Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
   var CustomEventHandlers = {
       setup: function (el) {
           if (CustomView.hasClass(el, 'SSN')) {
               FEvent.observe(el, 'keydown', this.formatSSN.bindAsObserver(this, el));
               FEvent.observe(el, 'keyup', this.formatSSN.bindAsObserver(this, el));
       formatSSN: function (event, element) {
           if (event.keyCode != 46 && event.keyCode != 8) {
               fldVal = $(element).value;
               var nom = fldVal.charAt(fldVal.length - 1);
               if (isNaN(nom) && nom != "-") {
                   $(element).value = fldVal.substring(0, fldVal.length - 1);
               } else {
                   if ((fldVal.length == 3) || (fldVal.length == 6)) {
                       $(element).value = fldVal + "-";
                   if (fldVal.length >= 11) {
                       $(element).value = fldVal.substring(0, fldVal.length - 1);


Correct the case of any text


Code Block
var CustomEventHandlers = {
   setup: function (el) {
       if (CustomView.hasClass(el, 'limit3')) {
           FEvent.observe(el, 'click', this.checkboxlimit.bindAsObserver(this, el));
   checkboxlimit: function (evt, el) {
       var checkgroup = el.childrenWithClassName('input');
       var limit = 3;
       for (var i = 0; i < checkgroup.length; i++) {
           checkgroup[i].onclick = function () {
               var checkedcount = 0
               for (var i = 0; i < checkgroup.length; i++)
               checkedcount += (checkgroup[i].checked) ? 1 : 0
               if (checkedcount > limit) {
                   this.checked = false
                   for (var i = 0; i < checkgroup.length; i++)
                   (checkgroup[i].checked) ? checkgroup[i].disabled = false : checkgroup[i].disabled = true;
               } else {
                   for (var i = 0; i < checkgroup.length; i++)
                   checkgroup[i].disabled = false;


Scroll to Top

A Tab control with many fields in each tab, may require a long scroll to switch from one tab to another. You can use a trigger control at the bottom of the first tab with a business rule to navigate the user to the second tab when the trigger is clicked. For example, when you click on the Next Tab trigger control on the Personal Information tab in the Application for Employment form shown a business rule will navigate the user to the Employment History tab. 


Code Block
var CustomEventHandlers = {
   uploadEl: null,
   setup: function (el) {
       if (CustomView.hasClass(el, 'onlyPDF')) {
           this.uploadEl = el;
       window.setTimeout('CustomEventHandlers.checkFile()', 3000); // set the initial timer
   checkFile: function () {
       for (var i = 0; i < this.uploadEl.parentNode.childrenWithClassName('f-file-upload-file-name').length; i++) {
           if (!(/^.*\.(pdf|PDF)$/.test(this.uploadEl.parentNode.childrenWithClassName('f-file-upload-file-name')[i].getAttribute('title')))) {
               alert("Invalid file '" + this.uploadEl.parentNode.childrenWithClassName('f-file-upload-file-name')[i].getAttribute('title') + "' will be removed.");
       window.setTimeout('CustomEventHandlers.checkFile()', 3000);


Automatically submit a form



 Users expect the submit and cancel buttons to be located at the bottom of a form. Moving the location of the Submit control is not recommended.


Submit on Enter Key Press

This JavaScript example will submit the form upon when the user pressing presses the Enter key.

Code Block
if (document.layers) {

document.onkeypress = function (evt) {
   var keyCode = evt ? evt.which : event.keyCode;
   if (keyCode == 13) {
   } else { 
      return true;


Continue/Finish button on top of the flow


Code Block
var CustomEventHandlers = {
   setup: function (el) {
       if (CustomView.hasClass(el, 'extra-submit')) {
           FEvent.observe(el, 'click', this.autoSubmit.bindAsObserver(this, el));
   autoSubmit: function (evt, el) {


Prevent Session Timeout

Sometimes you may need the session timeout for a particular form to be a lot longer than the default session timeout that makes sense for your entire tenant. Imagine your tenant session timeout in  is set to 30 minutes. One of your forms takes a long time to fill out. You want to allow idle periods greater than 30 minutes for that form only.


Code Block
if(form.load) { username.value = _data.getParameter('');}



Phone Dash

This custom JavaScript automatically inserts dashes as the user enters a phone number into a Phone control. Characters other than the dash entered into the control are deleted. Add PhoneInsert to the CSS Class property of the Phone control to enable this JavaScript. 

Code Block
var CustomEventHandlers = {
    setup: function(el) {
        if (CustomView.hasClass(el, 'PhoneInsert')) {
            FEvent.observe(el, 'keydown', this.formatPHONE.bindAsObserver(this, el));
            FEvent.observe(el, 'keyup', this.formatPHONE.bindAsObserver(this, el));
    formatPHONE: function(event, element) {
        if (event.keyCode != 46 && event.keyCode != 8) {
            fldVal = $(element).value;
            var nom = fldVal.charAt(fldVal.length - 1);
            if (isNaN(nom) && nom != "-") {
                $(element).value = fldVal.substring(0, fldVal.length - 1);
            } else {
                if ((fldVal.length == 3) || (fldVal.length == 7)) {
                    $(element).value = fldVal + "-";
                if (fldVal.length > 12) {
                    $(element).value = fldVal.substring(0, fldVal.length - 1);