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We will use a service helper such as NSSM (Non-sucking Service Manager). NSSM requires Java 7 or higher. You can download it from here.


You do not need to download the Solr software if you are using the tomcat bundle. It is already included.

  1. Extract the NSSM zipfile to a Program Files\nssm directory
  2. Open a command prompt. Run as an administrator
  3. Navigate to the directory under c:\Program Files\nssm\ that contains the nssm.exe file for Windows64 or Windows32

    Code Block
    For example, the path in Windows 7 would be C:\Program Files\nssm\nssm-2.24\win64
  4. Type: nssm install <service name> - Replace <service name> with the name you want to use for the Insight Server service.

    Code Block
    Ex: nssm install insightserver
  5. Browse to the location of the solr.cmd script by clicking on the three dots to the right of the Application Path field.

  6. Click on the solr.cmd file, then click Open.  The Application Path field will populate.

  7. Notice the Startup directory field also populates. REMOVE bin from the Startup directory field. The Startup directory should be: c:\<frevvo-home>\solr-5.4.1\

  8. Enter these Arguments:

    start -f -p 8983

    • the -f option starts the Insight Server in the foreground so NSSM can kill it when it needs to be stopped or started
    • the -p option specifies the port that the Insight Server is running on. The default is 8983. Change 8983 to the port number for your installation if necessary.

  9. Optionally, click the Details tab to specify a Display Name and Description - Ex: Insight Server, Script to Stop/Start Solr5. Notice the Startup type is set to Automatic.

  10. Click the Install service button. A success message displays:

  11. Start the Insight Server service from the Computer Management Services pane.

  12. Browse http://<your server:port>/solr to verify the Insight server is running. The <server:port> default values are localhost:8983. Change <your server>  to the server name and <your port> to the port the Insight server is running on if they are different than the defaults. Do not include the angle brackets <>. You will see the Insight server dashboard with the current status:


  1. Navigate to <frevvo-home>. Install as a service by running the Install-Service batch file as an administrator.
  2. Configure the service if you are using Windows 64 bit by clicking on the Configure Service batch file. You must run the Configure-Service batch file as an administrator.

    1. Change the mode on the Startup and Shutdown tabs from jvm to java. Save the changes.

  3. will appear under Windows services with the name frevvoforms with a Startup type of Manual. Change this to Automatic and start the service.


  1. From the administrative command prompt, type the following command with the name you gave to the Insight Server service:

    Code Block
    sc config frevvoforms depend= <name of the Insight Server service>

  2. ICheck Check the Dependencies tab of your Insight Server service in the Windows Services list, It should list frevvoforms as a system component that depends on the Insight service

  3. If you manually stop the Insight Server service, it will ask you if you want to stop Live Forms.


Troubleshooting Tips

Indexing related messages are captured in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\logs\frevvo.YYYY-MM-DD file. For example, if you run the Insight Data Batch process manually or if it runs automatically during an upgrade, messages from the process are found in the frevvo.log.