Section | |||||||||||
You will see your tasks when you login. If your user account has the special frevvo.designer role, you must click on the My Tasks tab to view your tasks. Customers using a space, may have to click on the Important Items tab to access the Task List. The icon expands and contracts the task list . It will show a menu with two selections, My Tasks and Shared Items when it is expanded. A contracted Task list will show the associated screens to the right while an expanded Task List displays the screens below it.
Your tasks will be grouped by flow. For Example, all expense reports waiting for manager approval will be listed under the Expense Report Flow and vacation requests listed under Leave Approval. You can manually expand or contract the tasks for a specific flow by clicking anywhere on the flow title bar.
Tip |
Quick Approval does not lock the task. |
Let's consider a Leave Approval workflow with two activities: the first step is a form which collects the pertinent information about the Leave request - employee name, starting date and duration of leave, etc. This step is filled out by any employee requesting a leave. The second step is a form that has a section named Manager Approval with a text area control for comments. The designer has setup the Quick View feature for this step in the flow and assigned the role of manager to it. When a manager clicks on the Quick view icon, the Manager step displays as shown:.
You will see the following on the Quick Approval Screen:
The tenant/flow admin clicks the enter the user id of the the person you want to assign it to by checking the user choice radio button in the Assign to: control. Type a username in that field and all users beginning with the letter you have entered appear as dropdown choices. Enter the reason for the reassignment in the Reason field and click submit. In the image below the flow admin, Jerry has reassigned the task to the username jill.