Section | |||||||||||||||||
The frevvo-config.properties is a standard java properties file (see some examples here). All of the context-parameters currently found in web.xml or any valid context parameter can be configured in this file.
- Create the frevvo-config.properties file. The context-parameters follow a simple context-parameter=value syntax (shown below) in the below) in the frevvo-config.properties file:
Code Block |
frevvo.data.sources.top=true |
frevvo tomcat bundle
In the frevvo tomcat bundle, the frevvo-config.properties file is located in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf directory. The path to the frevvo-config.properties file
is specified in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\bin\sentenv.bat.sh files
Code Block |
frevvo.link.default.url=http://frevvo.com/ frevvo.data.sources.top=trueset CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -Dspring.config.location="file:///%CATALINA_HOME%/conf/,file:///%CATALINA_HOME%/conf/frevvo-config.properties" |
Updating the frevvo-config.properties requires server re-start.
Changing the admin password
- If you enter an email address in the frevvo.xml parameter and leave the Email address fields on the Edit Tenant screen blank - Doc action emails will use the frevvo.xml from email value and task notification will use tenant admin's email address.
- If you enter a value into the Email address fields on the Edit tenant page - Doc action and task notification emails will use this value. The value in the frevvo.xml file is overridden.
If you want to use the frevvo.xml value for Doc action emails, leave the tenant from email address blank. This would mean flow task notifications will use tenant admin's email address.
Debug sends more debugging info to the tomcat log files. And bounce.email sets an address to receive emails that cannot be delivered to the to email recipients.
is a multi-tenant application. See the administration section on Manage Tenants. However, it is possible that all you need is a single tenant. If this is your case, it simplifies the server login if you default the @<tenantname> so the user only needs to enter their username to login. Customers who default the tenant login normally would also customize the placeholder on the login screen. Please read that topic for details.
There are two files where the changes to default the tenant login to your tenant name can be made: web.xml or the frevvo.xml. The recommended approach is to add the configuration parameters to the frevvo.xm;l file as it keeps all your modified parameters in one place and makes it easy to upgrade to newer releases. Since the file is outside the frevvo war, you avoid the unzip/rezip of the of the frevvo.war that is needed if you make the changes in web.xml. Examples containing the context parameters for both files are shown below.
Note |
There will be three additional logfiles when running Tomcat as a Windows service:
Using Debug Mode to see logged in users
If the log level is set to DEBUG, then you will see user login and logout information in the <frevvo-home>\frevvo\tomcat\logs\frevvo.log file. Examples of log entries are shown below. Search for “Server num users” in the log file to quickly see the number of currently logged in/out users. Note the first log entry below shows the number of users currently logged in. Showing the list of currently logged in users via the UI to the superuser and tenant admins is planned for a future release.
User login:
10:01:40.813 |-DEBUG [http-nio-8082-exec-1] [ c.f.u.UsersMonitor] - Tenant (qa): login: num users: 1. Server num users: 1
--Number of currently logged in users
10:01:40.816 |-INFO [http-nio-8082-exec-1] [ c.f.b.d.DBUtil] - Getting User info for customer: fd tenant: qa
---User who is logging in
User Logout:
10:02:03.287 |-DEBUG [http-nio-8082-exec-5] [ c.f.u.UsersMonitor] - Tenant (qa): logout: num users: 0. Server num users: 0
10:02:03.287 |-DEBUG [http-nio-8082-exec-5] [f.f.w.SessionFormsListener] - Forcing a Subject qa@fd logout on session expiration ...
---User who is logging out
The following screen displays when a user tries to submit a form from a timed out session.
Editing Submissions
Designer users can view/edit submissions by clicking the edit link on the submissions panel. Non designer users can view/edit submissions by clicking on the Shared Items tab if they have been granted permission to do so by the designer via the Access Control feature. The frevvo.submission.edit .link parameter must be set to the default value of true, for the edit link to be visible to any user. To disable the edit link on the submission panel, change the default value of true to false for the frevvo.submissions.edit.link configuration parameter in <frevvo-home>/WEB-INF/web.xml file. The web.xml file must be unzipped from the frevvo.war before it can be edited. Follow the instructions above to unzip, modify and rezip the war file.
- If the target tenant does not exist, create it by following these steps. For the sake of this document, I will assume the target tenant id to be mytenant.
- Login to the target tenant as an admin and create a user with the same id as the user in the original tenant. In this example, the user id is john in the tenant mytenant.
- Transfer the applications to the new user account in the target tenant
- Login to the source tenant as a tenant admin. For instance admin@d.
- Navigate to Manage > Manage Users.
- Login as the user you want to move.
- Navigate to the user's applications page.
- Download each application for that user and save to a folder in your file system.
- Logout
- Login as the user in the new tenant: john@mytenannt.
- Upload the applications you've downloaded in the previous steps.
- Move the submissions in the submissions repository. You need to run these steps in the database where you persist the submissions. Please back up your database before moving forward.
- Login to your database.
- Edit the script shown below to:
- Replace the word johnwith the id of the user you are migrating.
- Replace the tenant id d with the id of the source tenant. The default tenant in is called d so if you are moving the user as part of an upgrade from 3.4.x chances are that your source tenant is d.
- Replace the word mytenant with the name of your target tenant
- Login to your database.
- Edit the script shown below to:
- Run the script shown below in your submissions database.
Info |
If you are using MySQL, and you upload a large image or you are using a workflow that contains a large pdf, , you may see this error: The default value of the max_allowed_packet parameter in your MySQL server may not be large enough. Refer to this website for detailed information about the MySql configuration parameter. Increasing the max_allowed_packet variable setting in your MySQL Server from the default (1M) to something like 16M (16777125) fixes the issue. To fix the issue temporarily, run the following commands: |
Skew error when logging into an Azure SAML tenant
Users logging into a Azure SAML tenant may encounter the error "Access Denied. Authorization Required". Examination of the frevvo.log shows the following entry:
Code Block |
Response issue time is either too old or with date in the future, skew 60, time 2016-06-01T05:49:25.330Z |
This error is typically caused by a clock synchronization issue between the SP (frevvo) and the Idp (Azure) or a genuine delay in the connection. If you get this error, you can change the value of the context parameter, com.frevvo.security.saml.response.skew, to specify the time in seconds allowed between the request and the response from Azure to a value greater than the default value of 60 seocnds.
If you are using the tomcat bundle, the configuration parameter - com.frevvo.security.saml.response.skew - can be added to the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file. This is the recommended location.
Changing the Default Task Notification Email Message
If you want to change the default task notification email for your server, add this parameter in your \frevvo\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file in the frevvo war section:
Code Block |
<Parameter name="frevvo.task.notification.email.message" value="You can access your task list by clicking: {task.list.url}" override="false"/> |
Change the value in this parameter to anything you want. The task.list.url template {task.list.url} is a built-in template in and it will always point to your frevvo server's task list URL. If you do not want the link in your task notification emails to go there, you can remove it. The default message can include form control templates.
On Mac OS, you can access the my.cnf file by typing
The location of the my.ini/my.cnf file varies by configuration.