Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

















Your SQL queries are defined in configuration.xml. The database connector looks for this file in

  • Standalone bundle - <db-home>\database\database-connector-(DBC version number)\config.
  • frevvo-tomcat bundle - The location you specified in <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\ via the frevvo.connectors.database.configuration property.


titleClick here for troubleshooting tips

Insert excerpt
Testing the Connector
Testing the Connector


On this page 

Table of Contents


Code Block
    <queryset name="BIRT">
        <query name="allProducts" autocreate="true">
                <!--maps to HTTP GET -->
                <statement> SELECT productCode, productName from Products order by productName </statement>
        <query name="orderDetailsByOrder" autocreate="true">
                <!--maps to HTTP GET -->
                <statement> SELECT p.productName as product, o.quantityOrdered as quantity, o.priceEach as price,
                    p.productDescription as description, p.MSRP FROM OrderDetails o, Products p WHERE
                    o.productCode=p.productCode and o.orderNumber={onum} ORDER by o.orderLineNumber </statement>
        <query name="productDetails" autocreate="true">
                <!--maps to HTTP GET -->
                <statement> SELECT * from Products order by productName </statement>
                <statement>INSERT into Products (productCode,productName,productLine,productScale,productVendor,productDescription,quantityInStock,buyPrice,MSRP)
                   VALUES ('{productCode}','{productName}','{productLine}','{productScale}','{productVendor}','{productDescription}',{quantityInStock},{buyPrice},{MSRP})</statement>


The configuration.xml contains all the SQL statements (create, retrieve, update, delete) you need to integrate with your forms. This file uses XML syntax. The key elements are:


  • Create a stored procedure to update/insert the values into the database table
  • Call this stored procedure in the <retrieve> tag of your configuration.xml query
  • Use an http.get statement in your business rule to call this query. The stored procedure will execute and update/insert data into your table.

Here is an example of a mySql stored procedure.


Code Block
eval ('x=' + http.get('http://localhost:8082/database/BIRT/getOrderNumber'));
onum.value = x.resultSet[0].onum;


Unique Sequential Id

This example uses a stored procedure, a table in your database, a database connector query and a business rule to generate a unique sequential number when a form loads. This number can populate a ticket or invoice number field in your form.

Step 1 - Create a table in your database (SQL Server):

Code Block
UniqueID int IDENTITY(10000,1) PRIMARY KEY,
formuid varchar (255) NOT NULL

Step 2 - Create a Stored Procedure (SQL Server):

Code Block
@formid varchar (255)

INSERT INTO [dbo].[TBLUniqueID] ([formuid]) VALUES (@formid);

SELECT * from [dbo].[TBLUniqueID] WHERE formuid = '@formid';

Step 3 - Add the query to your configuration.xml file

Code Block
<query name="insertformid" autocreate="true">
            <statement>EXEC dbo.getid @formid = '{formuid}'</statement>

Step 4 - Add this rule to your form

Code Block
/*member, UniqueID, resultSet*/
var x;
var formid;

formid = _data.getParameter('');

if (form.load) {
  formuid.value = formid;
  if (formid.length > 0) {
    http.get('http://<your server>:<port>/database/CONTROL4/insertformid?formuid=' + formid);
    eval ("x=" + http.get('http://<your server>:<port>/database/CONTROL4/getformid?formuid=' + formid + '&_mediaType=json'));
    ID.value = x.resultSet[0].UniqueID;

SQL Server

Here is an example with the syntax required for a SQL server stored procedure:


Behind the scenes, the connector actually compares the items in the database with what is submitted in the form. That comparison criteria is based on a key that you define with the attribute deleteKey (required). The deleteKey value is normally the name of the primary key in the table that contains the repeat items.

Dates and Timestamps

Date, Time and DateTime formats are managed automatically by the connector.  You do not need the attributes that define the formats in your querysets. The defaults now match what  sends to the DBConnector and should cover most cases. If you define a date, time or timestamp column in your database, the database connector will know the format of those dates in order to properly parse them. Below is an example of the attribute in the queryset element that is no longer needed.. For instance:


  1. Add the enabled= attribute with a value of false to the <querySet/> or individual <query> elements in the configuration.xml file to completely disable it. The first example disables the queryset named BIRT and the second example disables the allCustomer query.

    Code Block
    titleThis example disables the querySet named BIRT
      <queryset name="BIRT" enabled="false" ...>

    Code Block
    titleThis example disables the querynamed allCustomers
    <queryset name="BIRT">
            <query name="allCustomers" autocreate="true" enabled="false" >
                    <!-- maps to HTTP GET -->
                    <statement> SELECT customerNumber,customerName from Customers order by customerName </statement>

  2. The same can be done by adding the enabled property with a value of false as shown below to the in the standalone or tomcat bundles.  

    Code Block
    dbconnector.queryset@<queryset name>.enabled=false

    This property disables all querysets. Add it to the bundle) or (tomcat bundle).

    Code Block


Code Block
<query name="customers"> 
          SELECT * FROM customers WHERE emailAddr='%{domain}%'
