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Whether you are new to or a valued customer, the pre-built templates are designed to let you quickly try out a form or workflow.
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Add a Form Template to the New Form Wizard
A Notify your tenant admin if you want to add a published form can be added to the New Forms wizard by your tenant admin. Select the template from the list that displays when you click the New icon to create a new form and the template will be imported into the Forms Designer. You are now ready to modify the template if required.
Control Templates
A control template is a control or a group of controls that a user published in the Form Designer so that it can be reused in other forms and by other designers within the same tenant. You typically want to publish control templates after you spent hours working on a complex form with sophisticated layouts, field patterns, business rules, etc., and want to avoid redoing the work in a different form(s). You also may want to use control templates when you need to split the work among a number of form designers, where each designer is responsible for creating a subsection of a complex form and another designer is responsible for assembling these control templates into a final form or flow.