Versions Compared


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The Guided Designer Settings mode displays the  Properties Wizard, where you can configure form/workflow settings, the user experience, and what happens to submissions and data. Form and Workflow Settings are very similar, but some tab names will reflect either "form" or "workflow" respectively. Additional property differences are outlined in the sections below.


  • If you are working on several tabs at one time, you can navigate to other tabs and make changes there. Your changes are temporarily saved while you switch between forms, or even between the Settings tab and other Guided Designer modes (Workflow, Form(s), Rules, PDF Mapping). Click Saveto permanent save your changes.
  • will validate the Property Settings when you select a different Guided Designer mode or use any of the Save options (Save, Save and close, Save and test). If a property value is invalid, the tab(s) will not close and a message will display telling the designer that there are corrections to be made before saving. CLOSE returns you to the current tab if there is a validation error. Otherwise, another invalid tab will be auto selected (starting from left to right) if another tab needs attention. Tab labels with invalid entries display in red. DISCARD & CLOSE dismisses your changes and returns you to the current tab. You can now navigate elsewhere.
    Image Modified
  • Hover over any field on the Properties tabs to see a helpful hint providing information about the property. Some fields contain instructions to guide you.
  • Clicking on the down arrow for a property shows an unfiltered list of choices applicable to that property. For some properties, you may see templatized controls from your workflow and workflow/special templates provided in . In some cases, you can type ahead to narrow down the list. Use the up/down arrows, the Enter key or click an option with your mouse to select an option. Use the Backspace, Delete or click the x on a selected property to delete it.
  • Typing a opening curly brace into some fields, followed by the name of a control, show a list of the fields in your workflow that match the entered text and will be added to the field as a control template.
  • On some tabs, you may have to slide the toggle to the right to turn on a feature.


Specify General Settings for your form/workflow on the Settings tab.

Form/Workflow Name

This is the name you see on the Forms & Workflows Homepage where your forms are listed. We recommend giving your form/workflow a meaningful name, but keep in mind it is a working name only, so users will not see it. Form names longer than 255 characters will be truncated. It is recommended that you name your form/workflows using characters that are suitable for filenames. Following the POSIX filename standard (A–Z a–z 0–9 . _ - ) will ensure it works. You can change the name on the Editing Settings tab or in Form/Workflow editing mode.



If the Form/Workflow Name is changed after the form has been deployed and has submissions, the original form name will still appear on the Task List and Recent Submissions tabs on the user dashboard.


By default all form descriptions say, “Edit the form/workflow to change this description,” but you can change this if you wish. You also see this description when you view individual submission documents. The Description is limited to 255 characters.


The Search feature looks for both name and description, so use keywords that will help you find your form later.


(Workflow Settings only)

 can automatically generate and display a navigation toolbar for your workflow which users can use to navigate back and forth between workflow steps. There are four available options:


 Refer to the precondition topic to see how to use them to skip a step in a workflow.

Mobile vs Desktop Behavior

You may notice a difference in behavior when using a workflow on the desktop vs on a phone/tablet. For example, imagine a two step workflow where Step 1 has two Pagebreak controls and neither step has an assigned role/user. On the phone/tablet this translates into a screenflow with three pages for Step 1 and one page for Step 2. You can use the Previous button to get back to the Step 1.


However, on the desktop there is no "Previous" button so once the workflow gets to Step 2, they must use the Navigation Toolbar to get back to Step 1. If the designer does not configure the Navigation Toolbar in this situation once the user gets to the second step in the workflow, there is no way to return to the first step.

Anonymous Screenflow Navigation

A screenflow is a type of workflow consisting of a collection of sequential steps performed by the same user. What if you wanted that user to be anonymous? Configuring the Navigation Toolbar in an anonymous screenflow allows anonymous users to navigate back to a previous step in a screenflow. The set of available links is restricted to the steps that are executed in sequence by the anonymous user. Links to steps outside of the screenflow are not visible. The steps in the screenflow cannot have a role, dynamic role or user property assigned to them.

Configuring the Save on Navigate feature enables the screenflow to be completed in multiple sessions.


