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You can build forms/workflows In that meet Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards. Accessible forms/workflows can assist users with visual and motor impairments. When the Accessible property is enabled for a form/workflow, the error, "You can't leave this empty <control name>"  displays, if users move ahead from a required field without filling it. The status property for the empty control becomes invalid and sets the error message. Normally, the status property can be used in a business rule. For example, let's say a form has a text control named 't', and a message control named "m". If you write a rule to update the message field (control named m) with the STATUS of the required/invalid control (control named t), as shown below, it will not work because the "You can't leave this empty" message for a required control is not treated as it's status.

Code Block
    m.value = t.status;


This rule is not yet supported in the Visual Rules Builder and thus still requires some JavaScript. This rule will take values selected in one checkbox control and populates those as options in a second checkbox control. For example, a checkbox control (Services) displays all available services. The second checkbox (Selected Services) will display as options the values selected in Services. One scenario you might use this is to customize an employee scheduling form. In Step 1 of the workflow the Coordinator picks the offered services from the full Program Service list. In Step 2 the Employee sees only the smaller list to select from.

Code Block
var opts = [''];

for (var i = 0; i < ProgramService.value.length; i++ ){
  var v = ProgramService.value[i].replace(/_/g,"  ");
  opts[i] = ProgramService[i].value + "=" + v;
SelectedPS.options = opts;  
var event = form.load;


Calculating a date based on a five day work week is a common business scenario used in time sheets and displaying deadlines. You can calculate 'x' number of working days from the current date, and set that date in a Date control on your form. Here is the business function/rule that will add 3 working days to the current date to give you the deadline date. Copy/paste the entire rule including the function in the Rule Editor. Substitute the name of your date control for <your date control>:

Code Block
 function calcWorkingDays(fromDate, days) {
    var count = 0;
    while (count < days) {
        fromDate.setDate(fromDate.getDate() + 1);
      if (fromDate.getDay() !== 0 && fromDate.getDay() !== 6) {  // Skip weekends
    return fromDate;
if (form.load && <your date control>.value.length === 0){
  var numWorkingDays = 3; 
  var today = frevvo.currentDate().split('-');
  var escDate = calcWorkingDays(new Date(today[0], today[1]-1, today[2]), numWorkingDays);
  var m = escDate.getMonth() + 1;
  var d = escDate.getDate();
  var y = escDate.getFullYear();
  <your date control>.value = m + '-' + d + '-' + y;


Imagine an airline reservation form where the number of traveler information sections displayed or the number of rows in a table is based on the number of airline tickets purchased. There is a field in the form for the number of tickets named count and a repeat with a section including controls to collect information about each traveler. You can leave the default values for the Min/Max properties of the Section in the Forms designer or set them to any values provided the min value < max value and the max value  > min value.

This is an example of a business rule that displays the number of sections based on the number of purchased airline tickets. Min/Max for the section are set to 1 and 20 in the forms designer.

Code Block
var i;
if (TravelRepeat.itemAdded) {
    i = TravelRepeat.itemIndex;
    TravelNo[i].value = 1 + i;
} else {
    if (count.value > TravelNo.value.length){
        TravelRepeat.maxOccurs = count.value;
        TravelRepeat.minOccurs = count.value;
    } else {
        TravelRepeat.minOccurs = count.value;
        TravelRepeat.maxOccurs = count.value;
    for (i=0; i<TravelNo.value.length;i++) {
        TravelNo[i].value = 1 + i;


  1. The first part of your rule should retrieve the results set (this part of the rule is not shown here). In this example, the user enters a number in the Number of Travelers (the control name is 'count') field in the form.
  2. The itemAdded statement is needed to determine if you are adding more sections. The first time the rule runs, this statement will evaluate as false and run the else statement
  3. Evaluate if the number of sections needed ('count.value') is greater than the number or existing sections. If true, set the maxoccurs first because the table needs to increase.
  4. If the number of sections needed is less than the number of existing sections then set the minoccurs first.
  5. The rule will loop through the existing sections and set the values in the TravelNo field. If there are still additional sections to be added after the rule has looped through the existing sections, the itemAdded lines will run.
  6. This rule sets the Min/Max properties to he same values so the plus and minus icons are not visible. This prevents users from adding repeating items.

Entering "3" as the number of travelers, sets the minOccurs and maxOccurs to 5 and shows 5 information sections.

Repeat Item Initialization


If you click on the Rule Code to see the JavaScript generated by the Rule Builder, you will notice:

  • The individual rows inside the CustomerTable are referred to in the rule as CustomerTableItem.
  • Notice the TableItem deletable property is set to false when a lowercase or capital Y is entered in the first column. This will remove the minus icon for that row of the table. The for loop cycles through the table rows until the Max# property is reached.

Code Block
  var event = form.load;
for (let i = 0; i < ContactCustomer.value.length; i++) {
  if ((ContactCustomer[i].value === 'Y') || (ContactCustomer[i].value === 'y')) {
    CustomerTableItem[i].deletable = false;
  } else {
    CustomerTableItem[i].deletable = true;


Code Block
var i;
if (TableRepeat.itemAdded) {
    i = TableRepeat.itemIndex;
    TravelID[i].value = 1 + i;
} else {
    if (count.value > TravelID.value.length){
        Table.maxOccurs = count.value;
        Table.minOccurs = count.value;
    } else {
        Table.minOccurs = count.value;
        Table.maxOccurs = count.value;
    for (i=0; i<TravelID.value.length;i++) {
        TravelID[i].value = 1 + i;

The images show the table when the user enters 5 as the number of travelers and then changes the value to 3.


The number of Travelers is set to 5.


The number of Travelers is set to 3.


