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A tenant admin uses the Manage Users page to add new users, delete users, edit the properties of existing users and download/upload a csv file containing user data. Click the Manage Users link to display the  user list. To the right of each user name are icons described below.

If you are logged in as the superuser admin you must first click the Manage Tenants link to display the list of tenants. Then click the button to manage users/roles for the desired tenant. Then click the Manage Users link.


 On this page:


Table of Contents


  1. Complete the new user form. 
  2. User names can contain characters, numbers, dot (.), hyphen (-) and the underscore (_) and cannot start with a number. Max length is 50 characters.

  3. Assign roles to the user. NOTE: Assign the special role frevvo.Designer to any user who needs permission to create forms and workflows.
  4. You can assign multiple roles to any user by clicking the "+" icon
  5. Assign a reports to for any user who needs to route a form they fill in to their manager. For example a PTO request.
  6. Submit the form

The Reports To field is a ComboBox. Begin typing the userid of the person this user reports to and a list of matching users displays. Select the Role and Enabled field values from the Dropdown choices.

Add Tenant Admin

You can add additional tenant admins by click the icon. This creates a new user with the special permission required to login and manage the tenant. You cannot add this special tenant admin to an existing user. This is the only way to to grant this special tenant admin permission.  


You will see this message with the number of roles and users that were created: "Users Loaded successfully. 3 Added, 1 Updated, 0 Deleted, 4 Roles Added." Uploading an empty users file displays the message "Users file is empty".


  • If you leave the roles column blank in the csv file you are using for updates, the existing roles for that user will be deleted. Be sure to add the roles relevant to the users you are updating so the existing roles are not cleared.
  • The warning messages "Update of user failed"  or "Users Loaded successfully with some issues. See detailed results for details." is displayed if users in the csv file you are uploading do not have any roles assigned to them. Typically, these messages can be ignored. The verbiage for these messages will be changed in a future release.


Click the button next to any user in the users list to edit that user. You can perform functions such as adding/removing roles, resetting paswords, configuring the Max Attachment size per user etc...The default size for attachments is 10485760 bytes.Image Removed

Image Added

The Reports To field is a ComboBox. Begin typing the userid of the person this user reports to and a list of matching users displays. Select the Role and Enabled field values from the Dropdown choices.

Disable Users

The superuser or tenant admin can disable a user. Disabling a user prevents that user from logging into the form server. If the user has the role frevvo.Designer (aka. was a designer user) the users' forms will become inaccessible to other users. Even if the forms were public users will get the error "This resource belongs to a disabled user". To disable a designer user but keep the form accessible, change the user's role from frevvo.designer to frevvo.readonly and set the Enabled dropdown back to true. In this case when the user tries to login they will get the error "Login is currently disabled".
