Currently, only the forms designer can view/edit/delete form submissons. v5.0 and later allows the form designer to grant access to non-designer and other users via access control. For Example, you are a
from desinger in the Human Resource department of a company. You have designed an Expense Statement form to be submitted by employees for monetary reimbursement. It has come to your attention that employees in the payroll department might need to view the Expense Report submissions also. You can use the Access Control feature to allow other users or groups to view the Expense Report form submissons. Editing/deleting the form submissions is restricted to the form designer only at this time.
Access Control for Users or Roles
Access control can be granted to specific users or roles. Click on the icon to create/edit the ACL records for the Expense Form. The Access Control list screen has two sections titled ACLEntry and ACLENtry roles.
- Click on the User dropdown in the ACLEntry section to grant a specific user permission to view the Expense Report submissions. The Permisson dropdown shows a blank or submisson_view option at this time. Choose submisson_view to give the user the access to view the Expense Form submissions. Repeat for all users requiring permission to view the form submissions.
- Click on the Role dropdown in the ACLEntry Role section to grant all users with a specific role permission to view the Expense Report submissions. The Permisson dropdown shows a blank or submisson_view option at this time. Choose submisson_view to give the user with the assigned role the access to view the Expense Form submissions. Repeat for all roles requiring permission to view the form submissions.
Shared ITems
When the user that has been given access control to view the form submissons, or any user withe the role that