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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


To create a multi-page form with a navigation toolbar, simply drag and drop forms from the palette into the flow. You can also drag in a New Form, edit it and create the form on the fly. Do not assign any roles to the activities as shown below. The content of the Name field for each activity is displayed in the toolbar. You can set it to whatever you want.

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You can set Form and Document actions as usual. Click Finish and try the flow. 

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A navigation toolbar is displayed and the user will be able to navigate back and forth between the various steps in the multi-page flow. Note that you cannot go forward to the next step until the current step is valid.  will automatically enforce this constraint similar to the way forms cannot be submitted unless they are valid.


In a role-based workflow, you will assign one or more roles to one or more steps (activities) in the workflow. A step (activity) with roles can only be performed by an authenticated user who belongs to one of the assigned roles. Your administrator will have to create the required roles in advance. Once this is done, you will see the list of available roles in the properties for the activity. Simply pick one or more roles as shown in the image below.

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In this example, the second step (activity) can only be performed by a user with the role Doctor.


Sometimes, for example, when approving vacation requests or expense reports, you want the workflow to go to a specific person (the employee's manager rather than any manager). In this situation, roles are not appropriate since any user with the role Manager will be able to pick up and perform the pending request. In this situation, do not select any role and in the User field of the activity properties, enter a template e.g. {ManagerId} as shown in the image below.

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You must have a control in any previous activity with the specified name, i.e. in the example shown, you must have a control in the Vacation Request form from the first step with name ManagerId. This control must be populated with the  user id of the specific person that you want to route to. At run-time,  will resolve the target user id using the data in the ManagerId control and will route the workflow to that specific user.


In some cases, you may want multiple actions taken during a step in the workflow. For example, consider an Issue Tracking workflow where the first step is an Issue entered by an employee or a customer and the second step is Actions taken by support staff. There could be multiple actions before the issue is resolved; however all actions are performed by a member of the support staff. In this situation, you should select the appropriate role from the list of available roles or you can use a dynamic role as described above. In addition, make sure that the Save to Role and Save/Load checkboxes are checked. You should also make sure that Save/Load is enabled for the flow as a whole.

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At run-time, a member of the support staff performs this activity, takes an action and logs it in the workflow. While this user is performing the activity, other users in the Support-Staff role are locked out. When the user is done, he/she can click the Save button in the flow rather than the Continue or Finish button as shown below. This will place the step back into the Task List of all members in the Support-Staff role.


In some cases, you may want multiple actions taken during a step in the workflow but in an ad-hoc manner. For example, consider a workflow to review a proposal. The first step is the Proposal entry and the second step is the Reviews. However, a number of users may review the proposal in any ad-hoc order. In this situation, you should leave the roles blank and use a dynamic User as described above. In addition, make sure that the Save to User and Save/Load checkboxes are checked. You should also make sure that Save/Load is enabled for the flow as a whole.

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At run-time,  will resolve the dynamic user id using a control in the form and the proposal will first be routed to that user. The user can make comments and decide to pass it on to a different reviewer. To do so, he/she selects the next reviewer from a control in the form e.g. a drop down and clicks the Save button in the flow rather than the Continue or Finish button as shown below. This will place the step into the Task List of the selected Reviewer.
