Versions Compared


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Rules are probably best described by using examples. This chapter contains numerous real world samples.


Table of Contents

Calculate a Total

You have a form with three controls and you have assigned them Names N1, N2 and T respectively. When the user enters a value in either N1 or N2 you want to set the value of T to the sum of N1 and N2. The rule would be written as

Code Block
T.value = N1.value + N2.value;


Show/Hide Manager Approval

You have a flow and the first form has a Section for manager approval. The Section is hidden by default. Here is an example of a rule that makes the section visible in the second step of the flow which is a linked activity assigned to the manager role. 

Code Block
if (form.load) {
  var an = _data.getParameter ("");
  if (an === 'Manager' || an === 'VP'){
    ManagerApproval.visible = true;
  } else {
    ManagerApproval.visible = false;


The 1st rule "Load Products" populates both the visible and hidden dropdowns with options from a database.

Code Block
/*member descriptionproductCode, productIdproductName, resultSet */
var x;
if (form.load) {
  eval('x=' + http.get('http'));   
    var opts1 = [];
     var opts2 = [];
     for (var i=0; i < x.resultSet.length; i++) {
         if (x.resultSet[i]) {
             opts1[i] = x.resultSet[i].descriptionproductName; 
            opts2[i] = x.resultSet[i].productIdproductCode;
Products.options = opts1;
  PID.options = opts2;
  Products.value = opts1[0]; // default to 1st product option
  PID.value = opts2[0]; 

Finding a Selected Options Index


Code Block
if (Products.value.length  > 0)

     var i;
     for (var x in Products.options) {
        if ((Products.value + '=' + Products.value) === Products.options[x]) {
            i = Products.options.indexOf(Products.options[x]);
  PID.value = PID.options[i] + ''.split('=')[0];


In v4 rules using hidden dropdowns to keep descriptive option labels visible to the user while keeping cryptic database values hidden are often no longer necessary. Dropdown options have values distinct from the human visible option labels. The above can now be achieved with a single simpler rule:



Rules initializing dates & time will not work in a form.load rule unless you specify a timezone on the form's Url via the _formTz Url parameter. This is because the form server needs to know the timezone in which to return the date and time. If you do not specify a _formTz the methods will return null and the control values will remain blank. The timezone strings can be found here. For example, to specify Eastern time: &_formTz=America/NewYork.



This form initializes the hospital discharge date using a rule, and when the user enters the admission date a 2nd rule calculates the number of days the patient stayed in the hospital.

Image Removed


example form automatically determines today's date and then calculates the person's age in the control named 'Age' when they enter their birth date into the control named 'BirthDate'.

Image Added

Code Block
if (BirthDate.value.length > 0) {
  var today = new Date();
  var dob = BirthDate.value.split('-'); 
  var dob2 = new Date(dob[0],dob[1]-1,dob[2]);
  var age = today.getFullYear() - dob2.getFullYear();
  if (today.getMonth() < dob2.getMonth() || 
     (today.getMonth() === dob2.getMonth() &&
      today.getDate() < dob2.getDate())) {
    age -= 1;
  if (age >= 0) {
     Age.value = age;
  } else {
     Age.value = null;


This form initializes the hospital discharge date using a rule, and when the user enters the admission date a 2nd rule calculates the number of days the patient stayed in the hospital.

Image Added

Code Block
/ Calculate Hospital Stay Duration 
if (A.value !== '' && D.value !== '') { 
    var da = A.value.split('-'); 
    var Ams = new Date(da[0],da[1],da[2]); 
    da = D.value.split('-'); 
    var Dms = new Date(da[0],da[1],da[2]);
    if (Ams > Dms) { 
        Days.value = 'Discharge date must be after Admission Date'; 
    } else { 
        Days.value = (Dms - Ams) / (1000*60*60*24) + ' days'; 


Duration Between Date and Time

Here is a rule example to calculate the time difference between two Date/Time values in hours:minutes format :  


One special consideration for tables is that rules which dynamically set the column header label, hint and help mesages must use the array syntax. This is somewhat counter-intuitive since each column appears to have only a single label, help and hint. Here is the rule to dynamically set these three properties: 



Code Block
FirstName[0].label = 'blah label';
FirstName[0].hint = 'blah hint';
FirstName[0].help = 'blah help';

Clearing Values in a Table

This rule clears the values from all rows in a table. Notice the For loop that iterates over all the rows. Inside the loop a null value is assigned to all the columns in the table row.

Code Block
for (var i = 0; i < Col0.value.length; i++) { 
    Col0[i].value = null;
    Col1[i].value = null;
    Col2[i].value = null;

You cannot clear an entire table from a rule.


A section in a repeat will behave differently than a table row when using a rule to set the valid property. For Example, drag and drop a table control into your form. Name it T. Then drag and drop a section into the same form. Name it S. Add a control to the section. Name the control C. Drop the section into a repeat named R. Add this rule to the form.

Code Block
 S[0].valid = false;
 TItem[0].valid = false;

The section header shows "Invalid value" as a message while the table row shows no such indication signifying an invalid row.


Code Block
if (form.load) { 
    if (_data.getParameter('') === 'Manager Review') { 
Review.visible = true; 



Rules can be used to finalize field values after the users clicks the form's submit button but prior to the Form and Doc Action execution. Rules using form.unload are triggered when the form user clicks the submit button and for workflows when the user clicks continue to go to the next activity or finish to complete the flow.


A rule can dynamically display an image uploaded to your form via the upload control. In this example the upload control is named 'u'. The form also must contain a message control as a place holder for displaying the uploaded image. The rule dynamically creates a URL to the uploaded image in the temporary attachment repository. The upload control's value 'u.value' is a GUID that uniquely identifies the attachment. The uploaded image is included in the submissions pdf.

Code Block
if (u.value.length > 0) {
  var baseUrl = _data.getParameter('_frevvo_base_url') + 
      "/frevvo/web/tn/" +
      _data.getParameter('') +
      "/user/"+_data.getParameter('') +
      "/app/"+_data.getParameter('') +
  im.value = "'<img src="'" +
         baseUrl + "'/attachment/"' + u.value+"'/does_not_matter'"/>"';

Here is the example form before and after the user has uploaded the orangegrove.png image:
