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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Each form setting property is described below.


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The Geo Location feature works in conjunction with rules that use the form.positionUpdated identifier. You can set up the rule to execute every time the position is updated. See Business Rules for examples of rules that will do this. Also see Rules Position Data for the complete list of available build-in data.

You can also collect additional information associated with your location. For example, a section of a Police Incident Report, shown in the image, captures the location where the form was filled in plus the address information associated with it. The last position update will be in the submission metadata of your form or flow but it is NOT automatically added to the XML Document.  You must create controls (perhaps hidden) and rules to add the location information to the form XML document.  The Position Address section of the Police Incident Report has controls and rules to show longitude, latitude, accuracy and/or errors plus the address information.


The map will only display in use mode. 


Setup Key/Saved Fields


This setting controls which fields are saved to the built-in submissions repository. By default, all your data is saved as an XML document. This is the most efficient way to store/access your data both in terms of speed as well as storage. However, if you prefer to view your data via the submissions user interface, you can choose which fields are saved in addition to the XML data. See submissions data for more information on making this choice. Note that this could incur significant performance overhead and will also consume additional storage in the repository

Considerations when deciding which types of fields to configure are listed below.

  • Key fields are indexed for easy search of Submissions. You will see the controls designated as Key fields in the Submissions table. This is helpful when trying to locate a particular submission from a long list. Key fields do not affect performance. They are not downloaded when exporting your submissions to Excel.
  • Saved fields do affect performance as they are independently stored in addition to XML data. This can significantly reduce performance, especially for large forms and require additional storage in the repository. Saved fields are not rendered in the submission table and cannot be used as search criteria for submissions. Saved fields  are downloaded to Excel.

Clicking on the Click to setup Key/Saved Fields link displays the setup wizard. This link is on the form's properties as shown below. If you have navigated away from the form's properties and instead see a control properties panel, just click anywhere on the toolbar to return to the form's properties.

The wizard displays the fields from your form. Only controls that are considered form data will be listed. For Example, the link, signature, image, upload, trigger, section, PageBreak, Message, Form Viewer and video controls will not show up in the saved or key field lists as there is no value to save or query against. Also, group controls (tabs, panels, repeats) will not show up on the list of Available Fields.


  • Drag and Drop - You can drag the fields from the Available Fields list and drop them into the Saved Fields lists if you re using Firefox, Chrome or Safari browsers. Items may be dragged between lists and within the saved fields list. Items may be dropped between existing items and before the top-most item and below the bottom item. Only a single item may be draggeditems and before the top-most item and below the bottom item. Only a single item may be dragged. You can change the order of the Available Fields list if you are using Chrome or Safari bowsers. Currently, the drag and drop function will not work in the Internet Explorer browsers. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

  • Center arrow buttons - IE 8/9 users must use the arrow buttons to move selected fields between the Available or Saved Fields lists or to reorder them by moving back and forth as necessary. The arrow buttons always add items to the bottom of the list. 
    • The > right arrow moves the selected field from the Available Fields list to the bottom of the Saved Fields list.
    • The < left arrow moves the selected field from the Saved Fields list to the bottom of the Available Fields list.
    • The >> double right arrows move all the form fields in the Available Fields list to the Saved Fields list.
    • The << double left arrow moves all the form fields in the Saved Fields list to the Available Fields list.


This feature helps to protect your forms against spamming by automatic submitters. By selecting captcha, an image is displayed when a user submits your form, containing a string and also an audio recording. The user must enter the string into the specified input box. If the string is correctly reproduced, the form submission will be processed as usual. If it is not a new string is displayed and the user may try again. Click on the Image Added to cancel.


This feature is only available to users with tenant accounts. If you check this checkbox a save icon will be displayed at the top of your form. If you don’t want users to be able to save/load your form, uncheck the checkbox so users will not see this icon.


If this checkbox is unchecked, tasks for the form or flow will not appear in [[V4_Tasks_Home_Page#Search_History | Task History searches]] Task List Searches. If you want them to appear, make sure this box is checked. Checking or Un-checking it affects all tasks including ones that were created prior to the action.
