Versions Compared


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The connector will no longer be supported. The Save to wizard will be removed in the next release.


Saving submission data from an automated frevvo form or workflow to your box account, is easily done with the Box connector and the Save to wizard. Once the connector is installed (in-house) and configured, simply run the Save to wizard to connect your form/flow to box. Submissions from  are posted to your box account via the Box Connector and the Doc Action Save to wizard.

You can also choose which documents get saved by checking the document types in the wizard. Documents generated by , e.g. a Government W-4 for an Employee On-Boarding workflow, can be stored with submissions on box.

When the form or flow is submitted, the selected documents, such as Student Registrations, Purchase Orders, mapped PDFS like a W-4, Patient Referrals etc, are uploaded to your box account to the specified folder. Once in box, you can use all their features to collaborate, share and manage the documents.

Signatures are not saved as they are a different content type than attachments.

The Box Connector is available for cloud and in-house  customers. All customers will need a valid Box account.


frevvo only supports/certifies the Box Connector running in the Apache Tomcat container.

In-house customers must perform a few additional configuration steps as described below


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To install the Box connector in the same tomcat as :

  1. Stop .
  2. Download the box connector zipflile from here
  3. Extract the box.war file to your <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps directory.
  4. Create an Application for Live Forms on
  5. Configure the Box Connector - (In-house only)


  • Creating a new version of the file and assigning it a revision number
  • If you are using a free box acocunt, you will only have access to the latest version. For a developer/premium accounts, users can see the version history and download the previous versions of a file if necessary.

For example, an Employee On-boarding for Max Jones stores mapped PDFs of the I-9, W - 4, Connecticut W - 4 and the workflow after the first submission. Max runs through the  Employee On-boarding a second time resulting in files with the same name as those generated from the first submission. Viewing the subfolder for Max Jones shows revision numbers for version 2 of each file


The Box Connector generates it's own logfile. Typically, the log is first place to look for information when an issue is encountered. Information about the logfile and some Some common issues with solutions are listed below.

 Box Connector Logfile

If you are using the frevvo tomcat bundle, the Box Connector log is located in <frevvo-home>\tomcat\logs. The logfile is named box.YYYY-MM-DD.log. Searching a separate logfile makes it much easier to search for errors when troubleshooting connector issues. The connector is designed to use the /wiki/spaces/frevvo80/pages/975572178.

The default loglevel for the Box logfile is INFO. To see DEBUG level messages in the Box Connector log:






Code Block


Logging output defaults to text format. To switch to JSON format, add thisproperty to the file.

Code Block

Doc Post Failure

If the submission doesn't reach, all tenant administrators or flow admins (if configured)  will receive a Doc Post Failure notification email reporting information about the error.
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Determine the version of the Box Connector you are using:
