- Verify that these steps have been performed to add JAVA_HOME as a system Environment Variable with the appropriate path to your JDK or JRE installation directory.
- Copy the x64 Windows Binaries, tomcat9.exe, tomcat9w.exe and tcnative-1.dll from the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\bin\x64 directory. Replace the existing binaries in the <frevvo-home>/tomcat/bin folder with the binaries from the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\bin\x64 directory.
- Navigate to the directory where the batch files are located: usually <frevvo-home>. Right click the Install-Service batch file and select Run as Administrator. The Install-Service batch file will put the frevvoforms service in the Services list in manual startup mode. The service will be called frevvoforms but the display name can be changed when you run the Configure-Service Batch file.
- Right click the Configure-Service batch file and select Run as Administrator. Execute the batch file.
- Change the Display Name of the frevvoforms service, if desired, and change the Startup Type to Automatic
- Click Apply and then ok to save your changes.
- Find the Services list for your operating system. The service should be listed. Verify that the newly installed frevvo service is listed.
- Double click on the Service and go to the Log On tab. Notice that Log on as is set to This Account: Local Service. This is a Tomcat default security setting.
You must make one of the following changes:- To continue running as "Local Service", you have two choices.
- Give "full control" to the "Local Service" account for the frevvo installation folder (e.g. using File Explorer on Windows 10: properties->Security -> Advanced -> Add -> Select a Principal -> Enter "Local Service"), or
Use this command to give specific access to only the Administrators, SYSTEM, and LocalService (replace the frevvo-install-directory placeholder with the actual folder path):
Code Block "%SystemRoot%\system32\icacls.exe" "<frevvo-Install-Directory>" /inheritance:r /grant *S-1-5-19:(OI)(CI)(F) /grant *S-1-5-32-544:(OI)(CI)(F) /grant *S-1-5-18(OI)(CI)(F)
Or, switch the Log on as setting to "Local System account"
Info The windows documentation describes the security implications as "The LocalSystem account has broad permissions, including the ability to write to the event log. Use this account with caution, because it might increase your risk of attacks from malicious software. For other tasks, consider using the LocalService account, which acts as a non-privileged user on the local computer and presents anonymous credentials to any remote server".
- Start the Service.
- To continue running as "Local Service", you have two choices.
frevvo fails to install/start as windows service