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The Workflow Design Wizard lets designers quickly designate their workflow pattern and routing by providing default controls, rules and assignments that can give you a functional workflow in moments. Here's how it works:

Log in as a designer user. Create a New Workflow from the Projects Home page or from the Forms & Workflows Home page within a project.

Watch the Video

Play this 2-minute video to learn how easy it is to use the Workflow Design Wizard!

Create a New Workflow from Projects Homepage

  1. Select Create a New Workflow from the  Add Content menu.
  2. Choose to Add to a New Project or Add to Existing Project. Follow prompts to name or select the project.

Create a New Workflow from within a Project

Select Create a New Workflow from the  Add Content menu.

Name your Workflow

Give you workflow a meaningful name and description. Remember that the Search feature will find results in names and descriptions, so using keywords here can help you find this workflow later. Then click Next.

Build Your Workflow by Adding and Configuring Steps

The first step will initially be present and named “Step 1” with a step type of “Create New Form”. The first step’s type can be either “Create New Form” or one of the existing forms. It cannot be an approval step. The first step will not have an assignment. Also the first step is fixed and cannot be deleted nor moved up or down (it is always first).

  • If you are planning to use an assignment on the first step, you can configure this later. 
  • If you are an experience designer and prefer to build within the Workflow Designer, you can select Finish at this time to enter the Workflow Designer. You may choose to delete the step, the default controls within the step, and/or the default business rules and create your own, or keep them and modify for your business requirements. 

Click  Add Step to configure additional steps. Steps are given a default name in sequence (i.e. Step 2, Step 3) which you can edit to give each step a meaningful name. Additional steps will default to Step Type "Approval Step," Assignment Type "To an Email Address", and Assign To the current user's email address. You can edit these defaults right from the wizard.

Use the Move Step Icons  to reorder steps, and the Delete Step icon  to remove a step.

Step Type

The Workflow Wizard allows selection of three types of steps. 

  1. Create New Form will add a new form with some default controls and a business rule that populates those controls with the logged-in user's information. The controls are My Items section, First Name, Last Name, Manager Id, email, Date (today) and Signature. You will also see a Message control in the My Items section that explains the purpose of these preset controls, "We have added a few fields and a business rule that initializes them into this section. Feel free to remove the fields, remove the whole section, change the fields or add whatever else you want."
  2. Approval Step will add a linked step to nearest preceding form step, and will also add an approval section to the form. The Approval Section label is set to the step name, and it contains a TextArea Comments control. If assigned to a user or role, it will be configured as a signed section with Text/Signature Image. If it is assigned to an email address, it will contain a Wet Signature control and a Date control.

    A business rule will be added for each approval step to make it expanded/required/enabled on the step, collapse/optional/disabled otherwise, and to set it as visible/printable on or after the step, hidden/not printable before the step.

    In the case of an approval step assigned to an email address, an additional rule will be added that sets the SignatureDate to the current date when the Signature control is filled.
  3. Use Existing Form offers a list of forms previously created in the project you are working within. Select an existing form name to add it to your workflow. It will not be populated with the default controls like a New Form, but if you add Approval Steps after it, Approval Sections will be added to the bottom of the form as described above.

Assignment Type

Any step (after the first step) can be assigned to one of three options.

  1. To an Email Address provides a text field for you to enter an email. It will default to the current user's email, and you can change it if you wish. 

  2. To a User provides a typeahead search of users in your tenant. Select a user to add to the Assign To field. You can only select one user.

  3. To Role(s) provides a typeahead search of roles in your tenant. Select one or more roles to add to the Assign To field.

If you want to assign a step dynamically using a control in your form, you can do this later in the Workflow Designer. For now, choose one of the above options.

Complete the Wizard

Simply click Finish when you are done adding and configuring your steps. You will be redirected to the Workflow Designer where you can further customize your workflow and steps. 

Custom Messages

The Workflow Design Wizard will also automatically customize the Task Information, History, and Pending messages and Task Notification based on the type of step and assignment you chose. 

Task Information

The Task Information message is set to either “{} requires (approval | processing)” depending on if an approval step or non-approval step.

History Message

The History Message is set to either “{} (approved | processed) by {} {}” depending on if an approval step or non-approval step.

Pending Message

The Pending Message is only set if the following step is assigned.

  • Assigned to email: Set to “The {} was sent to <email> for (approval | processing). An email notification has been sent.” depending on if an approval step or non-approval step.

  • Assigned to user: Set to “The {} was sent to user: <user> for (approval | processing). An email notification has been sent.” depending on if an approval step or non-approval step.

  • Assigned to roles: Set to “The {} was sent to role(s): <abbreviated_list_of_roles...> for (approval | processing). An email notification has been sent.” depending on if an approval step or non-approval step.

  • No assignment: Set to “The {} request was submitted for (approval | processing).” depending on if an approval step or non-approval step.

Task Notification Email

The Task Notification Email Subject is set to either “(Approval | Further Processing) needed for {}” depending on if an approval step or non-approval step. The Task Notification email message is set to “(Your approval | Further Processing) is needed for a {} .<br/><br/>You can access your task for the {} by clicking <a href=\\"'{task.perform.url}' ">this link</a>.”

Error Message

The Workflow Design Wizard will also place a default error message with the CSS Class f-submit-error on any new form it creates. This will automatically appear if the user attempts to submit the form with validation errors, and will disappear as soon as those errors are corrected.

  • No labels