Let's consider a Job Application workflow with the following requirements:

  • The workflow is going to be performed by anonymous users. Anonymous users do not sign in to .
  • The anonymous user receives an email that includes a link to the workflow.
  • The workflow must collect a lot of information from the applicant: Contact Information, Education and Employment history, References and more. You can create one long form or design a screenflow with an Anonymous Task step and subsequent steps as separate screens to collect the information.
  • The user must have the option to compete the screenflow in multiple sessions. Clicking on the email link takes the user back to the last step in the screenflow where the Continue button was clicked. 
  • The user must be able to navigate back to previous steps to review or update information that was previously entered.
Workflow Designer
  • Step 1 of the screenflow has a field named EmailAddress that collects the applicant's email address.
  • Step 2 is assigned to an email address. This is the first step that is performed by the anonymous user.
  • All remaining steps in the screenflow are designed to collect the applicant's information: Contact Info, Education and Employment history, references etc. Remember, the anonymous user does not login to perform these steps so they cannot have a role, dynamic role or user property assigned to them.
  • The Save on Navigate checkbox is checked and the Navigation Toolbar is configured.

The image shows an example of a possible screenflow design:

Use Mode

Anonymous screenflow users return to a previous step by clicking on the Navigation Toolbar..

Element Name

The default value for the Element Name property is form for newly created forms as well as workflows. The root element name in the submission xml of a form created from the designer palette is determined by the value in this field. It needs to be a valid XML element name. The designer can now change the name of the form without impacting the element name.  Form schema and the generated xml file show the element name. When the form name is updated, and 'Element Name' is kept the same, previous submissions can be initialized successfully.  When 'Element Name' is updated, previous submissions cannot be initialized.


If you change the element name, all existing submissions will become invalid and you will see the error message. "Submission is not valid. An incompatible change was made to the form/workflow."


This field lets you toggle a form/workflow between two states: PRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT. When a form/workflow is in the development state it contains a watermark. Deploying the form into the production state removes the watermark.


See the deployment state topic in the Administrator's Guide.   

Tracking Id

When your form loads it will send a page view event to your Google Analytics account if you enter your Google account tracking ID into this form property. Please refer to Google's documentation for information about finding your Google Analytics tracking ID.

Tracking Url

(Form Settings only)

This property works in conjunction with the Tracking ID and was intended to make it easier to read the long URL's when trying to determine which form/workflow is being tracked using Gloogle Analytics. Full functionality will be available in a future release. Please contact Customer Support for the latest information on this feature. Tracking Url is not available for workflows at this time.


If you check this checkbox, a Save button will be displayed at the bottom of your form, or for each step in your workflow. This feature is useful for lengthy forms where your users may not have all the information required to complete the form in a single session. By clicking on the Save button a copy of the form with all the current values is saved on the  form server. Later the user can re-open the form/step from their task list. See Perform a task for more information. The form will populate the fields with the saved values. You can save your partially filled in forms as many times as you want. If you don’t want users to be able to save partially completed workflows and continue them later, uncheck the checkbox so users will not see this button. 


Refer to the Save and Load feature for full details.

Customizing the Save Button Label for Workflows

The Save button label can be customized for each step in your workflow on the Settings tab of the Edit Step Properties wizard. For example, you can change the button text to 'Save for Later' to help clarify the function of the Save/Load feature to your users. Currently the Save button label for forms cannot be customized like it can for workflows. The ability to change this may be available in a future release.


(Form Settings only)

This property is checked by default. When checked all submissions for this form will be stored in ' submission repository. If you uncheck the checkbox, the submission will still be logged in the submission repository and you will be able to view the metadata about the submission (time/date submitted, success/failure conditions, etc...) but NO form field data is saved.


The submissions repository can store your form data in three ways: 1) as data values, 2) as an xml document, and 3) as a PDF snapshot. By default for efficiency, data is only stored as xml. If you plan to export your form data to an Excel spreadsheet or plan to view your form data in the submission repository detail view, you must configure your form to save the data field values. See the documentation for setting up Searchable Fields. Also see the documentation for viewing your data in submission repository.

Save on Navigate

(Workflow Settings only)

Imagine you are entering data into a large screenflow and something happens that causes you to navigate away from the workflow... you just lost all your work! Checking the Save on Navigate property saves the task to your Task List.  automatically "bookmarks" your place in the workflow. You can go to your Task List to retrieve the task and be returned to the screen where you were when the browser was closed.


