UNDER CONSTRUCTION... please check back soon.
Using Your Demo Account
Continuing our commitment to improving our reseller’s product knowledge, we include a free Live Forms demonstration account for each reseller. The demo server is available to all registered partners. Please Contact Us to request a demo account. Learn how to become a frevvo partner. No software installation is required. Experience our products first-hand and create demo forms for your prospects.
If you already have a demo account login here:
If you do not have a demo account, please Contact Us to request a demo account.
Your Demo Tenant
Your tenant is pre-configured with an admin user. The username and password were sent to you in your demo account setup email
- We recommend that you do not use the admin user to create your own forms
- Login to http://demo4.frevvo.com and click Manage Users
- Change the admin user's password
- Your tenant is already setup for you with Users and Roles required to run the demo forms and flows
- Pre-created roles: Employee, Manager, Doctor, Nurse, Student, Teacher, Adviser
- Pre-created users: designer, jerry, tom, sue spike.
The passwords for the pre-created users are: f/r/evvo
Designer User
- Login to the demo tenant as the designer user. In the user name field, enter designer@<your tenant id>. In the password field enter f/r/evvo. Click login.
- You will see pre-created demo applications
Creating Additional Users
You can create other users in your tenant. For instance, if you wanted to create a user called "nurse" and "doctor" for the Hospital demo.
Login to your tenant as the admin user (see email sent for your demo account)
1. Click "manage" in upper right corner of web page (to the left of logout)
2. Click Manage Users
3. Click the add user icon to add a user
4. Name user "nurse" and give password "nurse"
5. set Role dropdown too "Nurse"
Repeat for the doctor.
Now you can use the Hospital demo with users nurse@<tenant> and doctor@<tenant>
You can also create additional tenant users who have permission to create and edit forms and flows. To do this assign the new user the special role frevvo.designer.
You will only see these pre-built demo applications in the designer@<your tenant id> user. You should add the pre-built demo applications to the other users you create with the frevvo.designer role. forms & flows. See adding the pre-built demo applications to designer tenant users.
Adding Pre-Built Demos to Your User
You will only see these pre-built demo applications in the designer@<your tenant id> user. If you create additional users with the frevvo.designer role for other sales and SE people in your organization you will not see the pre-built demos by default. You should add them to your user by following the steps below. These steps assume that the new user was given the special role frevvo.designer which enables the user to create forms & flows:
- Login to frevvo as the new user
- You will be in the Application Home page. If you only see the Task Home page then this user does not have the role frevvo.designer. Login to your tenant as admmin@<your tenant id> and edit the user's profile to give them this special role
- Click the Link icon and enter one of the URLs shown below into the wizard
- Click finish to complete the wizard
Link URLS for pre-built demo applications
Application Name | Link URL |
HR | /tn/frevvo.org/user/designer/app/_VjYY4St4Ed-ANMN7FzIocA |
Education | /tn/frevvo.org/user/designer/app/_ljoiwS0gEd-vp8o1KMrk4w |
For Demos (Passport...) | /tn/frevvo.org/user/designer/app/_t6XjAdUiEd6j3ZgQjzE75w |
Sample Hospital | /tn/frevvo.org/user/designer/app/_thG38axxEd6Q974-2oM9IQ |
DB Connector Tutorial | /tn/frevvo.org/user/designer/app/_reYBYW_7Ed6NTuCuSH6YmA |
Two pre-built demo applications are not linked apps. To add these to your tenant user, download the application zipfile from this table and upload into your user.
Download zipfiles
Application Name | Download zipfile |
PVE | PVE_app.zip |
DB Connector Tutorial | coming soon... |
HR | coming soon... |
Two pre-built demo applications are not linked apps. To add these to your tenant user, download the application zipfile from this table and upload into your user.
Accessing your Paperless Portal
Your demo tenant contains a pre-created Space named the "Paperless Portal". A space is simply a web site that contains quick links to the forms, workflows and your task list. To get the URL to your Paperless Portal space:
- Login to your tenant as the designer user
- Click the Space tab
- Click the Share button
- Copy/Paste the URL into your browser
- Save a browser bookmark
Demo Applications
Your demo tenant is pre-configured with several demo applications. These applications can be seen by logging into your demo tenant as user designer@<your tenant id>. (See adding pre-built demos to other user accounts).
- Sample Hospital - Patient Referral flow from Nurse to Doctor to ImageSilo.
- For Demos (Passport...) - US Passport renewal flow and simple demo forms.
- Education - forms/flow for student registration and course evaluation.
- Case Studies - FEMA forms, voter registration, health care referral, asset registration, etc...
- PVE - See the PaperVision / ImageSilo video tutorials.
