Welcome to frevvo! Start here to learn how easy it is to design and start using your first workflow. Follow this series of short videos to quickly learn how to:
- Create workflows
- Design forms
- Add business logic
- Route workflows dynamically
...and more.
Watch the Quick Start Video Playlist
You can watch the playlist on YouTube or follow along right here.
1. Create a 3-Step Purchase Order
2. Generate Form and Business Rules
3. Route to the Manager
4. Route to the Finance Role
5. Save and Reject a Workflow
6. Preconditions, Escalations and other Workflow Features
In Depth Tutorials
To get the most out of your evaluation, we recommend starting with the following Tutorials:
- Forms Tutorial. This provides a quick introduction to using the frevvo Designer to create forms and goes through some of the main features that are used most frequently.
- Workflow Tutorial: frevvo offers powerful capabilities for routing forms around for approvals and signatures. This Tutorial gives you a comprehensive overview to learn about how to create approval workflows.
- Database Connector Tutorial: With frevvo, you can create dynamic forms that connect to your database, populate controls from the database, update drop down controls dynamically etc. This Tutorial works through several examples demonstrating various features.
Learn More
Want to learn more about ? Visit our website for demos and video tutorials to help you get started.