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Table of Contents

Configuration Steps

1)  Copy the JDBC driver appropriate for your database into <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps\database\WEB-INF\lib


Code Block
<Parameter name="frevvo.connectors.database.configuration" value="c:/frevvo/dbconfig/configuration.xml" override="false"/>

Be sure to add it OUTSIDE of the manager tags in the file. Also, verify that your path to the configuration file is correct. Here is an example of how the file should look after editing:

Code Block
<Context swallowOutput="true" unloadDelay="40000">
           <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager" saveOnRestart="false">
                         <Store className="org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore"/>
         <Parameter name="frevvo.connectors.database.configuration" value="C:/frevvo/dbconfig/configuration.xml" override="false"/>



If is running, when you edit and save this change to context.xml.default, should pickup this change within a couple seconds. If it doesn't, then stop and restart by: Double click <frevvo-home>\stop-frevvo. Wait for it to stop. Then double click <frevvo-home>\start-frevvo

Currently you MUST restart after moving the configuration file location. If you don't restart the connector will return a blank page rather than data and the tomcat log will show an NPE error.


Code Block
<Resource name="jdbc/mystore_ds" 
	      username="rootYOUR database user HERE"
	      password="rootYOUR database password HERE"

This is the format of the <resource-def> ref> element in configuration.xml.


Code Block
    <url>jdbc:as400://;date separator=-</url>       

Oracle 11g

Here is an example that connects to an Oracle 11g driver.

Code Block
    <validationQuery>select 1 from dual</validationQuery>