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configuration parameters are located in three places:

  • - created by the System Administrator to override parameters in a container web.xml file. This is most often used when the container is not tomcat. See below for details.
  • <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml - recommended file to override context-

    configuration parameters are located in three places:

    1. - created by the System Administrator to override parameters in a container web.xml file. This is most often used when the container is not tomcat. See below for details.
    2. <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml - recommended file to override context-parameters in the web.xml file when using the tomcat container.
    3. WEB-INF\web.xml - this configuration file is included in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps\frevvo.war zipfile. Modifications to this file require unzipping/rezipping the frevvo.war file after the modifications have been made. See below for the instructions. OEM partners can use this file to customize the product in many ways. See Installation Customizations for more information.

    The parameters that are most commonly modified and discussed in the sections below are in frevvo.xml. The less commonly modified parameters are in web.xml. Any parameter in web.xml can be duplicated in frevvo.xml and the value in frevvo.xml takes precedence over the value in web.xml. If you plan to override the web.xml context parameter values and you are using the frevvo Tomcat bundle, we suggest doing so in frevvo.xml. This keeps all your modified parameters in one place and makes it easy to upgrade frevvo to newer releases.

    A file in a deployment using tomcat seems redundant since it basically does the same thing as the frevvo.xml file. If it does exist , the configuration parameters in the file will override the frevvo.xml and web.xml files.

    Modifying the frevvo.xml file.

    Follow these steps to modify context parameters in the frevvo.xml file. You can also set up your database in this file as well. If you are using tomcat, making your configuration changes here, will make it easier when you upgrade to :

    1. Stop if it is running.
    2. Navigate to <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml.
    3. Open the file with a text editor.
    4. The installation tasks listed below will reference the frevvo.xml and web.xml files when appropriate. You can configure anything in frevvo.xml that you can configure in web.xml. When you add parameters to the file, use the same syntax as the ones already there. Here is an example of a parameter to control the Maximum Size of Attachments that users can upload.
    Code Block
    <Parameter name="frevvo.attachment.maxsize" value="10485760" override="false"/> 

          5. Save the file after all your changes are made. Restart .

    Modifying the web.xml file

    The web.xml file is included in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps\frevvo.war. The frevvo.war must be unzipped/rezipped after modifications have been made as outlined in the steps below:

    1. Stop  if it is running. 
    2. Unpack the frevvo.war file to a temporary location of your choice: e.g. c:\tmp\frevvo-war. Change the file extension from .war to .zip if necessary.
    3. Edit c:\tmp\frevvo-war\WEB-INF\web.xml.
    4. Make the desired configuration changes - see appropriate sections of this page for information on specific parameters. Save the changes to the web.xml file. 
    5. Rezip all the files in the c:\tmp\frevvo-war directory, even the ones you did not edit — if you change directories or zip them differently, Live Forms may not load correctly:

      This is the correct structure for the frevvo.war zipfile.

    6. Make sure you create the zipfile with the directory structure as shown in the image above. It is an easy mistake to include the containing directory in the zipfile. If you do this, Live Forms may not load correctly. Zip will often give your zipfile a .zip extension. Make sure you change this to a .war extension. 

    7. Copy the updated frevvo.war file to <frevvo-home>tomcat\webapps.
    8. Restart your  server.
    If you accidentally delete <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml, restart tomcat and a new copy will be created from a pristine one stored in frevvo.war!META-INF/context.xml .

    On this page:

    Table of Contents


    There are 3 choices for the file location. You can:
    1. Expand the war, edit/create the /WEB-INF/ re-zip the war. This is essentially the same as editing the web.xml directly. 
    2. Create the file in the current working directory of the container you are using.  will pick it up by default. For example, <frevvo-home>/tomcat is the current working directory for the tomcat container.       
    3. Place the somewhere in the file system (outside the frevvo.war) and then add  -Dfrevvo.config=file:Drive:/path to in the java executable call. For example, add it to <frevvo-home>\tomcat\bin\setenv.bat, or service.bat if you are using the tomcat container. Here is an example of the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\bin\setenv.bat file with the added parameter: 

    Code Block
    set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=156m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfrevvo.config=file:C:/frevvo/tomcat/

    The value of frevvo.config can be a full path (e.g. Drive:/, a path in the war (e.g. /WEB-INF/ or a url (e.g. http://config/cluster1/ Be sure to include the file name in the path statement.      


    • Login to your  server as user "adminadmin@d", password "admin".
    • On the page that is displayed, click the "Manage Tenants" link.
    • Click the icon to manage tenant named "d (Default tenant)"
    • Click "Manage Users"
    • Click the  icon for the admin user. This displays a profile form.
    • Change the password as desired and submit the form.


