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Table of Contents

Multi-page forms (no roles)

To create a multi-page form with a navigation toolbar, simply drag and drop forms from the palette into the flow. You can also drag in a New Form, edit it and create the form on the fly. Do not assign any roles to the steps as shown below. 


A navigation toolbar is displayed and the user will be able to navigate back and forth between the various steps in the multi-page flow. Note that you cannot go forward to the next step until the current step is valid.  will automatically enforce this constraint similar to the way forms cannot be submitted unless they are valid.

Role-based workflow


See the Patient Referral Workflow Tutorial for detailed, step-by-step instructions.


In this example, the second step can only be performed by a user with the role Doctor.

Sending a workflow step to a specific user

Sometimes, for example, when approving vacation requests or expense reports, you want the workflow to go to a specific person (the employee's manager rather than any manager). In this situation, roles are not appropriate since any user with the role Manager will be able to pick up and perform the pending request. In this situation, do not select any role and in the User field of the step properties, enter a template e.g. {ManagerId} as shown in the image below.



You may want to route a step in a workflow to the user's manager.  provides a built-in template that is available for every transaction. Simply type the template {} in the User property for that step in your flow. The workflow will then be routed to the user who is specified in the Reports To field on the User's configuration screen

Using dynamic roles: determining the role at run-time

In some cases, the role is not known in advance. For example, you may have a workflow where the first step is a Purchase Order or a Loan Request and the second step is an approval; however the approval must be performed by a Manager if the amount is less than $1000 and a Supervisor otherwise. In this situation, do not select any role from the list of available roles. In the Role text field of the step properties, enter a template e.g. {ApproveRole} as shown in the image below.


You can populate this control manually (via a drop down or by typing the role) or preferably via a business rule that automatically sets the role depending on criteria such as order amount.

Looping between multiple users in a role

In some cases, you may want multiple actions taken during a step in the workflow. For example, consider an issue Tracking workflow where the first step is an Issue entered by an employee or a customer and the second step is Actions taken by support staff. There could be multiple actions before the issue is resolved; however all actions are performed by a member of the support staff. In this situation, you should select the appropriate role from the list of available roles or you can use a dynamic role as described above. In addition, make sure that the Save to Role and Save/Load checkboxes are checked. You should also make sure that Save/Load is enabled for the flow as a whole.


If you want to avoid users accidentally clicking the Continue/Finish button, place a Required control in the form such as a checkbox that must be checked before continuing to the next step. In this case, the Continue/Finish button will not be enabled until the checkbox is checked thereby preventing accidental clicks.

Viewing the status of an issue

Users can view the status of an issue using the Task List and its built-in search capabilities. You can search for any workflows that you have participated in. For all such workflows, you can view its history. The history can also contain annotations e.g. a brief summary of the last action taken.

Ad hoc workflow - pass steps between arbitrary users

In some cases, you may want multiple actions taken during a step in the workflow but in an ad-hoc manner. For example, consider a workflow to review a proposal. The first step is the Proposal entry and the second step is the Reviews. However, a number of users may review the proposal in any ad-hoc order. In this situation, you should leave the roles blank and use a dynamic User as described above. In addition, make sure that the Save to User and Save/Load checkboxes are checked. You should also make sure that Save/Load is enabled for the flow as a whole.


If you want to avoid users accidentally clicking the Continue/Finish button, place a Required control in the form such as a checkbox that must be checked before continuing to the next step. In this case, the Continue/Finish button will not be enabled until the checkbox is checked thereby preventing accidental clicks.

Send the Workflow to an Anonymous Participant

Sending a workflow step to an anonymous user ( a person who does not have an account in your tenant) is a common workflow scenario. Some examples are:


Refer to the Flow Tutorial for step by step instructions to create the Purchase Order workflow described above and for more information about other features available in 

Anonymous Screenflow

Automated Step

Workflow data can be sent to an external processing system by adding a http Wait-Notify step to a flow. When the flow executes this step, it will be suspended until the external system replies.


  1. The first step is the Membership Renewal form filled out by the member.
  2. The second Step uses http Wait-Notify to send the data to an external payment processing system. The flow suspends until that system replies.
  3. The third step sends the workflow back to a person to process the membership.

Rejecting a step: sending it back to the original user

In some cases, a workflow needs to go backwards. Non admin users can accomplish this by clicking a configurable Reject button on the form/flow where the user can select the step in the flow to go back to. Tenant and flow administrators use the  task list and its built-in modify task feature to reject, reassign or abort tasks. Refer to Using the Task List for information about how these features work.
