Section | ||||||||
The Styles tab is divided into two sections: My Styles and Tenant Styles. Global Styles are not listed here. Styles created/modified/uploaded by the designer user will be listed in the My Styles section. Styles created/modified/uploaded by the initial tenant admin will show in the Tenant Styles section. Styles created/uploaded by additional admins in a tenant will not display here.
Styles are not included in the zipfile when you download a form, workflow or project. Styles must be manually moved from your test/development server to your production environment. You do this by selecting Download from the menu for each style you want to move from your test/development server and then selecting Upload from the Add menu in the styles tab on your production server. Remember to upload the style at the same level on your production server as you had on your test/development server.
- The top section of the page provides a field for the Style name, a description and the default colors (hex values) for controls explained in the table below.
- The bottom section of the page provides the ability to set colors for a specific control types. The overrides in this section are helpful if you want your projects/forms/workflows to match a Style Guide used by your company.
The tenant admin or any designer user can create a new Style.
Follow these steps:
Info |
If you are logged in as a tenant admin you must first click the Home link in order to see the Styles Tab. |
- Click on the Styles Tab.
- Click the
- Enter a name and description in the appropriate fields.
- The base color defaults to #84baee - the hex value for the color blue. You can replace this value but it MUST be with a hex color value. If you do not supply the #, will add it for you. Lighter/darker colors are calculated from this color. If you change the base color, they will automatically be recalculated when you tab out of the field or when you click the Recalculate from base button. This color is used for anything that's clickable in your form e.g. print, help, date picker, uploads, workflow navigation icons, button gradients etc.
- The colors for most of the categories are generated from the base color. Some colors have defaults instead. You can change any color you want provided you supply the hex color value. Here is a list of the properties, the default colors and where in your form the assigned color will display:
Style Property | Default Value | Description |
Style Name | MyStyle | Name of your Style |
Description | My customized colors and fonts | Description of your Style |
Base Color | #84baee | Lighter/darker colors are calculated from this color. If you change the base color, they will automatically be recalculated when you tab out of the field. This color is used for anything that's clickable in your form e.g. print, help, date picker, uploads, workflow navigation icons, audit trail icon, button gradients etc. |
Background | #ffffff | Form Background Color. Background color of a space. |
Font | Lucida Grande | Change the form/workflow font. Be aware that changing the default font can have side effects like disturbing precise control alignment. Please check your forms/workflows carefully if you change the font. Leave blank to use the default font. When you click on the field, you will see a dropdown which will display a list of the default fonts: Arial, Geneva, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Monaco, sans-serif, Tahoma, Times, Verdana |
Label Font Color | #333333 | Color of Control Labels. If you specify a different font color on a particular control in your form, it will override the Style setting, used when no task in present in Task List on devices, form/workflow name,user's First /Last name,audit trail header,messages on the Task List. |
Input Font Color | #111111 | Color of text entered in input, text area and other controls. Also, used as the font color dropdown options. |
Input Focus | #fffcdf | Color displayed when the field has the input focus. It is the highlighting color when an input field is selected. |
Borders | #badeff | Color of most borders. Some controls like Tables use a slightly lighter border. See Lighter Borders below. |
Headers | #f2f9ff | Section header, Table header, Dropdown gradient, top bar in Mobile renderings. |
Invalid Control Bot | #fffed9 | If the control contains invalid data, the bottom half of the Invalid control displays with this color. Use this color value in conjunction with the Invalid Control top to change the color for Required fields in your form. See the example below. |
Invalid Control Top | #fffbf7 | If the control contains invalid data, the top half of the Invalid control displays with this color. Use this color value in conjunction with the Invalid Control bot to change the color for Required fields in your form. See the example below. |
Invalid Section/Tab | #ff5b4f | Color of collapsed section that is invalid (label/icon), Tab that is not selected containing invalid controls, Must Sign button, Error icon, Error msg. |
Submit Error Highlight | blank | Use this to specify the background color for invalid controls in a form. Invalid controls will be highlighted with this color when the Submit button is clicked. If you leave this blank, invalid controls will be highlighted with the default color (orange). The color will disappear when data is entered or corrected in the field and it becomes valid. If the form is valid, it can be submitted. Refer to this topic for more information about this feature. See the example below for instructions to change the color. |
Disabled Control End | #f2f2f2 | This is the background gradient end color for disabled controls.. |
Lighter Four | #f7fbff | Text and tic for the Done button in the Signature Lightbox, text and tic for the Done button of the Upload control Lightbox. Label and decorator for continue / submit / done (signature) / upload (upload control). Much lighter version of the base color. |
Lighter Three | #f2f9ff | Color of watermark used in spaces. Also used for the dropdown hover when selecting forms/workflows/Task List from a the main menu of a space. Lighter version of the base color. |
Lighter Two | #d9edff | Color of selected drop down option, signature icon, task in task list, disabled icons in task list. Lighter version of the base color. |
Lighter One | #a3d3ff | Color of all decorators, workflow step that is not ready, disabled icons in task list. |
Lighter Borders | #d9edff | Used as the border for the Table control, icons and tasklist in a mobile space . |
Darker One | #1578d4 | Top color of button gradient, Percent/Step navigation for workflows, Mobile navigation control text |
Darker Two | #136bbd | Running/Runnable steps for workflows, Space menu links on desktop. |
Darker Three | #0f5699 | Help display background color, selected radio/checkbox, task descriptions. |
Plus icon | #3ca959 | Plus icon for adding repeat items. |
Minus Icon | #d03232 | Minus icon for removing repeat items. |
Primary Btn Start | #84baee | Primary Action Button Gradient Start Color. The Primary Action Button is the Submit button on a form and the Continue/Submit button on a workflow. Default value is the same as the base color. |
Primary Btn End | #1578d4 | Primary Action Button Gradient End Color. The Primary Action Button is the Submit button on a form and the Continue/Submit button on a workflow. Default value is the same as darker one. |
Primary Btn Border | #136bbd | Primary Action Button Border Color. The Primary Action Button is the Submit button on a form and the Continue/Submit button on a workflow. Default value is the same as darker two. |
#ffffff | Secondary Action Button Gradient Start Color. The Secondary Action Button is the Cancel button on a form. Default value is white. |
#f7fbff | Background Color for the Cancel,Save,Print,Clear buttons. Secondary Action Button Gradient End Color. The Secondary Action Button is the Cancel button on a form. Default value is the same as lighter four. | |
#136bbd | Secondary Action Button Border Color. The Secondary Action Button is the Cancel button on a form. Default value is the same as darker two. | |
Default Gradient Start |
This is the background gradient start color for all controls including disabled controls. |
The next section shows the overrides that can be used to set the colors for a specific control type. Hover over the override color fields in this section for helpful hints for each field.
All the custom styles you created in your designer user account will be listed under the My Styles section of the Styles tab. You can edit, download or delete your custom styles.
To edit a style,
- Click the Action Menu for a project on the Projects home page. Select Properties.
- Click the Choose Layout input. The three global layouts will display. Nouveau is the default. Select the layout you want.
- Click the Choose Style input. All global, tenant and styles designed by you will be displayed. If you leave the Choose Style field blank, you will get the default style Blue. Select another style to change from the default Blue. If you only see global styles here it means that no custom styles were created by either the tenant admin or by you.
- Click .
This will apply the selected layout and style to all forms and workflows in that project where the designer has left the form/workflow layout and style unselected. If the designer selected a specific layout and style for any given form or workflow, that selection will take precedence over the project's selection.
If your organization requires custom fonts for styling text in Message Controls, you can write custom JavaScript to make them available to . Once the fonts are loaded, designers can access the fonts via HTML markup. Alternatively, you can add them to the Fonts dropdown in the Rich Text Editor of the Message Control. Click the links for the details.