    • Unable to contact license server
    • Unable to renew license. Your license will expire in <n> day(s)

    External URLs

    Sometimes running  behind running  behind a proxy server can cause unintended changes to the form server's external URLs. The following configuration parameters address this issue. These parameters can be added to frevvo war settings section of the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file. 

    • frevvo.forms.server.external.url - If set, all share dialogs for

      forms and flows will use this as the external URL.

      forms and flows will use this as the external URL. Use the syntax shown in the example. change the <myexternalhost>and <port> to your external server name and the port that you are using for  on this server. 

      Code Block
      <Parameter name="frevvo.forms.server.external.url" value="http://<myexternalhost>:<port>" override="false"/>
    • frevvo.internal.baseurl - If set, all URLs used internally by the form server will use this base url. This may be needed when using frevvo.forms.server.external.url if that external url is not also accessible from the form server machine.



    •  Use the syntax shown in the example. change the value "http://localhost:8082"  to the server name and port of your  server.

      Code Block
      <Parameter name="frevvo.


    • internal.baseurl" value="http://


    • localhost:8082" override="false"/>

    Default Port

    By default the  tomcat bundle is configured to bind to port 8082. You can change the port by:


    Additional info on how to use SSL on tomcat can be found on the Apache/Tomcat website. Also refer to this article: How to solve ssl. SSLHandshakeException?

    Currently you must not disable 's http port. In a future release this will be allowed. Disabling ' http port will cause your form server to malfunction as  requires this port. For most cases it is sufficient to share the https version of your form/flow's Url and leave http open. However, if you want to force all form usage to be over https and feel it is not enough to simply share the https form Urls (as a user can switch to http as long as that port is open), we recommend that you deploy  behind an Apache or IIS server. Close the http port on Apache or IIS but leave tomcat's http port open so that  can POST back to itself when needed over http but no one outside can access it.



    If you plan to run the  Tomcat bundle on IBM J9 JVM  and you want to have the HTTPS connector enabled, you will need to change the encryption algorithm to IBM's X509 from the default Sun Oracle X509 implementation.

    To run HTTPS on IBM J9 JVM, add algorithm="IbmX509" attribute to the HTTPS connector:



    Java 7 will throw a "SEVERE: Invalid argument: no further information" error in the <frevvo-home>/tomcat/logs/catalina.YYYY-MM-DD.log when used on a Windows 2003 system with Tomcat version 7.0.29 or earlier and the NIO http connector. If you should encounter this error, check the version of Tomcat. If it is below 7.0.30, upgrade to that version. Run the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\version.bat (Windows) or <frevvo-home>/tomcat/ (UNIX) files to determine the version of Tomcat installed on your system.


    Tomcat Logfiles

    By default, the  server writes useful logging information to a daily logging file located here: <frevvo-home>/tomcat/logs/frevvo.log. You will see the logfiles listed below in <frevvo-home>/tomcat/logs. The current date appends to the logfile name for all the files except the frevvo log:


    Code Block
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="${catalina.base}/logs"
                   prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"
                   pattern="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b &quot;%{Referer}r&quot; &quot;%{User-Agent}r&quot; [%I %{JSESSIONID}c]" />


    • host-manager.MM-DD-YYYY.log - this logfile is part of the tomcat distribution and is empty by default. It is a log file for the host-manager web application that is used to manage virtual hosts in tomcat. The host manager web-app is typically not needed because  is preconfigured. Messages are written to this log only if the host-manager web application is being used.
    • manager.MM-DD.YYYY.log - this logfile is part of the tomcat distribution and is empty by default - this is the log file for the tomcat manager web application which is used to check the status of web apps, memory usage etc. Messages are written to this log only if the manager web app is being used. 

    There will be three additional logfiles when running Tomcat as a Windows service:

    • frevvoforms - stderr.YYYYMMDD and frevvoforms - stdout.YYYYMMDD for standard error messages and standard output stream, respectively. This is the default Tomcat behavior.
    • commons-daemon.YYYY-MM-DD.log for Windows Service errors


    The logging levels used by  can be fine-tuned by editing the <frevvo -home>/tomcat/lib/logback.xml file. By default  log level is set to INFO. The logging infrastructure will scan this file every 60 secs so you can live-change the log level. Here
    is more configuration information
    .  Stop  to delete the logfiles. They will be recreated on start up.  


    The  tomcat bundle install will automatically rotate log files daily. The logfile is the only one affected. Let's say the current date is 6 - 19 - 2013. The current days logging is saved to the frevvo.log file located in <frevvo-home>/tomcat/logs.  On the next day, 6 - 20 - 2013,  the log from the previous day is copied to a logfile stamped with the previous day's date. (frevvo_2013-06-19). This date stamped frevvo.log is moved into located in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\logs\old directory. Logging for 6 - 20 - 2013 is saved in the frevvo.log in <frevvo-home>/tomcat/logs.