Save on Navigate used on screenflows of multiple sequential steps that are performed by an anonymous user bring the user back to the workflow at the current/latest anonymous step.

Configuring Save on Navigation


If you check a form's printable checkbox a print  icon will be displayed at the top of your form. On workflows, the print icon will only be displayed on Summary steps. If you don’t want users to print your form, uncheck the checkbox to hide the print icon. You can control which form fields are visible in the PDF print view via the printable property on each field in your form. Refer to Printing Forms for more information about Print View/submission PDFs, including how to support international characters.

Save PDF

This property can only be checked if you also have the Save property checked. When checked, a PDF image of the file is also saved in Live Forms' submission repository or to Google drive. See submissions repository documentation for details on viewing the PDFs. Notice all controls, including those disabled or in a signed section, are no longer grayed out in the PDF.

PDF Name

When you check Save PDF an optional PDF name field displays. You can use static text and/or templates to name the PDFs. For example, let's say you have an Employee Onboarding form for new hires and you wanted the PDF in the submissions to be named using their last name. Simply add the name of the control in your form that collects the last name as a template ex:{LastName} in the PDF Name property. The PDF for each Employee Onboarding submission will then be named {LastName}.pdf.


The  designer can specify the content of the headers, footers and the size of margins for the PDF for a form/workflow on the Styles tab. Refer to this documentation for the details.

Fast Finish

(Workflow Settings only)

The Fast Finish feature is very useful when you're filling out a lengthy screenflow.  screenflows consist of multiple steps performed by the same person. The designer can select the Editing SettingsNavigation Toolbar  or add a Summary step as one of the steps to provide an easy way to move forward and backwards through the steps of a  workflow. 


If both the Fast Finish and Editing SettingsSave/Load features are enabled for a workflow, the user can save a partially completed form to their task list. If the saved form still has required fields that have to be filled in, when the user retrieves the saved task from their task list to complete and submit it, clicking the Fast Finish button takes the user to the point in the screenflow where they left off. 

Fast Finish on Mobile Devices

The Fast Finish button on an iPhone or iPad is accessed via a dynamic action menu that is activated by the right-most button in the top button bar. The action menu drops down below the button and floats above the form. If Fast Finish is not selected for the workflow or on the current step, then the action button and menu are not present at all. 



(Form Settings only)

This feature helps to protect your forms against spamming by automatic submitters. It is only supported for Forms. Check the Captcha checkbox to select it.


The frevvo Cloud uses a custom reCAPTCHA key that is configured for Domain Name Validation providing maximum security. To implement the maximum possible protection from form spamming in your in-house environment, follow the steps listed in Administration of reCAPTCHA Keys.

Allow Sign Pad

(Form Settings only - for workflows, configure on Workflow Step Properties)

Check this checkbox if the form will be using an external signature pad, and leave it unchecked (default) if the form will not be using a signature pad. See Topaz Electronic Signature Pads topic for the models supported and configuration information.


Decorated is checked by default when you create a new form/workflow. If you uncheck Decorated at the form/workflow level, newly added controls will have their control level decorator property unset, meaning no decorator. It will not remove the decorator from controls already in the form.

Force Auth

If this is checked and the  tenant supports SSO (single sign on) such as the LDAP Security Manager enabled tenants, then the  authentication mechanism will be in effect even when a user is already authenticated via SSO.


This property is currently ineffective for tenants with the default delegating security manager. However the delegating security manager may support SSO in the future.

Show in History

If this checkbox is unchecked, tasks for the form will not appear in Tasks history searches. If you want them to appear, make sure this box is checked. Changing this property affects all tasks for this form, including ones that were created prior to the action.


Live Forms can be used to build accessible forms/workflows that meet Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards. Check the Accessible property to turn on this feature. Refer to this documentation for the details.

This property is checked by default and causes the “Powered by frevvo” logo to appear on your form. Uncheck the checkbox to remove the logo from your form.

Access Control

Use the Access Control tab to assign form permissions to users and roles in your tenant. The Access Control feature offers the designer increased flexibility when assigning access to forms/workflows and form/workflow submissions. Runtime access can be assigned to specific users and roles as long as they exist in your tenant. Also, the Access Control feature enables the designer to use templates to define user and role lists to dynamically control access.


