- All Raw form link parameters
- id -- Use this when embedding multiple forms in the same web page. Each form needs a unique id. Not required for pages with only one form.
- ifname --Select the custom id for the iframe that will be auto generated by the script (default is 'frevvo-form'), i.e. name of the iframe.
- width=(num) -- Sets the initial iframe width. Defaults to 600. Only effective when resize=false.
- height=(num) -- Sets the initial iframe height. Defaults to 600. Only effective when resize=false.
- resize=(true/false) -- Automatically resizes the space (height, width) used by the form when resize=true. Defaults to true when the form is used on a desktop device. Defaults to false when the form is used on a mobile device such as the iPhone or iPad. When resize=false the form will remain in the width & height you set and the browser will add horizontal and vertical scrollbars if/when needed.
- container=(true/false) -- Adds a border around the form and centers the form when container=true. Defaults to false.
- scrolling -- Do you want scrolling? Puts scrolling attribute on the iframe. Defaults to auto. See the html scrolling attribute for values.
- center=(true/false) -- This parameter applies to the container so is only effective when container=true. Defaults to true. Set to false to left/top justify the form on the page.
- border=(true/false) -- This parameter applies to the container so is only effective when container=true. Defaults to true. Set to false to remove the border.
- onInit -- A javascript function in scope that will be called before the form is instantiated.
- onSubmit -- A javascript function in scope that will be called after the form is submitted.
- _test -- Do you want to generate a debug console? Defaults to false
Tip |
For this version, embedding Embedding the task list successfully into an HTML page requires setting its width. You must explicitly add %26tasks-width=1000px or whatever width you want and it should work fineXXXpx - where XXX equals the width that you want. Here is an example: <script> src="http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/embed?resize=true&container=true&border=false&url=http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/tn/{tn.id}/subject/{subject.id} /tasks%3fembed=true%26container=true%26resize=true%26tasks-width=1000px" type="text/javascript"></script> |
The Form Action can be overridden by using these special (reserverd) URL parameterparameters. The presence of _formActionUrl overrides any Form Action in the Form Designer by specifying which Url to go to when the form gets submitted.
_formActionTarget is optional and only taken into account when _formActionUrl is specified. It can be set to one of the values: frame, parent, top (lower case). It defaults to Frame frame if not specified.
When the _formActionUrl parameter is set but no Url is given (i.e. ...&_formActionUrl =&embed=...) the top frame will be closed. It is as if you set Form Action to Close" in the Form Designer.
For example... the share Url with &_formActionUrl=http://www.google.com, will cause the form to display google.com when it's submitted, even if in the Form Designer you had set the Form Action to be "Display Message" or one of the other options.
The designer can override the standard message that displays when the user clicks on the Cancel button in a form and redirect them to a webpage of your choice by appending the _cancelUrl=(some Url) to the raw form link. For example, if you want to redirect users to http:www.google.com the raw form link should look like this:
Code Block |
https://app.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/user/f_tom/app/_gaj78BYjEeWyUNZ2H44ezg/formtype/_22gHkKKLEeWnp4XR1Gz4eA?_method=post&embed=true&_cancelUrl=http://www.google.com |
The user must click "Yes" for the warning message "Are you sure?" and then will be directed to the specified Url.
Setting _cancelUrl= to blank closes the target window or tab if it was opened by javascript or <a target="new"…/>. Otherwise it will simply show a blank page.