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Editing Step (Activity) Properties

When you click on any step in the flow, the Properties panel displays properties (settings) for that step. The Properties panel is displayed in the lower-left portion of the Flow Designer. 

Each activity property setting is described below.  

On This Page:



This is the name of the form that you drag from the flow designer palette and drop into your flow. If you drag and drop a New Form from the palette, you can change this name to something more meaningful. Form names longer than 60 characters will be truncated.

Role List

This area displays a list of available roles. Roles are created by your tenant administrator or automatically imported from your LDAP or Active Directory server. You may select one or more roles here. When a role is selected, the step in question can only be performed by users belonging to that role. For example, if you have a Purchase Request workflow where the first step is to be completed by any employee but the second (approval) step must be performed by someone with the "Manager" role, you can select the Manager role for the second step. When an employee uses the workflow, completes the first step and clicks Continue,  will first check if the logged in user (the employee) belongs to the Manager role. If yes, then the second step is displayed. If not,  will suspend the workflow, generate a task and place it on the task list for users with the Manager role and display the Pending Msg to the employee.

Use the Role property instead if you want to dynamically select a role at runtime.

If the 1st activity has an assigned role and the flow is used by a person who does not have that role, the flow will be auto-started and automatically put on the task list of the users who have that role. The person who auto-started the flow will see the pending message configured for the 1st activity. By default they will see the message "Your request is being processed". This is a useful way to start a workflow by an automated service.


You can enter a comma separated list of roles in the role field, Ex: Manager, HR or use this field to dynamically determine a role at run-time. For example, you may have a workflow where the first step is a Purchase Order or a Loan Request and the second step is an approval; however the approval must be performed by a Manager if the amount is less than $1000 and a Supervisor otherwise. You will need a control in your form that is populated with the role that you want the flow to navigate to - in this case, Manager or Supervisor. To determine the role dynamically, enter the name of that control surrounded by curly braces in the Role text field for the steps in your flow that are going to use the role entered for routing e.g. {ApproveRole}. This is an example of using templatized strings for dynamic content. At runtime. Live Forms will resolve the target role using the data in the ApproveRole control and will route the workflow to that specific role. 

See the workflow example topic determining the role at run-time

A role entered in the 'Role' input box overrides the one selected in 'Role list'. This is as designed. 


This field causes workflows to behave similar to roles except that the target of the workflow is a specific user rather than all users with a specific role. For example, in a Vacation Request workflow, the first step is to be completed by an employee but the second (approval) step must be performed by a specific manager (person) rather than anyone with the "Manager" role. You can enter a value in this field. This field can use templatized strings for dynamic content, e.g. it can contain "{ManagerId}" where ManagerId is the name of a field in a form from a prior step.  will resolve the ManagerId string using the actual value of the ManagerId control and generate a task targeted at that specific user.

See the workflow example topic sending a workflow step to a specific user. A user id entered in 'User' input box overrides the one selected in 'Role list'. This is as designed.

You can only enter a single username in this field. Ex: nancy. Setting the user property to a comma separated list of usernames, Ex: nancy, prajakta, will not work. This will be treated as a single username.

CSS Class

This CSS class name will be added to the XHTML markup generated for this step in the flow. You can use this CSS class in any CSS when customizing themes.

Task Info

This setting overrides the default Task Info for the flow for this step only. It is similar to  Task Info for a flow.

Pending Msg

This setting overrides the default Pending Msg for the flow for this step only. It is similar to Pending Msg for a flow.  

History Msg

 You can use the History Msg property to type a message e.g. {EFullName} requested leave starting {StartDate} for {NumberOfDays} days.  At runtime, will resolve this message using the data from the form and save it in the audit trail. The names in the {} must exactly match the names of the respective controls.

Button Label

This is the label of the button that is displayed at the bottom of every step in the flow. The default label is Finish or Continue depending on whether or not the step is the last step in the flow.


Preconditions are used to add logic to your flow to skip or perform a step based on the data entered into prior flow steps. For example imagine a mortgage application in which a Supervisor had to perform a step for all mortgages over 500,000.00. To do this imagine the flow has a 1st step where the applicant enters the loan amount into a field named LoanAmount. Step 2 is performed by a bank Employee and Step 3 is performed by the Supervisor only for mortgages over 500k.