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Access Control and Shared Items
Access Control and Shared Items


Message provide more information for users as they use a form or workflow. On forms, the single configurable message is Task Info, the description that gets displayed in the user's task list. Workflows also have a Pending Message field. Enter your customized text for each message in the appropriate field.

  • Clicking on the down arrow shows a list of templatized fields from your form that you can use in the Task Information message.
  • Type the opening curly brace - {- followed by the control name to enter a field from your workflow as a template. Selecting an option enters the control name into the field with the closing curly brace.



Task Information

When you save a partially filled form/workflow to continue it later, the saved form is accessed via your task list. This field controls the name that gets displayed in the task list. For more details, see the Tasks documentation. This field can use templatized strings for dynamic content, e.g. the Task Info can contain "Vacation Request for {FirstName} {LastName}" where FirstName and LastName are the names of fields in a form. Before putting the task on your task list,  will resolve the Task Info string using the actual values of the FirstName and LastName fields e.g. "Vacation Request for Tom Smith". will truncate the Task Info data to 250 characters.


Set the Task Information on the workflow level if you want it to be the same for all the steps in your workflow. If you want different text, then customize the Task Information on the workflow step.

Pending Message

(Workflow Settings only)

This is the message that is displayed on the screen during a workflow when the next step must be performed by a different user/role and  puts it on that user's task list. For example, in an Vacation Request workflow, the first step may be filled in by an Employee but the second step (approval) must be signed by a Manager. When the Employee clicks Continue,  will put the task on the Manager's task list and display this message on the Employee's screen. This message can use templatized strings for dynamic content, e.g. the message can be set to "Thank You {FirstName} {LastName}. Your request has been submitted to your manager for approval." where FirstName and LastName are the names of fields in a form from a prior step in the workflow. Before putting the task on a user's task list,  will resolve the pending message using the actual values of the FirstName and LastName fields e.g. "Thank You Tom Smith. Your request has been submitted to your manager for approval.".

This property can be set at the workflow or workflow step level. If you set up a message at the workflow level, it will display after the Continue button is clicked on each step of the workflow except for the last one. On the last step, you will see the default message, "Thank You! Your submission has been received" unless you customized the message using the Form Action wizard.


This property will display the same message for all of the steps of your workflow. Often designers want to display different customized messages after each step. Set the Pending Message at the workflow step level to override the workflow-level pending message for individual steps.

Searchable Fields

Use the Searchable Fields tab to set up fields from your form to use as task and submission search criteria. Follow the instructions below to setup the Searchable Fields for your form. Click the Submit button to save the changes.

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Setup Searchable Fields


Searchable fields configured for a form or workflow are the fields that may be used to filter submissions in the submissions view. By default, all your data is saved as an XML document. This is the most efficient way to store/access your data both in terms of speed as well as storage. However, if you prefer to view your data via the submissions user interface, you can choose which fields are available to the user as search criteria in addition to the XML data.

Searchable fields are indexed for easy search of form/workflow Submissions. They can also be used when searching Tasks on a user's Task List. You will see columns for the controls in your form/workflow designated as Searchable fields in the Submissions table. This is helpful when trying to locate a particular submission from a long list. Searchable Fields are downloaded into the Submissions Download to a CSV file along with the submission default columns.

  • Cloud customers can configure up to 20 Searchable Fields.

  • In-house customers can change change the default value by adding the frevvo.max.searchable.fields configuration parameter to the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file.

Designers should carefully consider which fields to designate as Searchable fields. The selection of the correct fields as search criteria can be very helpful with submission and Task List searches.

The wizard displays the fields from your form/workflow. Only controls that are considered form data will be listed. For Example, the link, signature, image, upload, trigger, section, PageBreak, Message, Form Viewer and video controls will not show up in the Searchable field lists as there is no value to save or query against. Also, group controls (tabs, panels, repeats) will not show up on the list of Available Fields.

  • We do not recommend using columns from Tables or Repeats as Searchable fields. The data will be hard to interpret since there can be multiple data values for the same field.

  • Do not select a Textarea field as a Searchable Field if the amount of text stored in the field is greater than 32k.
  • Searching submissions using a Repeat control from schema is not supported.