- DB Connector Tutorial - Forms that read/write from a mySql database
- HR - Human Resource approval forms/flows: Employee On Boarding, PTO, Expense Report, Time Sheet. See Videos and Tutorials.
The first 4 applications are linked applications. You can demo these forms but cannot edit these forms. The 5th 6th and 7th applications, PVE, DB Connector Tutorial, and HR are normal frevvo application. You can edit the form and workflows in these applications.
HR Application
Employee On Boarding
This demo takes approximately 25 minutes. While this is longer than the other demo forms it showcases many features including:
- PDF Generation & viewer
- Mobile capabilities on Tablet and Smart Phone: automatic dynamic form layout, page breaks, mobile task list, quick view, etc...
- Wet and Digital Signatures
- GEO Location
- Table Layout
- Instantaneous Validation
- Three step form workflow
- Screen flow
Other Resources:
- See how this demo was built in the Employee On Boarding Tutorial.
- Share a 6 minute video presentation with your prospects.
- Show the pre-recorded webinar demonstration. If you do not have a iPad and iPhone you can use the pre-recorded webinar as an alternate to a live demonstration.
To run this demo live we suggest that you have a desktop computer, iPhone and iPad.
Demo Instructions:
Access your demo tenant's Paperless Portal. If you do not know how to do this see help here.
tenant and the desktop computer as sue@< your tenant> (HR) – FireFox desktop
Show how Space looks on desktop so it can be compared to 1st step of flow by tom@<your tenant> on iPad
tom@<your tenant> (employee) – iPad
Pluggable Security Managers support LDAP/Active directory or you can use Live Forms built-in SM (users, passwords & groups are maintained by the frevvo form server)
As the frevvo SM is plugable a custom SM can delegate to any authentication system.
Frevvo’s SM controls access to using forms, accessing tasks, workflow routing and also for viewing form submission data.
→ START On-Boarding Form - iPad
Validation – built-in & patterns
Different control types
Wet Signature
PDF Gen Viewer - review W-4
View Email Notification for subject “New Employee On Board”
The next step is setup to automatically route to the new employee’s Manager.
The form is automatically routed to the task list of Jerry
Alternative workflows can be designed to route to a role such as to all users with the Manager role.
jerry@<your tenant> (manager reject) – iPhone
→ Access from iPhone
Quickview Reject
Spaces on smartphone
tom@<your tenant> (employee) – iPad
Access from iPad
Audit Trails
Signature granularity is at Section level so a single form can contain multiple signers.
Signatures use public key cryptography and RSA algorithm
Digital Signatures secure form data and detect tampering.
jerry@<your tenant> (manager accept) – iPhone
→ Access from iPhone
Accept using Details View
Digital Signature
sue@<your tenant> (HR process new employee) – Firefox
→ Access from desktop
Describe where we are in form-workflow via navigation toolbar
Show Audit trail at this point
The final step has access restricted to the HR Role.
The form is automatically routed to the task list of all users with the HR role
First person to access the task will lock it
Tasks can be unlocked and put back on task list for anyone with HR role again
Vacation Request
The Vacation Request Form
- Edit the vacation request form.
- It has a Personal Information Section with a few controls.
- It has an Approval Section that requires the Manager's signature.
- Click on the Approval Section header. In the Properties panel to the left, select the Security Tab.
- Notice that the Section has a role (Manager) and the Signature and Must Sign checkboxes are checked. This means that the Section is only visible if the user of the form has the Manager role. If the user does not have this role, the Section will be hidden. Further, if you are a Manager, the Section must be signed in order to submit the form.
- Click Cancel in the Form Designer and on the forms page, click the Lock icon once (2nd icon from the right in the top row). This makes the form available to all authenticated users in the demo.com tenant.
- Try the form by clicking the Test button.
- Since the designer user does not have the Manager role, the Approval section is not visible. Notice that the hidden section does not have any impact on the user's ability to submit the form.
- Click the Share button and in the dialog that pops up select the third option: Link (Email/Web page). Copy the URL from the text area on the left.
- In a separate browser, enter this URL.
- You should see an Access Denied login page.
- Login as the manager with user name: manager@demo.com and password: manager.
- See that the form comes up again but this time the Approval section is visible.
In this way, you can create forms that appear different to different users depending on their role.
The Vacation Request Workflow
- Click on the Flows link in the left menu
- There is a pre-created flow called Vacation Request.
- Click the Edit button.
- This workflow has two steps (called activities): one for the Employee and the other for the Manager.
- Both activities use the same Vacation Request form we created earlier.
- You can select either activity and click the Edit (pencil) icon. This will take you to the Form Designer and you can see the form. The only difference between the two forms is that their names have been changed to Employee and Manager respectively.
- In the Flow Designer, select the first activity.
- In the Properties panel on the left, notice that the Employee role has been selected. This means that this step in the workflow can only be performed by a user with the Employee role.