To do this add a precondition to Step 3

LoanAmount.value >= 500000

You can also set preconditions based on values in dropdowns and radios. For example imagine also the 2nd Step contained a dropdown control named SendToSupervisor with the values yes/no so the Employee could override the logic in the flow to send for Supervisor approval even for loan amounts under 500,000.00. Add the following precondition to Step 3

LoanAmount.value >= 500000 || SendToSupervisor.value == 'yes'

Either way Step 3 would be skipped for loans less then 500,000.00 or if the Employee set SendToSupervisor to 'no'.

The precondition logic is the same used when writing business rules. See the chapter on Business Rules. Make sure the controls used in preconditions are required controls. Controls without values used in preconditions will cause an error in the flow. Test for this when you are creating flows with preconditions to ensure that when the flow designer shares the flow with others that it will not display an error.

You cannot use form template syntax in preconditions.

To Skip an Activity if a Control Contains a Value.

In this example the Supervisor fills in the first step of the flow then they were required to enter their SupervisorTitle. The SupervisorTitle field is thus guaranteed to have a value. In this case to skip the next step, add this to the second activity's precondition.

SupervisorTitle.value != ''

Geo Location

If you want to enable the Geo Location feature for a flow , it is recommended that you create your form in the forms designer, turn on the geo location feature in the form and then drag and drop it into your flow from the Flow designer palette. Do this for each activity in your flow that you want to use the geo location feature. Click here for an explanation of the Geo Location feature.  

Setup Quick View

Quick View provides the ability for a user to see a simple view of a task in order to Approve or Reject it. A comment and/or signature can be added to the task without viewing the entire form. Quick View makes the process of task review/approval/rejection easy especially on mobile devices.

The Quick View icon will appear on the task list if the form in your flow has been setup for it. The Setup Quick View link in the activity properties panel in the flow designer brings up a wizard that will help you set up this feature.

The activity in the flow must have at least one Approval control to enable the Quick View feature. Approval controls are sections in your form that contain a textarea control. The Approval control section can NOT contain any other controls in addition to the text area. The section can be named anything.  It cannot be nested in a repeat or a signed section.  

The Approval control can be optionally set up to be digitally signed. Regular text digital signatures and Wet Signatures are supported. See Electronic Signatures for more information. The image below shows a section named Manager with a textarea control for comments. Text/Signature image is selected on the Signature dropdown on the section security tab. This section meets the requirements for an Approval control that can also be digitally signed.


Quick View will be disabled if the approval control is removed. It will be disabled for linked activities that might be using an approval control from this form.


There is also a visual cue, a lightning icon, that indicates whether quick view is enabled or not. 

Approval Controls cannot be nested in a Signed Section. Form/Flow designers should not drop a section that qualifies as an Approval Control (has a textarea control) into a section that is set up for a digital signature. This can result in an invalid scenario when editing submissions in a Work flow. You cannot nest an approval control inside a section that is already signed by a previous activity. For Example; Let's say the employee fills in the form and signs the Signed Section in the first task in a flow. The Quick View Feature is configured in this flow so the manager approves the request by entering comments in the Approval Control. Editing the submissions of this flow will result in the following error "Invalid signature detected. Data may have been tampered with" message as the signature data has changed and it is now considered "tampered with" upon submission initialization.

Use the Quick View wizard to set up a form in your flow with this feature. Let’s use an Employee On Boarding flow as an example.

The Employee On Boarding flow consists of 6 forms: Employee Information, Allowances, Additional Information, Confirmation, Approval and Office Use Only. The requirements are as follows:

  1. The new employee fills out 4 forms: Employee Information, Allowances, Education History and Confirmation.
  2. The Confirmation form allows the new employee the opportunity to confirm the information and view the generated W-4 form.  
  3. Upon submission, the flow is routed to the new employee’s manager for approval.
  4. Managers can approve/reject the forms from an iPad or iPhone, possibly using the Quick View feature. This is accomplished via a form in the flow named Approval.
  5. If approved, the task is sent to the Human Resources department so that the Office Use Only form can be completed.
  6. If rejected, the task is sent back to the new employee for correction.

The Approval form consists of one section named Manager Review. This section has one control in it – a text area where the manager can comment. The section is set up for a digital signature - the Text/Signature image choice is selected in the Signature dropdown on the Security Tab. This section meets the criteria for an Approval Control and can be used to setup the Quick View feature.

