Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Code Block
    FormsService fs = ...;
    ApplicationEntry appEntry = ...; // find app entry
    FormTypeEntry ftEntry = ...; // find template form entry 
    ftEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("MyForm"));
    ftEntry.setSummary(new PlainTextConstruct("MyForm Description"));
    FormTypeFeed ftFeed = appEntry.getFormTypeFeed();
    FormTypeEntry newEntry = ftFeed.insert(ftEntry);



do I copy a form?

Copying entails inserting an existing entry into a feed. The key difference between this case and a regular feed insert() is that the entry being inserted already has an id: this will trigger a copy.


Code Block
FormTypeEntry ftEntry = setUpFormType(appEntry);
try {
System.out.println("Default State: " + ftEntry.getDeployState());
ftEntry = ftEntry.update();
ftEntry = ftEntry.getSelf();
assertEquals("Should be PRODUCTION state", ftEntry.getDeployState(), DeployState.PRODUCTION);

ftEntry = ftEntry.update();
ftEntry = ftEntry.getSelf();
assertEquals("Should be DEVELOPMENT state", ftEntry.getDeployState(), DeployState.DEVELOPMENT);

FormTypeFeed ftFeed = appEntry.getFormTypeFeed();
FormTypeEntry newEntry = ftFeed.createEntry();
newEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("MyForm123"));
newEntry.setSummary(new PlainTextConstruct("MyForm123 Description"));
newEntry = ftFeed.insert(newEntry);
assertEquals("Should be PRODUCTION state", newEntry.getDeployState(), DeployState.PRODUCTION);

Why are deleted submissions showing up in the submissions feed?

The submissions feed will retrieve all type of submissions: submitted, saved, deleted (Deleted submissions are soft deleted meaning they are marked in the database as deleted, but the records are still present in the DB and they will be returned in the SubmissionFeed). TheĀ  Submissions UI page, by design, shows only the submissions which are completed.

Let's say you want to sort submissions that are saved versus those that are submitted. You can use the SubmissionEntry.getState() method. This will return the current state of a SubmissionEntry (SAVED or SUBMITTED). You can use this property to distinguish between your submissions.

How do I get a form submission PDF when Save PDF is not enabled?

Using API, you can instantiate each form submission, get the PDF for that instance and then cancel the form instance. Note that the PDF will not show up in the form submission when using this approach as the instance is canceled.

Here is an example API script that will download PDF's for all form submissions to disc:

Code Block
/ formTypeID of your form. You can get the formTypeId of a form by looking at its Share URL. For example, if your forms Raw URL is: http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/qa/user/fd/app/_S5QyQQ8GEeKoZPV3UpCRog/formtype/_W03sMA8GEeKoZPV3UpCRog?_method=post&embed=true&locale=, then the part of this URL between formtype/ and ?_method is your formTypeId.
String formTypeId = "_W03sMA8GEeKoZPV3UpCRog";  

// Get the Forms Service.
FormsService service = new FormsService("http", "localhost", 8082, null);
service.login("designer@tutorial", "designerpswd");

// Get Submission Feed
SubmissionQuery q = new SubmissionQuery(service.getFeedURL(SubmissionFeed.class));
q.setFilter("$formTypeId eq " + formTypeId);
SubmissionFeed sFeed = service.getFeed(q, SubmissionFeed.class);

int counter = 1;
// Download PDF for each submission
for (SubmissionEntry contact : sFeed.getEntries()) {
       // re-instantiate the form from the submission
       URL fUrl = contact.createFormInstance(null, null);
       // Construct the URL which will generate the PDF
       String pdfUrl = fUrl.toString() + "&print=true&format=pdf";
       String filename = "E:\\myFormPDF" + counter + ".PDF";
       BufferedInputStream in = null;
       FileOutputStream fout = null;
             in = new BufferedInputStream(new URL(pdfUrl).openStream());
             fout = new FileOutputStream(filename);

             byte data[] = new byte[1024];
             int count;
             while ((count =, 0, 1024)) != -1)
                    fout.write(data, 0, count);
             if (in != null)
             if (fout != null)
       counter ++;
       // Cancel the instance
       Helper.cancelInstance(service, fUrl);    