriate tab then select the flow from the choices.
  3. Run the flow to a step that requires an approval. - (manager, VP, Payroll) .
  4. Check the email for any user whose role is manager. Click on the link in the email.
  5. Log into  as the user that can perform this step. 
  6. Access the task by clicking the Important Items tab and then click on the Task List.
    1. For a quick approval, click the    Quick View icon. If the task does not have a  Quick View icon, click the  Perform icon. Notice the task is now locked so no one else can review it.
    2. Here is an example of Quick Approval for the Expense Statement flow. If the approver wants to see the Expense Statement first, then click the Details button.
    3. Sign if required. If you clicked on the Quick View icon, click  the Approve button. A "Please Wait" message flashes and the "Task successfully approved" message displays. Logout. 
  7. If you clicked on the  Perform icon, fill in the required fields, click the button on the screen to advance to the next step or complete the flow. The label of the "Continue" button may differ as this is customizable by the flow designer. The task disappears from the task list.
  8. If the flow has additional steps, then check for a task notification email with a link to the task, for a user who can perform that step, then login if required. For example, the third step in the Expense Report flow is performed by a user with the role of Finance and the final step is performed by a user with the role of CFO.
  9. Access the task by clicking the Important Items tab and then click on the Task List. Approve each step. 
  10. Complete the remaining steps for the flow. Logout. 