  1. Click on the form in your flow where you want to set up the Quick View feature.
  2. Click on Setup Quick View in the Properties pane. The Setup Quick View wizard will display.
  3. Click the Enable checkbox to turn the feature on.
  4. Type a Summary statement that will appear on the Task List, if desired. This is essentially the same as the Task Information. You can use Templatized Strings in your statement – clicking on the Control dropdown will list all the controls in all the forms in your flow in alphabetical order.
  5. Choose an Approval Control from the Approval Control dropdown. All section controls in that form that meet the criteria for an approval control discussed above will be listed.
  6. Click the Finish button to close the wizard.

 A Lightning icon appears on the activity in the flow once the Quick View has been enabled. This icon will appear and disappear as required when you enable/disable Quick View using the wizard.

You will see a message when you click on Setup Quick View if there are no section controls in the flow activity that meet the Approval Control criteria. 

Quick View and Save to Role or User are mutually exclusive. Clicking on Setup Quick View if Save to Role or Save to User are selected, will display a message referring to which Save to option is checked. will not allow Quick View Setup if Save to Role or Save to User are selected.

The Quick View wizard screen shown above displays in a manager's Task List as depicted here:

If an activity in a flow is setup for the Quick View feature and it is followed by a Summary activity or another activity accessible by the same role , the task will go right back onto the user's Task List. It will be locked by that user who must click on the perform  icon so the task can proceed to the next step in the flow. A flow where the next step after a Quick View approval is intended for the same user is not typical of good flow design. 

Refer to the Tasks Home Page for more information about how to use the Quick View Feature.

Setup Task Notification Email

Email notification is optional. Each user can configure their own email notification preference in their User Profile using the My Account link on their applications page.

When  generates a task and places it on a user's task list, a notification email is generated. Click on a task in your flow, and then click the Setup Task Notification Email link in the Properties panel to configure the email notification message for that task. A wizard is displayed.

The email wizard lets you set your own email subject and message. The message body can contain HTML and CSS, giving you the ability to generate nicely formatted emails. Form data values can be added to the message subject and body using control template names. Two dropdowns in the wizard make it easy to add control templates. The special template {task.list.url} can be used in the email body to generate a clickable link to the user's task list. If you are using the  Space feature it is more likely you might want to return to the user's task list in the space. To do this - modify the task notification email  to use a space specific URL. It is highly recommended for forms embedded in a space, that you change the default Task List special template to a space specific URL. Create a space specific URL by supplying a URL to the Task List with the space/spaceID/tasklist appended to it: 

You have a new task for New Hire. To access your task list,
please click on:

See the Email Integration topic for information setting up email notifications for form and flow submissions. This function uses a similar notification wizard.

The tenant admin can configure the from email address for task notification emails on the admin's Edit Tenant page.


If this is unchecked, then this activity will not appear in the Print View for the flow.

This is commonly used when you add the same form to the flow multiple times or use the linked activity feature to duplicate the same form for multiple activity steps such as is common when the same form is passed among multiple people for approval. In this type of workflow you should uncheck the printable property for all but one of the activities. It does not matter which you choose to leave printable in the case of linked activities since they are all the same form.

You can also have fine grained control over which controls appear in the print view by editing the activity step and setting the control's printable property.


This setting overrides default Save/Load for the flow for this step only. If Save/Load is enabled for the flow as a whole, you can uncheck this property to disable it for specific steps.

Save to Role

Normally, when you click Save to save a partially completed flow, the saved flow will only appear on your own task list. If you check this box, then the saved flow is assigned to all users in the Role that is specified for the current step. For example, you may have an Issue Tracking workflow where an employee submits an Issue and the Issue can be acted upon by multiple users in the "Admin" role before it is resolved. The first step is filled in by any employee. When the employee clicks Continue, a task is generated for an "Admin" user. Any user with the "Admin" role can perform the task. The user can enter some data and click Save. The flow goes back into a pending state and is placed on the task list for any "Admin" user. A different "Admin" user can pick it up and continue working on the issue. In this manner, you can create a step in a flow that loops several times before continuing.

Remember, you cannot select "Save to Role" if Quick View is enabled.

Save to User

Normally, when you click Save to save a partially completed flow, the saved flow will only appear on your own task list. If you check this box, then the saved flow is assigned to the user that is specified in the Users property. When you use this feature the User property should contain a template. For example, you may have form that needs to be reviewed and approved in an ad-hoc manner. See the flow example Ad-hoc workflow: pass activities between arbitrary users for a deeper understanding of this feature. In this manner, you can create a step in a flow that loops several times and that dynamically routes to different people before continuing.

Remember, you cannot select "Save to User" if Quick View is enabled.
