Default Values

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Default Values

When designing your form, you can set default values for most controls.  When users access your form, they’ll see the defaults you supplied.  

Simply check the T/F control checkbox or in the case of a dropdown control, pick the choice you want as a default. For text controls and other input controls, just type the value in the control. Save (finish) your form with the defaults you want. If during design you decide you don’t want the default, just delete the text (for input controls), or pick the blank option (for dropdown lists).  

If you try to change a default value for a checkbox control by unchecking/checking checkboxes in the designer, you will not see the changes in Edit mode. Clicking/unclicking a radio button will not be reflected in the designer either. There is no way to clear the selected option of a radio control other than selecting some other option.You must save your form and verify the correct default values in Test mode.

Keep in mind that any default value you set must conform to the control’s data type requirements.  For example, you cannot set a default of ABC in a quantity control.