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Table of Contents

Unix Installation

 provides a bundle that includes Tomcat version 7.0.35 and has the frevvo web application, the database connector web application and the Google connector web application pre-deployed and pre-configured. The bundle works on Windows, Linux and Mac systems without any further configuration. If you are evaluating , we strongly recommend the bundle.

  1. You must register for a account, generate a 30 day trial license and download the tomcat bundle from the  web site.
    1. Download the tomcat bundle to your local machine
    2. Fill in the form to register. You will receive an email with a link to activate your account. Click the link in the email.
  2. Ensure that you do not have another server running on port 8082.
  3. Unpack the file to the location of your choice: e.g. /Users/me/frevvo. We'll refer to this directory below as <frevvo-home>.
  4. Ensure that the scripts are executable: chmod 755 <frevvo-home>/tomcat/bin/*.sh
  5. Start : <frevvo-home>/tomcat/bin/ run. This starts tomcat on port 8082 with pre-configured.
  6. In your browser, go to http://<server-name>:8082/frevvo/web.On the page that is displayed, copy and paste the license that you generated and click Submit.
  7. If frevvo does not accept your license after multiple attempts, please try restarting your frevvo server after the license install. <frevvo-home>/tomcat/bin/ stop. When tomcat has stopped, restart using <frevvo-home>/tomcat/bin/ run.
  8. In your browser, go to http://<server-name>:8082/frevvo/web.
  9. Login to  as user "admin", password "admin".  Change the admin password if you want.
  10. We strongly recommend that you do not use the admin user to create your own forms. Add a new user for that purpose.
  11. Click the "manage" link in the top right menu.
  12. On the page that is displayed, click the "Manage Tenants" link.
  13. There is a single tenant named d. This is the default tenant.

Setup for Forms only

  1. Click the Image Removed icon, to administer the default tenant.
  2. On the page that is displayed, click the "Manage Users" link.
  3. There are four default roles listed, frevvo.Designer, frevvo.Editor, frevvo.Publisher and frevvo.ReadOnly.
  4. Click the Image Removed icon, fill in the form and submit it. The user will be created.
  5. Logout of the admin account and login as the new user.
  6.  is installed and ready for use.

Setup for Forms and Workflows 

  1. Click the Image Removed icon to create a new tenant, fill in the form and submit it. The new tenant will be created.
  2. Click the Image Removed icon, to administer the newly created tenant.
  3. On the page that is displayed, click the "Manage Roles" link.
  4. There is a single role (frevvo.Designer).
  5. Click the Image Removed icon, fill in the form and submit it to create new roles e.g. Employee or Manager.
  6. Click the 'Back to Manage Tenant' link.
  7. On the page that is displayed, click the "Manage Users" link.
  8. There is a single user (the administrative user you defined when you created the tenant). Note that you will have to click the link to display All users. By default, only users beginning with the later A are displayed.
  9. Click the Image Removed icon, fill in the form and submit it. Assign roles to the user as desired. Note that you must assign the frevvo.Designer role to any users who wish to design forms.
  10. The new user will be created. Create as many users and assign them roles as needed.
  11. Logout of the admin account and login as one of the newly created users with the frevvo.Designer role and start building forms and workflows.
  12. Note that you must login using the syntax: userid@tenant for the user name. For example, if the newly created tenant was named then all users in that tenant must login using the ID: Type in your password as before.
  13.  is installed and ready for use.

Although we recommend Tomcat 7, we realize that you may have a customized tomcat environment and just want to drop the v5.x frevvo.war into it. If it is a tomcat 6 installation, here are some tips :

  1. 5.x requires JDBC4. Tomcat 6 ships with DBCP 1.3, which is compatible with JDBC3 not 4. Update the tomcat-dbcp.jar file in your installation with the tomcat 7 version.
  2. The v5.x frevvo.war file requires a javax.transaction implementation jar in the servlet container. This file is not bundled with the war. For Tomcat installs, copy the jta-1.1.jar, included in the Tomcat bundle, into your tomcat/lib folder. Full J2EE containers already have the jta jar in the classpath.

Next Steps

Your Live Forms server installation is complete. You are now ready to create your firsts tenant, users, forms and workflows. See the documentation for creating a tenant and users.

You can find examples on creating your own workflows on the Tutorials and Webinars page.