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Prior to v10.3, Portals were known as "Spaces". Customers may have portals that were designed prior to v10.3 which still include the term "space" in lieu of "portal", e.g. in the default text on the home page. Share URLs to portals that include /space/<spaceid> will continue to work.

A frevvo portal is a website that organizes and displays projects, forms, workflows, tasks, etc. A portal has a tab for each project, and each tab has a drop-down list of the deployed forms/workflows in that project. Forms/workflows with visibility of public in tenant or private appear when the user logs into frevvo. When you click on a form or workflow name, the portal opens the form on the page. A portal also has a home panel and two optional panels at the left and at the bottom of its page. You can edit the content of any of these panels; you can also choose not to include the optional panels. You can apply a style to a portal as you do to forms/workflows. The selected style will be propagated to forms, workflows, and the Task List.

Portals can be used to simplify accessing forms/workflows/Task List from your iPhone or iPad. You can add thumbnail icons to your forms and workflows and the portal will display on mobile devices.

Each designer user in a frevvo tenant can create, edit, and delete their own portals. You can share the URL to a portal with others inside or outside your organization.


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Table of Contents

If you share a portal, you are essentially creating a website — anyone who has the URL can view the portal. Whether or not someone can actually open a form or workflow and use it depends on the form's Access Control Settings. A form or workflow must be Public for anyone to use it. An outside user will be blocked if he attempts to open a non-public form, and may even lose his session credentials with the portal. Forms/workflows must be deployed to production for them to automatically appear in a project tab menu. If the visibility of a form is restricted to a specific role via the ACL feature, the form/workflow will not appear on the portal menu unless the logged-in user has been assigned that role or they are the designer. 


  A form action display message formatted using html tags will not work like they do in your own custom website. XHTML in the display message is currently unsupported in frevvo portals.

Notice the First and Last Names of the logged-in user appear in the upper right corner.

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Create a New Portal

When you create a portal, frevvo creates a tab on the portal for each of your projects and also adds Task List, My Account, Shared Items, Home, and Login/Logout tabs. Refer to the Portal Content topic. The project tabs display all currently deployed forms/workflows in that project; undeployed forms and workflows are not included. For testing purposes, forms/workflows with a visibility setting of private are added to the portal menu if the user is logged in as a designer. A form/workflow with visibility set to "Authenticated Users (login required)" cannot be accessed unless the user logs in to the frevvo tenant. If the visibility of a form/workflow is restricted to a specific role via the ACL feature, the form/workflow, and its associated tab will not appear on the portal menu unless the logged-in user has been assigned that role or they are the designer. If a project has no forms/workflows, frevvo doesn't create a tab for it. 


When you access your portal with the Share URL, then click the Login tab, the whole screen becomes the frevvo login screen. Enter your credentials to view your portal.

Portals are always ‘public’ which means anyone with the link can access them. However, any forms or flows in the portal that require authentication cannot be accessed until the user logs in. If you would prefer that users log in before accessing a portal you can construct a share URL that used the target-uri query parameter to accomplish this. For example:

Code Block
In House: https://<your server host>:<port>/<frevvo home>/web/login?target-uri=<portalurl>


You can add the URL to an anonymous signup form for your tenant. Users can create a user account in your tenant using this published registration URL. The designer does not have to create the form, the URL shown below accesses the Add User Anonymous Register form included with frevvo. When this form is submitted, the user receives an activation email which enables the account.  

You must check Anonymous Users in your tenant to take advantage of this feature. Also, there is an invisible control on this form that requires the tenant's name. The form will not submit if this field is left blank. Append the  _data parameter to initialize the control with your tenant name: 
