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users with the frevvo.Publisher role perform a special function explained here. Publisher users have the ability to change ACLs for the forms/flows that they are moving from the development environment to production. They cannot, however, edit those forms/flows to use the Form/Flow Properties wizards to do so. Publisher users access the Access Control List by clicking the Lock icon after they log in. 
Designer users can also display the Access Control List by clicking the Lock icon on the Forms/Flows Home page but we encourage designers to use the Form/Flow Properties wizards to assign permissions. |
Note |
icon | false |
title | Important Note on Dynamic Access Controls: |
- Whenever a template is used to determine access control the derived set of users and roles are tied to the submission. They will only change if the submission is edited. Once a user/role is granted permission to a submission dynamically, that cannot be changed by editing the access control configuration in the designer.
- Dynamic ACLs work per submission when that form/flow is being submitted. If you change ACL permissions they will not take effect for the old submissions automatically as the related ACL record was not created when that particular submission was made. Old submissions must be edited and re-submitted for the changes to take effect.
- Templates are not recommended for the Who can edit the form/flow permission.
Who can start the form/flow
Who can edit the form/flow
Warning |
- Edit permissions should not be given to forms or flows currently in production use. Please see the Admin Best Practices Guide
- Users with this permission have the ability to run the Refresh Searchable Fields process for the forms/flows they are editing. This process updates existing submissions if changes are made to Searchable Fields.
Form and flow owners (designer users that created the form/flow) can give other users (designers/non-designers) the capability to edit form/flows. This is particularly helpful if a designer user takes a leave of absence or leaves the company. The "backup designer" has the ability to make changes to the form/flow without having to download the form/flow(s) from the owner's account to the backup designer's account. The "backup designer" also can view related submissions by clicking on the Submission or Legacy Submission icons. The ability to edit submissions is granted by a different permission.