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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


ParameterDescription Default
frevvo.home.urlHome page for the Company Logo link ${context.path}
frevvo.logo.urlURL to the Company Logo image image. Also applies to Spaces${context.path}/images/bright/TransparentLogo-NoBeta.png URL URL to the Help page${context.path}${servlet.path}/static/help/designer to the Documentation to the Forum to the blog
frevvo.product.nameThe Product NameLive Forms
frevvo.copyrightProduct Copyright One-LinerCopyright 2006-2012 frevvo Inc. All rights reserved.
frevvo.license.url URL URL to License Agreement${context.path}${servlet.path}/static/termsDL Us email
frevvo.downloads.menuShow Downloads menu itemtrue Gallery (Examples) menu itemtrue
frevvo.templates.menuShow Templates menu item true
frevvo.css.urlCustom Stylesheet URL 
frevvo.poweredby.markupLogo in form footer when the Logo property setPowered by Live Forms™ title prefix for all Live Form pagesfrevvo menu bartrue
frevvo.oem.branding.classNames css class applied to body of UI pagesempty
frevvo.certificate.signature Ignore SSL Security when posting to an https endpointempty


 You can tell frevvo to ignore this error using the frevvo.certificate.signature context parameter . This should work with services that have self-signed certificates that aren't installed in jvm certificate file and . This parameter does not work with certificates from a security authority. Add this context parameter to the  web.xml file included in the frevvo.war zipfile. See Installation Tasks for the instructions to unzip and rezip the war after modifications to the web.xml are completed.
