Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This property applies only to the Section control. When you drag a section control from the palette and drop it onto the designer canvas, the expand/collapse icon will be visible and the Expand/Collapse checkbox will be checked. Uncheck this to hide the icon.

Date Picker

You can specify Specify whether or not you want to display the date picker via a checkbox on the Style Property panel. If checked, you will see the date picker inside the the date control and the date portion of the date/time input control. 

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Clicking on the today link in the date picker brings you to the current date. So if If you are looking at another month, July for example, and you click on the today link, the date picker will automatically bring you to the current month with today’s date highlighted(bold). Select the date to populate the field in your form/flow.  Image RemovedTo close the Date Picker, click the close link.

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The Date Picker described above only applies to the desktop view. Date and Date-Time controls on mobile devices display device specific date pickers.

New Line

The New Line Property will be present for all controls that have the 12 column width selector. Check New Line and the control always appears on a new line. For example: Let's say you have First Name and Last Name controls side by side in your form.
