Creating Forms and Flows
Thanks for using Live Forms frevvo. We recommend the following Tutorials to help you get started quickly.
- Forms Tutorial. This provides a quick introduction to using the Live Forms frevvo Designer to create forms and goes through some of the main features that are used most frequently.
- Workflow Tutorial: Live Forms frevvo offers powerful capabilities for routing forms around for approvals and signatures. This Tutorial gives you a comprehensive overview to learn about how to create approval workflows.
- Database Connector Tutorial: With Live Formsfrevvo, you can create dynamic forms that connect to your database, populate controls from the database, update drop down controls dynamically etc. This Tutorial works through several examples demonstrating various features.
- password = <your selected password>
Excerpt |
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title | Password Requirements |
| - A password strength meter appears when creating or updating a password. requires a minimum password strength of Strong. Strong and Very Strong passwords use uncommon words or phrases and unpredictable use of capitalization, numbers and special characters.
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title | Click here to learn more about passwords. |
| Good security is a desirable feature and is becoming mandatory with compliance initiatives like GDPR. This feature applies only to a tenant using the default security manager and to the tenant admin user for the SAML security manager. A user creating or resetting their password will be required to meet a password strength of Strong or Very Strong. Password strength is indicated as the user types by a Password Strength Meter visible below the entry. There are no specific length or character requirements, but the meter will detect the strength of the password based on use of uncommon words or phrases and unpredictable use of capitalization, numbers and special characters. Helpful suggestions appear to prompt the user towards a stronger password. Password length is limited to 100 characters and an error message will appear if user attempts to enter more than 100 characters. Users cannot use their old password or a temporary password as the new password. Tenant Admins can expire passwords by checking Change Password on Next Login on the Edit User page. Image Modified
Tenant Admins can update current users or add new users by uploading a CSV file. For security, the CSV file does not include a password column. Setting notifyIfNewUser to TRUE |
causes frevvo to send an email notification to the user prompting them to create a password. The defaults setting for notifyIfNewUser is FALSE, which allows Admins to set up users without passwords initially, and notify them to create passwords later. - Set notifyIfNewUser to TRUE to send new users and current users without a password an email to create a password. Current users who already have a password will not receive a notification, even if notifyIfNewUser is set to TRUE.
- Set notifyIfNewUser to FALSE to not send an email notifications.
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Password Reset email links will expire in 6 hours. |
Users added manually will not get an automatic email prompt, but can be required to update their password on next login. This is by design to allow Admin users to add users prior to production, and then notify them to update their password later. Image Modified

Info |
Click the Free Signup button to sign up for a free 30 day trial tenant. |
The page that displays is called the Application Home Page. If you are new to Live Forms and to frevvo and have not created any applications yet, you will see the following Getting Started message: Click the link to navigate to the Evaluation Guide for your version.
The Forget Password feature is not supported for users in a SAML tenant. If SAML tenant users browse the URL frevvo/web/login, enter their login id then click Forgot Password, they will see the following error message: