Unzip it to a location on your desktop.
Prior to frevvo v9.1.x, Projects were known as Applications. Some of the files and folders included in the Project Uploader .zip file will reference this terminology, such as "ApplicationUploader.jar" and "appuploader." Their function remains unchanged. |
Edit the path to point to the location of the Testdata_Folder directory. Be sure to keep the double backslashes to separate the directory names. In the example, frevvo is running on a local PC and the Testdata_Folder is located on the C drive of that PC in the Users\My Documents\Project Loader\ directory on a Windows system.
URL=http://localhost:8082 PATH=C:\\Users\\Owner\\My Documents\\Project Loader\\Testdata_Folder\\ |
Save the file with a .csv extension.
With a testdata.csv file configured as shown in the image the MiniTraining_forms, MiniTraining_Rules and MiniTraining_Workflows projects will be uploaded to users max, jack, andrea and meg in the training tenant when the ApplicationUploader.jar file is executed.
java -jar ApplicationUploader.jar
If successful, you should see the results in the command window. (This image refers to "Applications" in versions prior to v9.1. In v9.1 and later you will see Project names listed.)