frevvo offers training seminars and classes for frevvo partners and customers. We are committed to ensuring your success. See more details below and schedules for each course. 
offers many features and configurations and though we make it easy for non technical folks to design forms and simple approval workflows sometimes you would like a little extra help. Our client services team can provide the expert guidance you need. Let us design and create your first form and workflow for you so you can focus on your other priorities. Please contact us and let us know how we can help. |
Product Training
Product training is available for customers and partners.
Approval Workflows
Duration: Three virtual instructor-led sessions
The training is conducted over three consecutive sessions each running between 3-4 hours duration. The cost is $500 per student. Please contact us with questions.
Enrollment for upcoming classes:
This class is hands on. Students will have time to work on class exercises and ask questions. Students will be given a frevvo cloud account to use during the class and must have internet access to
- Common flow design paradigms
- Basic thru advanced workflow configuration
- Business rules for workflows
- Access control and Signatures
- Task list and audit trail
- Desktop and mobile usage
- This class assumes students have previous experience designing forms and writing basic business rules.
Mini Sessions
Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours virtual instructor-led sessions
This training provides core Live Forms product expertise to customers and partners in small easy to attend power packed mini sessions on specific key topics. Students will benefit from attending either a single session or multiple sessions. The cost is $225 per student per session. Please contact us with questions.
Enrollment for upcoming classes:
Up Coming Sessions
Each 1.5-2 hour mini session focuses on one of the following topics:
- Key Workflow Features - Roll up your sleeves and build a 3 step approval workflow! The class includes brief overview of the form designer, spaces, and access control.
- Business Rules for forms & Flow - Learn the most popular business logic you can quickly add to your forms. Learn tips from a frevvo expert.
- How to design and build effective forms - Take your form design ability to the next level. This class is great for both new and experienced form designers.
- Connecting forms to your database - Do you want your forms to read/write data from/to your own database like this customer form? Join a frevvo export for a guided tour.
More classes are being added and coming soon...
- Workflow Design Paradigms, Tips & Best Practices -
- Signatures and Roles -
- Sharing forms/flows via Spaces -
- Customize forms to match the look & feel of your website -
- Backend systems integration / Schemas -
- Form Submissions via email, into Google, into your database -
- etc..
Core Product Training
Duration: Five virtual instructor-led session
The training is conducted over five sessions each running ~4 hours duration The product training provides the full core Live Forms product expertise. The cost is $1,800 per student.
Enrollment for upcoming classes:
- Installation & Configuration
- Administration
- Creating tenants, users, roles
- Tenant properties
- Applications & Forms
- Simple Forms – drag/drop, built-in validation
- Layout – panels, section, tabs, etc..
- Custom Controls
- Repeating Items
- Validation & Help
- Other control properties – Settings, Advanced, Security
- Styling
- Form Props – Settings, Style, Form Info
- Form Submissions, Submission Repository
- Templatized Labels
- Form Action Wizards – Form Action, Doc Action, Doc URI
- Sharing & Embedding Forms
- Form Templates
- Business Rules
- Form Initialization
- Styles & Layouts
- Multi-Language configuration
- Forms from XSD Schema
- More on Form Actions
- Workflow design
- Workflow configuration, email notification, task list management
- Embedding flows and task lists
- Spaces
- Database Connector / Integration
Integration with other specific back end systems is not covered in this class. Please contact us if you have special training requirements.
Customized On-site Training
Duration: approx 4 days
frevvo also offer on-site product training as well as tailored webinars for your team. Contact frevvo to schedule customized product training to suite your specific needs and schedules.
Partner Training
We strive to make our partners highly skilled frevvo experts capable of delivering top notch eform and approval workflow solutions to your customers.
SE Core Training
Duration: 2 hours
This class is intended for the technical sales engineer and will familiarize you with the pre-built sales demos available in your demo account. You will see the pre-built demos run and become comfortable using these tools yourself. This class includes a Getting Started introduction to the Live Forms designer so SEs can build their own custom demos and POCs. This training offers the opportunity for
Enroll for upcoming classes
- January - Class Complete
- March - Class Complete
- July - TBD
Enroll in this class to:
- Access Demo accounts
- Learn where to find information
- How to demo pre-built forms, workflows and digital signatures
- How to demo on mobile devices
- How to demo integration using the database connector
- How to build your own POC forms and workflows
- Questions & Answers
On completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Access their demo account
- Execute pre-created demo forms and workflows
- Use the form designer to create the Loan Application form
- Create any basic POC form to demonstrate Live Forms to a prospect
- Understand how to create a multi-page form
- Describe the details/workings of a pre-created workflow
- Know where to find additional sales resources such as example forms, workflows and tutorials
- Learn who to contact at frevvo for help with demos, POCs, scoping sessions
This course offers SE Certification.
SE Advanced Training
Duration: 2 hours
This class is intended for the technical sales engineer and covers demonstration of new features in the current product release.. You will see the pre-built demos run and become comfortable using these tools yourself. This training offers the opportunity for
Enroll for upcoming classes
- January - Complete
- March - Complete
- July - TBD
More dates coming soon in 2014
Enroll in this class to:
- Access Demo accounts
- Learn new features in v5.1 and the up coming v5.3 releases
- Wet Signatures
- PDF Generation
- Mobile capabilities for iOS Tablet & Smartphone
- Mobile Spaces - paperless form portals
- Capture your location on a GPS Enabled Device using the Geo Location feature
- Business Rules - Debug Console; Rules Validator; Rules Outline
- Share Submissions
- Form Design - Drag/Drop enhancements
- Color Schemes
- Questions & Answers
On completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Access their demo account
- Understand and learn to use key new product features
- Know where to find additional sales resources such as example forms, workflows and tutorials
This course offers SE Certification.
Sales Seminar
Duration: 1 hour
This seminar is intended for frevvo resellers needing to quickly jump start their knowledge of frevvo sales tools and best selling practices. Sales people will learn the key value propositions and be able to clearly articulate the value & ease of use of Live Forms.
Enrollment opening soon for upcoming classes:
- September - date TBD
- October - date TBD
Enroll in this class to:
- Learn the Live Forms sales presentations
- Learn available sales tools
- Become familiar with the sales demos
- Learn to qualify leads
- Questions & Answers