Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


It's very easy to get started with an evaluation copy of . You can subscribe to a free 30 day trial account of  Online or 30 day trial download and install  In-house. See Evaluating for help starting your trial evalutation.

Logging In 

1) Open the Login login page in your browser (.


  • In-house: http://<your server>:8082/frevvo/web/


  • login

2) Enter your username and password.

    • username = <your userId>@<tenantId>
    • password = <your selected password>

What happened to the tenant field? supports two different login styles. The first style has two login fields -- username and password. The username is composed of your userId followed by @ and followed by your tenantId. The second style has three login fields - username, password and tenant. Here the username is just your userId with no @ and no tenantId. And then your Your tenantId is expected in the tenant field.

Online now uses the first style. In-house defaults to the first style but you can configure your software to switch to the second style.


When using the second style you must login as the superuser admin with username admin@d rather than just username admin.

What You See when you are logged In
