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Upon successful upload, you will see this message with the number of roles and users that were created: "Users Loaded successfully. 1 Added, 3 Updated, 0 Deleted, 1 Roles Added." 


Updating Users and Roles using a CSV file


  • If you leave the roles column blank in the csv file you are using for updates, the existing roles for that user will be deleted. Be sure to add the roles relevant to the users you are updating so the existing roles are not cleared.

  • Customers who have automated csv uploads via the API (set up on versions earlier than v9.0) should be aware that passwords are no longer supported in csv upload and will be ignored.

CSV Upload Considerations


  • v11.3 User Homepage icon.PNG Display user's home page

  • v11.3 Manage User icon.PNG Manage User

  • v11.3 Add Signature icon.PNG Upload a signature image file that will be applied to all forms/workflows this user signs in place of his or her first and last name. Refer to Signature Images and  Electronic Signatures for more information.

  • v11.3 Login As User icon.PNG Login as the user

  • v11.3 Edit User icon.PNG Edit a user's profile including password, e-mail address, max upload attachment size, disable the user.

  • v11.3 Delete User icon.PNG  Delete user


  • The default maximum size for attachments in the DocuPhase Forms Cloud is 25 MB or 26214400 bytes. On Premise customers can use the frevvo.attachment.maxsize property to configure the maximum size for attachments.

  • The Reports To field is a ComboBox. Begin typing the userid of the person this user reports to and a list of matching users displays.

  • Select the Role from the dropdown, and add additional roles by using the green + icon. Remove roles using the red - icon.

  • Disable a user by setting Enabled to false.

  • To save changes, click Submit. To cancel changes, click "Return to Manage Users" at the top of the page.


  1. The DocuPhase Forms server can be configured with a configuration property to specify the maximum size for attachments. The upper limit for attachments in the DocuPhase Forms Cloud is 25 MB. Uploading attachments greater than this value shows this error message:

  2. The tenant admin can set the maximum file size per user by editing their profile. Add the value in bytes to the Max Attachment Size field on the Edit User screen.  

    The value in this field overrides the max size value configured on the server level, as long as it does not exceed that value. For example, if the Server was set for 20 MB and the user profile was configured for 15 MB, the user sees this error message when trying to upload a 30 MB attachment:

  3. Designers can specify the max file size per the Max Size property of individual Upload Controls. The image shows a 5 MB Max Size property specified for an Upload Control.

    If a user uploads a file larger than 5 MB to this control, they will see this error


Logged in users can change their password using the Manage Personal Information link under My Account on the top right of the screen. Tenant and server admins can change their passwords by clicking on the v11.3 Edit Admin user icon.PNG icon from the Edit Admin Users screen.


Password reset notifications sent via csv User upload and/or the Forgot Password process will expire after 24 hours. If the 24-hour window is exceeded, users can use the Forgot Password process to reset their password.


You can delete users from the Manage Users page by clicking the v11.3 Delete User icon.PNG Remove User icon beside their name, or you can delete users using the CSV Upload method by entering DELETE into the transaction column for the user(s). However, DocuPhase Forms recommends using caution with this process. Here are some best practices to keep in mind.

  • Before deleting a user, check that they do not have the frevvo.Designer role. You can check individually by editing the user from the Manage Users page. You can also use the CSV Download to see the roles for all users in a single document. You can also create a simple form with a business rule like this example to view all users with just the frevvo.Designer role in your tenant.

  • You should also search the Task List as the Tenant Admin for tasks assigned to that user. If there are any pending tasks, you may wish to reset, reassign or abort them. See the Searching the Task List documentation for details. Note that if you perform this step after deleting the user, you can still search by user but you must type in the userid exactly - the Locked by User search field will not recognize partial text and offer this user as an option. 

  • After deleting a user, you will still be able to see submissions submitted by that user. Their user ID and name will appear in the submissions table, and their signatures are still visible on Submission Detail View. You can also search the submissions repository by that userid.  

  • If you have workflow step(s) assigned to the user, you must edit the workflow step(s) and change the assignment to a valid user. The forms will not show an error in edit mode, but any future instances will cause an Invalid Task Assignment notice to be sent to the tenant/workflow admin. The tenant or workflow admin will need to reassign that task. Keep in mind that if you have dynamic step assignments in your workflows, you may need to check these to ensure this user can no longer be selected. For example, you may have a list of users are set as dropdown options, and the step assignment is set based on the value of the dropdown at run time. If the deleted user is selected from the dropdown and a step is assigned to them, you will receive an Invalid Task Assignment.

  • If the user has Access Control assignments on forms/workflows, those will still be visible. They are not valid, since the user no longer exists, but will not cause an error. You can remove such Access Control assignments at your convenience.

  • Keep in mind that there may be other places in forms/workflows that you referenced this specific user, such as business rules, email messages, etc. If you think this may be the case you will need to look at each form/workflow to remove or change that information.


Users can use the MY ACCOUNT > Manage personal information link to view and edit their personal information. Type in the fields and use the drop-down list to make changes, and then click Submit. For example, if users have their Task List open all day, they can change the value in the Task Notification Preference dropdown from Email to Off. This will stop Task Notification emails for all workflows.


The Task List does not automatically refresh. Users who rely on their Task List instead of Task Notification should manually refresh the list regularly.