A rule can dynamically display an image uploaded to your form via the upload control. In this example the upload control is named 'u'. The form also must contain a message control as a place holder for displaying the uploaded image. The rule dynamically creates a URL to the uploaded image in the temporary attachment repository. The upload control's value 'u.value' is a GUID that uniquely identifies the attachment. The uploaded image will be included in the submission PDF.

Code Block
if (u.value.length > 0) {
  var baseUrl = "/frevvo/web/tn/" +
      _data.getParameter('') +
      "/user/"+_data.getParameter('') +
      "/app/"+_data.getParameter('') +
  im.value = '<img src="' +
         baseUrl + '/attachment/' + u.value+'/does_not_matter"/>';


Code Block
Thank You!<br/><br/> 
Your account will be created within 24 hours.<br/> 
Click <a href="{FormURL}">here</a> to request another demo account.

Display a PDF in a Message Control

Message controls are a great way to display a PDF right in your form. You can host the PDF on your website where it is accessible by URL, or you can use frevvo's PDF Mapping feature to contain the PDF right in your form designer. 

Method 1: Host the PDF on your website.
  1. Upload your PDF to a location on your website, and copy the link for it.
  2. Add a Message Control to your form. Give it a name (in this example we use the name PDFStatic and set the Message Type to "None." 
  3. Add a Business Rule like this:

    Code Block
    if (form.load) {
     var baseUrl = "";
     PDFStatic.value = '<iframe width="100%" height="750" src="' + baseUrl + '" frameborder="0" ></iframe>';

    1. Set the variable baseUrl to the link for your PDF.
    2. Then, set your Message Control to a string including the iframe tags and the base url. 
  4. Save and Test the form. The PDF controls at the top may vary based on the user's browser, but in most cases allow the user to download or print the PDF, and to scroll up and down the PDF if it is multiple page.
    Image Added
Method 2: Upload the PDF in frevvo's PDF Mapping tool.

Usually the PDF Mapping feature is used to map form data to a PDF. However, it also allows you to host the PDF right within your form and use the generated link to display it similar to Method 1 above. While this method requires a few additonal steps, it eliminates the need to host your PDF elsewhere, and allows you to map form data to the PDF as well.

  1. In order to upload a PDF into frevvo's PDF Mapper, it must be an acroform. Start by uploading it to a tool like PDF Escape. If you plan to map fields, you can set the fillable fields in that tool. If you only need to display it, simply upload the PDF to that tool, then immediately download it again as a fillable acroform.
  2. Open your form and select Image Added PDF Mapping in the Guided Designer navigation bar. 
  3. Click the Image Added Add icon and upload your acroform.
    Image Added
  4. Return to Forms editing mode by clicking Form(s) in the Guided Designer navigation bar.
  5. Add a Message Control to your form. Give it a name (in this example we use the name PDFfrevvo) and set the Message Type to "None." 
  6. Add a Form Viewer control to your form. In the From property, choose the form you just uploaded.
    Image Added
  7. Save and test the form, and click the Form View control. The PDF will open in a new tab. Click on the URL and copy from /genform/... to the end of the url. Paste to a text pad - we'll use this in our business rule.
    Image Added

  8. Optionally, set the Form Viewer control to hidden. Once you have the URL, you do not necessarily need this control visible to users.
  9. Add a business rule like this:

    Code Block
    if (form.load) {
     var baseUrl = "/frevvo/web/tn/" + _data.getParameter('') + "/user/"+_data.getParameter('') + "/app/"+_data.getParameter('') + "/form/"+_data.getParameter('');
     PDFfrevvo.value = '<iframe width="100%" height="750" src="' + baseUrl + '/genform/_dMOPwEFOEeurl6p3Z49rvQ?action=gen-form' + '" frameborder="0" ></iframe>';

    1. Set the variable baseUrl to construct your form's URL. This is dynamic, so if you later move a form from a development tenant into a production tenant, the url will contineu to work. If you are setting this rule in a workflow, be sure to use /flow/ and '' in place of /form/ and ''.
    2. Set the message control to a string that includes the iframe tags, the baseUrl, and the /genform/... url parameter you copied in Step 7.
  10. Save and Test the form. The PDF controls at the top may vary based on the user's browser, but in most cases allow the user to download or print the PDF, and to scroll up and down the PDF if it is multiple page.
    Image Added
Display PDF with mapped fields

If you are mapping fields to the PDF, the Method 2 rule will not automatically show the PDF with fields mapped. However, you can add a trigger control to your form, and change the rule's condition to if (<triggerName>.clicked) which will refresh the PDF displayed in the Message control with mapped fields each time it is clicked. This can be an alternative to the built-in Form Viewer control which opens the mapped PDF in a new browser tab.

Image Added

Embed a Video in a Message Control

You can also use a message control to embed a video in your form. 

  1. Get the URL for your video, such as a YouTube link.
  2. Add a Message Control to your form. Give it a name (in this example we use the name VideoMsg) and set the Message Type to "None." 
  3. Add a Business Rule like this:

    Code Block
    if (form.load) {
      VideoMsg.value = '<iframe width="100%" height="450" src="" + " frameborder="0" ></iframe>';

    This rule sets the Message Control to a string that includes the iframe tags and your video link.

  4. Save and Test the form. Your users can play the video right in your form.
    Image Added

Search Popup

This rule is not yet supported in the Visual Rules Builder and thus still requires some JavaScript.  forms can initialize dynamically from backend systems. A common form design pattern is the master/detail. An example of master/detail is a form that contains an order number or employee Id. When the user enters an existing Id into the form field you want all other form fields to populate dynamically from values in a database. This is done using a form created from XSD data source generated by the  database connector. This part of the master/detail form design pattern needs no business rule. It happens automatically using the Doc Action manually set document URIs. See the DB Connector Tutorial for complete detail on how to initialize your form using a Doc Action document URI to your database.
