The database connector logging output is very helpful for troubleshooting database SQL issues. This example shows the log entry generated when browsing with an incorrect query name. Code Block |
2017-10-26 10:31:35.359 ERROR 12048 --- [http-nio-8082-exec-5] c.f.connectors.database.QueryResource : Query BIRT/allcustomers not found
2017-10-26 10:31:35.372 INFO 12048 --- [http-nio-8082-exec-5] org.restlet.Component (1199403432) : 2017-10-26 10:31:35 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 8082 GET /database/BIRT/allcustomers - |
The database connector logs version information for each datasource definition as it makes initial contact with your database(s).
Code Block |
2017-09-15 15:50:01.554 INFO 28614 --- [ost-startStop-1] c.f.c.d.service.ConfigurationService : DriverName: Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.3 for SQL Server
2017-09-15 15:50:01.554 INFO 28614 --- [ost-startStop-1] c.f.c.d.service.ConfigurationService : DriverVersion:
2017-09-15 15:50:01.554 INFO 28614 --- [ost-startStop-1] c.f.c.d.service.ConfigurationService : DriverMajorVersion: 6
2017-09-15 15:50:01.554 INFO 28614 --- [ost-startStop-1] c.f.c.d.service.ConfigurationService : DriverMinorVersion: 3
2017-09-15 15:50:01.554 INFO 28614 --- [ost-startStop-1] c.f.c.d.service.ConfigurationService : DatabaseProductName: Microsoft SQL Server
2017-09-15 15:50:01.554 INFO 28614 --- [ost-startStop-1] c.f.c.d.service.ConfigurationService : DatabaseProductVersion: 14.00.900
2017-09-15 15:50:01.554 INFO 28614 --- [ost-startStop-1] c.f.c.d.service.ConfigurationService : DatabaseMajorVersion: 14
2017-09-15 15:50:01.554 INFO 28614 --- [ost-startStop-1] c.f.c.d.service.ConfigurationService : DatabaseMinorVersion: 0 |
The Database Connector logfile is located in <frevvo-home>\tomcat\logs for the tomcat bundle and in <db-home>\database-connector-X.X.X\logs directory for the Standalone bundle. X.X.X is the version of the Database Connector. It is named database-connector.YYYY-MM-DD.log In standalone mode, you will see three additional logfiles. - DbConnector.err.log - currently empty.
- DbConnector.out.log - logs the database connector version.
DbConnector.wrapper.log - empty unless the database connector is running as a servers. Logs starts/stops date/time.
Turning on DEBUG level logging- Stop if you are using the tomcat bundle or the Database Connector service if you are using the Standalone bundle.
- Edit the:
- Standalone bundle - <db-home>\database-connector-DBC version number\config\ file
- Tomcat bundle - <frevvo-home>/tomcat/conf/ file.
Add the following line. Code Block |
---| |
- Save the file
- Restart the Standalone Database Connector service or if you are using the tomcat bundle.