    Code Block

    The default  server session


    The default  server session timeout can be overridden for each tenant. See the Edit Tenant topic for more information.

    Tomcat session-config parameters can not be overridden in frevvo.xml.

    When a session times out, for example when a person is using a form and then pauses for longer than the configured <session-timeout>, they will see the following error the next time they enter a value into the form.

    Image Removed

    The following screen displays when a user tries to submit a form from a timed out session.

    Image Removed

    Editing Submissions

    Submissions can be edited via the Submissions Page. This feature is disabled by default for  in-house users. To enable this feature,  add the configuration parameter to the <frevvo-home>/WEB-INF/web.xml.  For more
    on the feature that this parameter controls see Editing Submissions. The web.xml file must be unzipped from the frevvo.war before it can be edited. See above for the details. 

    timeout can be overridden for each tenant. See the Edit Tenant topic for more information.

    Tomcat session-config parameters can not be overridden in frevvo.xml.

    When a session times out, for example when a person is using a form and then pauses for longer than the configured <session-timeout>, they will see the following error the next time they enter a value into the form.

    Image Added

    The following screen displays when a user tries to submit a form from a timed out session.

    Image Added

    Editing Submissions

    Designer users can view/edit submissions by clicking the edit link on the submissions panel. Non designer users can view/edit submissions by clicking on the Shared Items tab if they have been granted permission to do so by the designer via the Access Control feature. The frevvo.submission.edit .link parameter must be set to the default value of true, for the edit link to be visible to any  user. To disable the edit link on the submission panel, change the default value of true to false for the configuration parameter in <frevvo-home>/WEB-INF/web.xml file. The web.xml file must be unzipped from the frevvo.war before it can be edited. Follow the instructions above to unzip, modify and rezip the war file.  

    Code Block
        <description>Show a link to edit the submission.</description> 

    You can add the configuration property to the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file instead of the web.xml file as discussed above. Here is an example that will disable submission editing when added to the frevvo war settings section of frevvo.xml:  

    Code Block
    <Parameter name="" value="false" override="false"/>

     When the parameter has a value of false, the edit link is not visible on on form submission panels.  

    Image Added  

    Hardware Requirements

    The minimum recommended hardware configuration for your Live Forms server is:


    Code Block
    <Parameter name="frevvo.xforwarded.protocol.header" value="X-Forwarded-Protocol" override="false"/>
    <Parameter name="" value="X-Forwarded-Host" override="false"/>
    <Parameter name="frevvo.xforwarded.port.header" value="X-Forwarded-Port" override="false"/>

    Moving users to a different tenant

    This section describes how to move a user to a different tenant. In the steps below, we will move the user john from a source tenant (will use tenant d) to a target tenant (will use mytenant as the target name).

    1. If the target tenant does not exist, create it by following these steps. For the sake of this document, I will assume the target tenant id to be mytenant
    2. Login to the target tenant as an admin and create a user with the same id as the user in the original tenant. In this example, the user id is john in the tenant mytenant.
    3. Transfer the applications to the new user account in the target tenant
      1. Login to the source tenant as a tenant admin. For instance admin@d
      2. Navigate to Manage > Manage Users.
      3. Login as the user you want to move. 
      4. Navigate to the user's applications page. 
      5. Download each application for that user and save to a folder in your file system. 
      6. Logout
      7. Login as the user in the new tenant: john@mytenannt.
      8. Upload the applications you've downloaded in the previous steps. 
    4. Move the submissions in the submissions repository. You need to run these steps in the database where you persist the  submissions. Please back up your database before moving forward
      1. Login to your database.
      2. Edit the script shown below to:
        1. Replace the word johnwith the id of the user you are migrating.
        2. Replace the tenant id d with the id of the source tenant. The default tenant in  is called d so if you are moving the user as part of an upgrade from 3.4.x chances are that your source tenant is d
        3. Replace the word mytenant with the name of your target tenant 
      3. Run the script shown below in your  submissions database.


    Code Block
    update formsubmission
    set tenantid='mytenant'
    where id in (
    select from formsubmission fs, formsubmissiontype fst 
    fs.formsubmissiontype_formtype_id =
    and fst.ownerid='john'
    and fs.tenantid='d'
    )update formsubmissiontype
    set tenantid='mytenant'
    where ownerid='john'
    and tenantid='d'


    " override="false"/>
    <Parameter name="frevvo.xforwarded.port.header" value="X-Forwarded-Port" override="false"/>

    Moving users to a different tenant

    This section describes how to move a user to a different tenant. In the steps below, we will move the user john from a source tenant (will use tenant d) to a target tenant (will use mytenant as the target name).

