Rename Tenant

You may have a need to change a tenant id; for example, if your business name changes and you would like your frevvo tenant id to match your new business or domain name. For On Premise customers, the server admin (admin@d) can change a tenant id using the Rename Tenant process. Cloud customers who want to rename their tenant should contact their account manager or to initiate this process.

This operation should be uncommon. The rename tenant process will run in the background and link all the data belonging to the old tenant id with the new tenant id. This can take up to 24 hours. Please ensure no users are logged into that tenant. Once completed, refresh all searchable items for the new tenant.

  1. First, ensure no users are logged into the tenant, and will not attempt to log in while the process runs.

  2. Select Rename Tenant from the Manager Server page.

  3. This opens the Rename Tenant page. You will see past processes and their status.

  4. Click the green plus icon to start a new Rename Tenant process. Enter part of the tenant ID and click Search. 

  5. Select the tenant id you want to rename. 

  6. Enter the new tenant ID, and confirm that you want to rename the tenant. This returns you to the Rename Tenant status page and you will see the message “Job was successfully started”.

Click refresh to check the status. Once it is complete, run the Refresh Searchable Items process for the new tenant.

Rename User

frevvo resources (forms, workflows, etc.) are tied to the designer user’s id. Changing a user id requires a running a process to re-assign resources from the old user id to the new one. In particular if you use a security manager (LDAP, SAML in discovery mode, Azure), a user id may change in the identify provider - frevvo will recognize this as an entirely new user, and that user will not have access to their prior resources until you run the Rename User process. The tenant admin can follow these steps to rename a user.

Cloud customers can perform steps 1-6 as the tenant admin, but must open a request with to complete the final step (Refresh Searchable Items process). Please allow 2 business days for our team to provide this service.

  1. Ensure the user is logged out and does not attempt to login during the following process.

  2. If using a security manager (LDAP, SAML in discovery mode, Azure), change the user id in the identity provider.

  3. Select Rename User from the Manage Tenant page.

  4. This opens the Rename User page. You will see past processes and their status.

  5. Click the green plus icon to start a new process.

  6. Enter the existing user id and the new user id you want to change it. Confirm that you would like to rename the user by checking “I Agree”. Submit.

    This returns you to the Rename Tenant status page and you will see the message “Job was successfully started”.

  7. Click refresh to check the status. Once it is complete, On Premise customers should log in as the server admin and run the Refresh Searchable Items process for the tenant. Cloud customers must contact to request the Refresh Searchable Items process; please allow 2 business days for our team to provide this service.

The user id must be exact and is case-sensitive. If an incorrect user id is entered, there is no warning and the job will show complete, but the new user id will not be present.