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The default value for the Element Name property is form. The root element name in the submission xml of a form created from the designer palette is determined by the value in this field. It needs to be a valid XML element name. The designer can now change the name of the form without impacting the element name. Form schema and the generated xml file show the element name. If you want a form name with international characters, you must enter the international chars into the Element Name field. When the form name is updated, and 'Element Name' is kept the same, previous submissions can be initialized successfully. When 'Element Name' is updated, previous submissions cannot be initialized.
When your form loads it will send a page view event to your Google Analytics account if you enter your Google account tracking ID into this form property. Please refer to the Google's documentation for information about finding your Google Analytics tracking ID.
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Searchable fields configured for a form or flow are the fields that may be used to filter submissions in the submissions view. By default, all your data is saved as an XML document. This is the most efficient way to store/access your data both in terms of speed as well as storage. However, if you prefer to view your data via the submissions user interface, you can choose which fields are available to the user as search criteria in addition to the XML data. Considerations when deciding which types of fields to configure are listed below.
Designers should carefully consider which fields to designate as Searchable fields. The selection of the correct fields as search criteria can be very helpful with submission and Task List searches. Clicking on the Click to setup Searchable fields link displays the setup wizard. This link is on the form's properties as shown below. If you have navigated away from the form's properties and instead see a control properties panel, just click anywhere on the toolbar to return to the form's properties. Searchable Field wizard The wizard displays the fields from your form/flow. Only controls that are considered form data will be listed. For Example, the link, signature, image, upload, trigger, section, PageBreak, Message, Form Viewer and video controls will not show up in the Searchable field lists as there is no value to save or query against. Also, group controls (tabs, panels, repeats) will not show up on the list of Available Fields.
Move the the fields listed in the Available Fields tab that you want to use as search criteria to the Searchable Fields tab. You can change the order of the fields when you move them into the Searchable Fields area. The order of the form fields will be reflected in the Submission Table and the export to a csv file once existing submissions are resubmitted or a new submission is created. There are two ways to select/unselect or reorder Searchable fields :
Click Finish to save. Selecting the X in the upper right corner cancels any changes. Remember to save your changes when you exit out of the designer.
Note the first five fields in the Searchable Fields list are marked with double asterisks. These 5 searchable fields will be the key fields for the submission in the legacy view. Maximum Number of Searchable Fields Cloud customers can configure up to 20 Searchable fields. In-house customers can change the maximum number of Searchable Fields with a configuration parameter. When an attempt is made to add more than the maximum configured number of Searchable fields, an error message ("Maximum Number of Searchable Fields Exceeded!"). displays on the lower right of the screen and will disappear after a short time. Any fields in excess of the maximum configured number will not be allowed. Adding/Removing Searchable Fields tabYou will see If you add or remove a field from the Searchable Fields tab, the change will only affect new submissions. In-house customers can manually run the Insight Batch job to update older submissions so the field can be used as search criteria. Saved Fields tab You will see a Saved Fields tab in addition to the Searchable Fields tab. This tab displays only when the Legacy Submissions view is configured as it is in the cloud. The only reason to configure Saved Fields for a form/flow is if you want to use the Export to Excel which is only available in the Legacy Submissions view. Remember, Saved Fields are stored in the database when the form/flow is completed. This can significantly reduce performance, especially for large forms and require additional storage in the repository.
In-house customers can choose to hide the Legacy Submissions view with a configuration parameter. If the Legacy submission view is not visible, the Saved Fields tab is not displayed in the Form/Flow designers and the Export to Excel feature is not available. |
This feature helps to protect your forms against spamming by automatic submitters. By selecting captcha, an image is displayed when a user submits your form, containing a string and also an audio recording. The user must enter the string into the specified input box. If the string is correctly reproduced, the form submission will be processed as usual. If it is not a new string is displayed and the user may try again. Click the
If you check this checkbox on the flow level and on each step in the flow a Save button will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you don’t want users to be able to save/load your form, uncheck the checkbox on the flow level or on specific steps so users will not see this buttonthis checkbox, a Save button will be displayed at the bottom of your form.
This feature is useful for lengthy forms where your users may not have all the information required to complete the form in a single session. By clicking on save the Save button a copy of the form with all the current values is saved on the form server. Later the user can re-open the form from their task list; see see Perform a task for more information. The form will populate the fields from with the saved values.
Users You can repeat the save/load steps save your partially filled in forms as many times as they wishyou want.
Currently the the Save for Later button for label for forms cannot be customized like it can for for flows. The ability to change the Save button label for forms will this may be available in a future release.
See the Save and Load feature, for full details.
Show in History
If this checkbox is unchecked, tasks for the form or flow will not appear in Tasks history searches. If you want them to appear, make sure this box is checked. Checking or Un-checking it affects all tasks including ones that were created prior to the action.
This property is currently ineffective for tenants with the default delegating security manager. However the delegating security manager may support SSO in the future.
Live Forms can be used to build accessible forms/flows that meet Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards. Check the Accessible property to turn on this feature. Refer to this documentation for the details.
Decorated is checked by default when you create a new form. If you uncheck Decorated at the form level, newly added controls will have their control level decorator property unset -- meaning no decorator. It will NOT remove the decorator from all controls already in the form. The decorated property can also be set at the flow level. The designer can select a decorator for each of the steps in a flow that will display on the navigation bar.