    1. If the target tenant does not exist, create it by following these steps. For the sake of this document, I will assume the target tenant id to be mytenant
    2. Login to the target tenant as an admin and create a user with the same id as the user in the original tenant. In this example, the user id is john in the tenant mytenant.
    3. Transfer the applications to the new user account in the target tenant
      1. Login to the source tenant as a tenant admin. For instance admin@d
      2. Navigate to Manage > Manage Users.
      3. Login as the user you want to move. 
      4. Navigate to the user's applications page. 
      5. Download each application for that user and save to a folder in your file system. 
      6. Logout
      7. Login as the user in the new tenant: john@mytenannt.
    4. Verify that the submissions are properly being loaded for all forms. In the submissions repository page make sure to adjust the initial and end dates to a window of time that you know have submissions for that specific form.
    5. Update references to the forms. After going trough the steps above, the URL to the forms owned by the user will be different than what they were originally. You need to update all references to the forms in published links and pages where the form should be embedded.

    Show/Hide Tenant Login

     is a multi-tenant application. See the administration section on Manage Tenants. However, it is possible that all you need is a single tenant. If this is your case it simplifies  server login if you hide the tenant input on the  login page.

    This can be changed by editing <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps\frevvo\WEB-INF\web.xml. Uncomment the parameter and set the param-value to the name of your one tenant. Next set the param-value of to false.

    Here is how the parameters appear after editing:

    Code Block
            <description>Default Tenant</description>
            <description>Show Tenant Box on Login Page</description>

    Restart your  server and the next time you login you will only need to enter your username and password.


    These two config parameters can also be overridden in <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml. This keeps all your modified parameters in one place and makes it easy to upgrade to newer releases.

    Code Block
    <Parameter name="" value="mytenant" override="false"/>  


      1. Upload the applications you've downloaded in the previous steps. 
    1. Move the submissions in the submissions repository. You need to run these steps in the database where you persist the  submissions. Please back up your database before moving forward
      1. Login to your database.
      2. Edit the script shown below to:
        1. Replace the word johnwith the id of the user you are migrating.
        2. Replace the tenant id d with the id of the source tenant. The default tenant in  is called d so if you are moving the user as part of an upgrade from 3.4.x chances are that your source tenant is d
        3. Replace the word mytenant with the name of your target tenant 
      3. Run the script shown below in your  submissions database.


    Code Block
    update formsubmission
    set tenantid='mytenant'
    where id in (
    select from formsubmission fs, formsubmissiontype fst 
    fs.formsubmissiontype_formtype_id =
    and fst.ownerid='john'
    and fs.tenantid='d'
    )update formsubmissiontype
    set tenantid='mytenant'
    where ownerid='john'
    and tenantid='d'


    1. Login as the user in the new tenant.
    2. Verify that the submissions are properly being loaded for all forms. In the submissions repository page make sure to adjust the initial and end dates to a window of time that you know have submissions for that specific form.
    3. Update references to the forms. After going trough the steps above, the URL to the forms owned by the user will be different than what they were originally. You need to update all references to the forms in published links and pages where the form should be embedded.


    Show/Hide Share Dialog Options


          3. Replace the value,102400 in this example, with the maximum size of the attachment that you want. The value must be entered in bytes. The default value is 10485760 bytes.

          4. Restart .


    Now that you can take pictures using your mobile device camera and/or upload images to your , the default value of If you are using MySQL, and you upload a large image or you are using a workflow that contains a large pdf, , you may see this error:

    Image Added

    The default value of the max_allowed_packet parameter in your MySQL server may not be large enough if you are using MySql. Refer to this website for detailed information about the MySql configuration parameter. Increasing the max_allowed_packet variable setting in your MySQL Server from the default (1M) to something like 16M (16777125) fixes the issue. To fix the issue temporarily, run the following commands:

    • mysql -u root
    • set global max_allowed_packet=16777216

    To permanently set it, choose one of the two methods listed below:

    • You can add the parameter  - max_allowed_packet=16M to the mysqld command line or (mysqld_safe command line) as shown: 

     mysqld --max_allowed_packet=16M 

    • Edit the MySql configuration file (my.ini on Windows/ my.cnf on Mac OS) and add max_allowed_packet=16777216 to the [mysqld] section. 
    Code Block
    max_allowed_packet = 16M
    • Restart MySQL.
    • Restart frevvo. 
    • The setting will permanently take effect.

    On Mac OS, you can access the my.cnf file by typing

      • sudo vi /etc/my.cnf

     The location of the my.ini/my.cnf file varies by configuration.