  • If the value of a field contains the < sign, the data in the Submissions Table will be incomplete. For example, if the value = a<b only the "a" will show in the Submission Table.

Move the fields that you want to use as search criteria from the alphabetical list of Available Fields to the Searchable Fields list. You can change the order of the fields when you move them into the Searchable Fields area. The order of the form fields will be reflected in the Submission Table and the export to a csv file once existing submissions are resubmitted or a new submission is created.

There are two ways to select/unselect or reorder Searchable fields:

  • Drag and Drop - You can drag the fields from the Available Fields list and drop them into the Searchable Fields list if you re using Firefox, Chrome or Safari browsers. Items may be dragged between lists and within the Searchable Fields list. Items may be dropped between existing items and before the top-most item and below the bottom item. Only a single item may be dragged. Currently, the drag and drop function will not work in the Internet Explorer browsers. This issue will be addressed in a future release.

  • Center arrow buttons

    • The > right arrow moves the selected field(s) from the Available Fields list to the bottom of the Searchable Fields list. You may select and move multiple fields with this method.
    • The < left arrow moves the selected field(s) from the Saved Fields list to the bottom of the Available Fields list. You may select and move multiple fields with this method.
    • The >> double right arrows move all the form fields in the Available Fields list to the Searchable Fields list, up the maximum allowed searchable fields.
    • The << double left arrow moves all the form fields in the Saved Fields list to the Available Fields list.

Click Finish to save. Selecting the X in the upper right corner cancels any changes. Remember to save your changes when you exit out of the designer.


Controls are listed in the Available and Searchable Lists using control names. If the name changes, it will unset the Searchable field. The newly renamed control will now show on the Available list and the designer must move it to the Searchable List again. Hover the cursor over any control name for a tooltip showing the section where it is located, which is helpful if multiple controls have the same name.

Maximum Number of Searchable Fields

Cloud customers can configure up to 20 Searchable fields. In-house customers can change the maximum number of Searchable Fields with a configuration parameter. 

When an attempt is made to add more than the maximum configured number of Searchable fields, an error message ("Maximum Number of Searchable Fields Exceeded!"). displays on the lower right of the screen and will disappear after a short time. Any fields in excess of the maximum configured number will not be allowed.

Adding/Removing Searchable Fields

If you make changes to Searchable Fields in a form or workflow, the changes will take affect for new submissions. If you want to update existing submissions to reflect your changes, run the Refresh Searchable Fields process.

Searchable fields can be refreshed for:

  • All forms/workflows in all tenants (in-house) or a specific tenant (Cloud or in-house) - must be initiated by the frevvo Cloud or customer in-house superuser administrator. Cloud customers must contact frevvo to request a refresh of Searchable fields for your entire tenant. 


    frevvo will run the Refresh process during a time when your users are NOT using .

    In-house superuser administrators should refer to the Refresh Searchable Items topic for the instructions.

  • An individual form/workflow - can be initiated by Designers (owners), Tenant Admins or any designer user given permission to edit forms/workflows for a Cloud or in-house installation. Refer to Refresh Searchable Fields for a Form for the details.

If refreshing production forms or workflows, run the job during a time period when the forms or workflows are not being used.

Form/Workflow Actions

The Form/Workflow Action wizards help set up what the user sees when the form is submitted. Please refer to the Form Action documentation for additional details.

Document Actions

The Document Action wizards help set up what happens to the data when the form/workflow is submitted. Please refer to the Document Action documentation for additional details.


Set up style settings for your form on the Styles tab.

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Insert excerpt
Form and Workflow Style Properties
Form and Workflow Style Properties

Summary Fields

(Workflow Settings only)

Check the individual fields to select the fields you want to appear in the Summary view if you have a Summary step in your workflow. Only checked fields will appear in the Summary. There are also two buttons labeled "Select All" and "Select None" which will check all the fields or none of the fields, respectively.


  • Signature
  • Formviewer
  • PageBreak
  • Message
  • Link
  • Trigger
  • Image
  • Video

Saved Fields

Set up Saved Fields for your form on the Saved Fields tab. 


Select the Available Fields and use the arrow buttons to move them to the Saved Fields list. Drag and drop is available for some browsers.

Geo Location

(Form Settings only- for workflows, configure on Workflow Step Properties)
