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Table of Contents

How do I login/logout to/from a Form server?


Code Block
IDictionary<string,string> customParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 
customParams.Add("autoLogin",       "true");
//customParams.Add("autoLoginupdateNonDesigners", "true");  string[] roles = { "//if user is not a frevvo.Designer, this must be set for user to be officially 'created' otherwise user is truly virtual/temporary
string[] roles = { "frevvo.Designer" };   

FormsService service = new FormsService("http://localhost:8082", "yourappname");      
              roles,  //optional param – may be null. Specified roles will be created if necessary.  When null, a non-designer user (able to participate in flows but not create flows/forms) will be created if necessary.  
              "newUserFirstName",  //optional param – may be null 
              "newUserLastName",  //optional param – may be null
              "",  //optional param – may be null

UserEntry user = service.GetUser("newUserName"); 
// interact with frevvo                


Code Block
    FormsService service = ...;
    FormTypeQuery query = service.CreateFormTypeQuery(null);
    FormTypeFeed themesformTypes = service.Query(query);
    foreach (ThemeEntryFormTypeEntry formType in formTypes.Entries)
            Console.WriteLine("Form Type: " + formType.Title.Text);


How do I get the list of all forms for a given application?


There are three options when uploading a Flow or Form: Insert, Copy or Replace. You can use a Stream or a file path location when uploading.

Code Block
string fileName = ....;
bool isForm = ....;
ApplicationEntry appEntry = ....; 

// If an entry with the same id already exists, it will be replaced.
// Otherwise, the archive will be uploaded with the same id.
FormTypeEntry entry = appEntry. FormTypeFeed.UploadAndInsertFormType(filename, isForm); 

// If an entry with the same id already exists, a copy will be made.
// Otherwise, the archive will be uploaded with the same id.
FormTypeEntry entry = appEntry.FormTypeFeed.UploadAndCopyFormType(filename, isForm); 

// If an entry with the same id already exists, it will be replaced.
// Otherwise, the archive will be uploaded with the same id.
FormTypeEntry entry = appEntry.FormTypeFeed.UploadAndReplaceFormType(filename, isForm); 
Stream appStream = ....;
bool isForm = ....;
ApplicationEntry appEntry = ....;
// If an entry with the same id already exists, it will be replaced.
// Otherwise, the archive will be uploaded with the same id. 
FormTypeEntry entry = appEntry. FormTypeFeed.UploadAndInsertFormType(appStream,isForm);

// If an entry with the same id already exists, a copy will be made. 
// Otherwise, the archive will be uploaded with the same id. 
FormTypeEntry entry = appEntry.FormTypeFeed.UploadAndCopyFormType(appStream, isForm);

// If an entry with the same id already exists, it will be replaced. 
// Otherwise, the archive will be uploaded with the same id. 
FormTypeEntry entry = appEntry.FormTypeFeed.UploadAndReplaceFormType(appStream, isForm);  


The filename attribute for stream-based methods for digital and /wet signatures and documents is required. Methods without the filename param parameter are deprecated.

Add a Document to the builder from a given stream


Code Block
ApplicationEntry testApplication = ....;
SchemaEntry testSchema = ....;
string fileName = "\path\to\myschema.xsd";

MediaFileSource source = new MediaFileSource(fileName, SchemaFeed.MEDIA_SOURCE_TYPE);

testSchema = testApplication.SetupSchema(source, "schemaName-required"); 

Functions only available in the .net api for  v6.1.5 or later:


The updates listed here are only available in .net client API version 6.1.5 or later.

How do I batch upload users from the api?


The format of the users csv file is the same as that used through the UI users load feature.

Users csv upload is through HTTP.  

The users csv upload is available directly through HTTP. One way to do this is using cURL, but other ways are possible. Here are the steps:

  1. Log in:

Code Block
curl http://host:port/frevvo/web/login -d username=admin@tenant -d password=admin_password -d lAction=Login  -X POST  -c cookies -H Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded  

      2. Replace host, port, username and password above as correct for your implementation. For Live forms online, and the port is optional. Change http to https.

      3. Upload the users csv file:

Code Block
curl http://host:port/frevvo/web/tn/  -F notificationEmailAddress=some_email_address -F usersFile=@users_file.csv  -X POST  -b cookies -H Content-Type:multipart/form-data

      4. Replace host, port,, some_email_address and users_file.csv above as correct for your implementation. If users_file.csv is not in the current directory, adjust the path accordingly. For Live forms online, and port is optional. Change http to https.

      5. Check the some_email_address for incoming email with the results of the load.

      6. (Optional) Get the user csv back from frevvo. It will have all users, including all that were loaded:

Code Block
curl http://host:port/frevvo/web/tn/  -X GET  -b cookies

      7. The response will be the users csv data.

Users csv upload through the .net client api 

The users csv upload is available through the .net client api in Live Forms v6.1.5. Here is the code snippet:

Code Block
Stream userCsvData = // Obtain a stream to your user csv file – ex: FileStream. 
       FormsService service = // Obtain form service logged in as tenant admin user     
       UserQuery userFeedQuery = service.CreateUserQuery(null);
       UserFeed userFeed = service.Query(userFeedQuery);

       stringnotificationEmailAddress = // some email address        
       userFeed.UploadUsersCsv(userCsvData, notificationEmailAddress);

                //now check for the email with results


To get the users csv data from frevvo:

Code Block
Stream is = userFeed.GetUsersCsv();

 You can specify who receives an email reporting the upload status when it is done through the API. The email is sent to the "notificationEmailAddress" that is passed in the API. The email may say something like this if there are errors during the upload:

Code Block
Validation occurred with errors. Users data NOT loaded. Refer to attached CSV data file for validation and/or loading result details.

The attached file, results.csv, will contain the details.