- Also, note that the Button Label property is set to "Request Vacation".
- Select the second activity.
- The Manager role has been selected implying that this step can only be performed by a user with the Manager role.
- The Task Info is set to the string "Vacation Request for {LastName}". This is how Tasks can be identified in the manager's task list.
- The Display Msg is set to the string "Your request has been sent to your manager for approval." This is the message displayed to the employee when the vacation request is forwarded to his/her manager.
- Click the Cancel button.
- Notice that in the flows page, the flow access control is already set to "Public in Tenant" (2nd icon from the right in the top row). This means that users must be authenticated in the demo.com tenant in order to use the workflow.
- Click the Test button.
- The designer user does not have the Employee or Manager roles so you will get an error message.
- Click the Share button and in the dialog that pops up select the second option: Link (Email/Web page). Copy the URL from the text area on the left.
- Logout from the designer user account.
- Go to the URL copied above in your browser.
- In the Login dialog, enter the employee user's credentials. User name: employee@demo.com password: employee.
- The first form in the workflow is displayed. Since the employee user is not a Manager the approval section is not displayed.
- Enter some data and click the "Request Vacation" button. Note that the button label matches the settings above.
- The workflow is now sent to the Manager inbox. Note that the display message matches the settings above.
- In a separate browser login as the manager (you may already be logged in if you tried the Vacation Request Form in the previous section).
- This time, the Tasks section shows that there are pending Vacation Request tasks.
- Expand the Vacation Request task and you will see the pending request. Note that the task is labeled according to the settings above.
- You can view the history (audit trail) for the workflow by clicking the History button (the right most button).
- You can perform the task by clicking the Perform this Task button (the left most button).
- The second (Manager) step is displayed and the Manager must sign the section before the workflow can be submitted.
Hospital Application
The Hospital Referral demo is a good example of how a Live Forms flow can be embedded in a web site. Follow these instructions for running the hospital demo. Replace <tenant> with your demo account tenant name.
For complete details on how this demo was built, please see the Patient Referral Workflow Tutorial.
- Make sure you are not logged into demo4.frevvo.com.
- Go to: http://demo4.frevvo.com/demo/hospital
- Login as tom@<tenant> (password f/r/evvo). This user has the role Nurse.
- You will see that you have no Tasks.
- Click on the first link in the left menu (Radiology Referral).
- This will launch a workflow.
- Fill in the form (the first step of the flow) and Sign it.
- Click Continue. frevvo will now put the Task in the task list (work queue) of the Doctor.
- Logout.
- Login as jerry@<tenant> (same password). This user has the role Doctor.
- Click on the View Pending Referrals menu item. (If the task list is not already displayed)
- You will see that you now have at least one Task.
- Click the rightmost icon (the clock) and you can view the history of the task.
- Click the leftmost icon to perform the task.
- See that the form loads again with the data entered by Tom and signed by Tom.
- There is a new Section at the bottom for Doctor signature.
- Sign it.
- Click Finish.
- The workflow will end.
The task list contains 4 icons for each task. You used two "perform" and "view task history" in the demo. The other two "lock" locks the task so only you can perform it later, and "modify task" lets you reset the task to a prior step. Lock is useful if the flow step is assigned to any doctor. Clicking the lock takes it off the doctor's group and reserves it for you. Modify is useful if you need the user who completed the prior step to make a change. The user will receive an email notification that the task is back on their task list.
Transcript/Diploma Request
This demo Workflow is initiated by a student requesting copies of either transcripts or diplomas. The form can be accessed by anyone on the internet and is submitted via a frevvo workflow to the Registrar's task list (role Manager).
See this video demo showing how the Transcript/Diploma Request form works.
Steps to run this demo:
- Login to the designer account in your tenant
- Edit the application named "Education"
- Click the "Flows" tab to find this workflow
- Click the Share button for the "Transcript/Diploma Request" flow and in the dialog that pops up select the second option: Link (Email/Web page). Copy the URL from the text area on the left.
- Logout from the designer user account.
- Go to the URL copied above in your browser.
- The form can be filled by an anonymous user so you will not be prompted to login to use the form. Since the anonymous user does not have the role Manager, the Registrar Use Only section is not displayed.
- See the "Instructions" section for tips some of the behaviors in this form such as SSN validation.
- Fill all required fields and click "Send to Registrar"
- The workflow is now sent to the registrar's inbox. Note the display message.
- Login as jerry in your tenant
- This time, the Tasks section shows that there are pending Transcript/Diploma Requests.
- Open the new task for Transcript/Diploma Request.
- You can view the history (audit trail) for the workflow by clicking the History button (the right most button).
- You can perform the task by clicking the Perform this Task button (the left most button).
- Perform the task
- Notice the Registrar Use Only section is now visible.
