Versions Compared


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v2.5.6 (r8db5160)

Cloud: Dec 15, 2018

In-house: 1/24/2019

Version 2.5.6 of the Database Connector is a small release containing one enhancement. In-house and Cloud customers running the Database Connector on-premise, can download the Database Connector Standalone zipfile or just the database.war zipfile from our frevvo Software Downloads Directory. This version was deployed to the frevvo Cloud on December 15, 2018.

You may notice the revision numbers for the Database Connector have changed. The revision number is now a unique 40 character string. Release notes refer to the revision number by the first 7 characters. See Version Information for details.

  • productDetailsByProductCode query added to the BIRT configuration.

v2.5.5 (r0381158)

Cloud: 6/9/2018


You may notice the revision numbers for the Database Connector   have changed. The revision number is now a unique 40 character string. Release notes refer to the revision number by the first 7 characters. See  Version Information for details.

  • TIP-22454 - Warning message added to Database Connector log when the connection threshold is exceeded.


It is recommended that In-house customers upgrade to Live Forms v7.4.x to be compatible with v1.1.1 of the Filesystem Connector. v7.4 was released for in-house customers on 2/14/1

  • #21859 - Add support for JAVA_OPTS in standalone database-connector (Cloud Only)

  • #21872 - Management endpoints on port 8083 (Cloud Only)


If you are running Database Connector v2.5.0 - v2.5.2 you must upgrade to v2.5.3+ due to issues solved in 2.5.3. 

  • #18166 - Batch processing of POST/Create requests. JDBC inserts are batched instead of performing individual inserts.
  • Logging improvements
  • KIOSK mode - when no configuration.xml is defined, the KIOSK mode pre-loads BIRT (ClassicModels) and myStore QuerySets with in-memory Derby databases. This will make it very easy to try out the DB Connector.
  • #19243 - Support for JSON payload from business rules when performing POSTs and PUTs.
  • #20546 - Query statements are validated when the DB Connector starts instead of when used.
  • Console prints the DB Connector version and revision number.
  • #18620 - Generating max-length for SQL Server NVARCHAR
  • #20532 - Ability to disable QuerySets and/or Querys while developing your integration.
  • #18708, #18676 - Returns blank or null in the JSON results for columns that have blank or null values..
  • The database.war is  executable.
  • The SQL Server JDBC driver is included in the Database connector war.
  • QuerySet and Query names only allow alphanumeric, dot, dash and underline characters. They must start with letters. This change makes sure that they are automatically XML and JSON friendly.
  • The driver and validationQuery attributes in <resource-def> are now optional: they will be properly inferred based on the current database.
  • The configuration.xml file is automatically picked up from the current directory where the DB Connector was launched or from ./config/configuration.xml. It can be manually set by using the frevvo.connectors.database.configuration property as before. This is specially useful when running the DB Connector standalone.
  • #9564 - Ability to generate schemas for all queries in a queryset. This makes it possible to download a single XSD for all queries at once.
