The client is packaged as an executable Java JAR that includes all of the required dependencies and you can download the binaries from from here and the sources from here.
Running the command-line client
The UI displays the applications belonging to the user david@monahan.com on the applications home page.
The apps command displays a list of the applications in the tenant on the server — DTM July 2011'and DTM August 2011 in this example.
In the UI, you can download applications individually, and select the destination directory.
In this example, down downloads all the applications in the tenant to a directory on the local machine. Since down takes no arguments, the target directory depends on your local machine settings.
In the UI, you can upload applications from the applications page.
In this example, up uploads a single application into the tenant. Note that we moved the ZIP files we downloaded in the previous step to a different directory before using up.
As with downloading applications, in the UI, you can download individual forms and flows and select the destination directory when you're editing an application on the applications home page.
In this example, down downloads all the forms and flows in the tenant to a directory on the local machine. You can't choose which forms to download, and since down takes no arguments, the target directory depends on your local machine settings. Since the command downloads
Code Block |
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/Address Book> edit Editing form: http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/user/david/app/_W0jPga4rEeCMGZK99v93jw/formtype/_fNScEK4rE eCMGZK99v93jw?edit=true&embed=true&_method=post&apikey=IIGGTVxO1DtiDmUSnIiLzmXQjd6SGJ5c%252FpLVUNm%252FKE8AWzjV0xakncsLK l2aocCYxj3lHuYWNr5q4Su8O%252FQlyQ%253D%253D localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/Address Book> |
You can edit the form in the designer as if you had logged in through the UI. Make any changes you want to the form, and then click Finish or Cancel to exit the designer. You return to the UI login page.
If you paste the form URL into your browser address bar, you can open the form instance and see the XML values in the form fields. You can Submit of Cancel the form from the browser, or you can use Instance #1> submit or Instance #1> reset from the command line.
You can use an XSD schema file to populate a form with controls. You can add the entire XSD schema to the form or individual controls. This example uses the API to upload a custom schema to an applicatioapplication, add one of the top-level XSD elements to a form and then shows the result in the designer UI.
Now that we have a new form, we need to add a new XSD data source to the form using the API, which is the equivalent to adding a new data source in the designer by clicking the Data Sources panel and then clicking New from XSD as shown in the following screenshots.
displays the available schemas in the current application. You can then click to select the XSD you want to use. adds it to the Data Sources panel.
Here is how to add a new data source using the API.
There should be only one element in the docs feed for the default, from-palette schema. Now we need to add the purchaseOrder element from the http://tempuri.org/po.xsd XSD targetNamespace to the form:
Click next to form to add all the controls to the new form, or click the individual controls you want. frevvo adds them to the form. Click Finish when you're done to exit the UI.
You can now use the new form from the command line.