When the request is completed by the Registrar you will receive an email (make sure your email address was entered into the form's Registrar Email Address field) with a pdf attachment of the completed form.
For Demos (Passport...)
The Passport demo is a good example of how a frevvo Live Forms workflow can be embedded in a web site. Use this Url to access the embedded passport flow: http://demo4.frevvo.com/demo/passport/
The Passport demo is an example of a multi-page form. Multi-page forms are also created with the Live Forms flow designer. The differ between a work flow and a multi-page flow in that a single user completes all the steps in a multi-page flow. A work flow is completed by multiple different people, for example: a vacation request from employee to manager. The passport has multiple steps but all steps are completed by a single person and no task list is involved.
Step thru this flow from a single login and complete all steps. The final step is the default summary step showing values from the prior steps. The user can review the summary or click a back button to update any prior step.
If you click back to update a prior step you will step through each subsequent step until you are back at the summary step. The summary step contains the submit button to complete the passport and send it for processing. This demo flow does not send the passport anywhere.
DB Connector Tutorial
The DB Connector Tutorial application contains forms that read/write from a mySQL database. The frevvo form is connected to your database via a the freely available frevvo database connector.
The database connector maps between HTTP requests issued from frevvo forms to SQL queries executed against your database. The connector enables you to use the database of your choice to save and load your form data. You can create a new database or you can automatically generate forms that connect to your existing database tables to save and load data.
The Database Tutorial takes you step by step through the process of creating all the forms in the DB Connector Tutorial application in your demo account. A SE familiar with SQL syntax can work through the tutorial in about 1.5 hrs.
This application contains two forms. The first form named Uniform Residential Loan Application is a form built from this real Freddie Mac form 1003.pdf. This form is a large form that contains interesting business logic and layout that makes the eform better and easier to use then the original pdf form. Expand the Help section at the top of the form for demo instructions.
The second form is a smaller example that is built during demos to show
- Ease of frevvo's drag/drop form designer
- Palette Controls
- Power of frevvo's built-in validation
- Re-usability of control groups via Custom Palette
- Wizard that enables easy connection from frevvo to submit forms into PaperVision/ImageSilo
Additional Demo Forms
This application contains a single form named Multi Language.
- Click the icon to the right of the form name
- Click test on the default (English) form version
- Click test on the Hindi version to see the same form translated to Hindi
- Click test on the Arabic version to see
support an RTL language
See the Multi Language documentation for full details.
Connecting to ImageSilo
See Installation Instructions.
You can connect any form or flow to ImageSilo/PaperVision.
- Login as a designer user
- Edit an existing application or create a new one
- Click New to create a form and click Finish in the wizard that appears
- Click the Doc Action button in the toolbar at the top of the Form Designer
- Select the "Save to ImageSilo or PaperVision Enterprise" choice
- In the wizard that appears enter your credentials for ImageSilo and click the Login button
- The wizard will display a list of available projects
- Select a project and click Next
- In the panel that appears the Fields for that project are displayed
- From the drop down next to each field, select the corresponding form control
- Click Finish in the wizard
- Click Finish in the Form Designer
- Test the form. When you click Submit, frevvo will generate a PDF representation of the form and store it in ImageSilo.
In-house Software
By request you can get a demo version of Live Forms In-house, which is the on premise version of Live Forms.
Skip these instructions if you are using a V4 demo account on http://demo4.frevvo.com. The software there is hosted and requires no download or local installation. If you would like a hosted tenant demo account, Contact Us
Downloaded In-House demo
- This bundle includes an administrative user with user id: admin and password: admin.
- We recommend that you do not use the admin user or the default tenant to create your own forms.
- This bundle includes a tenant called demo.com that is already setup for you with Users and Roles.
- This tenant has pre-created roles Employee and Manager
- This tenant has pre-created users designer, employee and manager. The passwords for each are the same as the user name e.g. designer/designer.
Windows Installation
The download bundle includes Tomcat V6 and has the frevvo web application pre-deployed and pre-configured. The bundle works on Windows, Linux and Mac systems without any further configuration.
- Download the software from the link you were provided.
- Ensure that you do not have another server running on port 8082.
- Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the installation directory of your JDK, for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_5
- Unpack the frevvo.zip file to the location of your choice: e.g. c:\frevvo. We'll refer to this directory below as <frevvo-home>.
- Start frevvo: Double click <frevvo-home>\Start frevvo. This starts Tomcat on port 8082 with frevvo pre-configured and displays the Tomcat log in a command prompt.
- In your browser, go to http://<server-name>:8082/frevvo/web.
- You should see the login page.
- Live Forms is installed and ready for use.
This bundle includes an HSQL embedded database. If you wish to use MySQL or SQL Server, please contact frevvo for configuration instructions.