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Migration Considerations for Cloud and In-house Customers
Message, Link, Image and Form Viewer Controls have new Save Value property
The following controls (Message, Link, Image and Form Viewer) now have a Save Value property. This property controls several behaviors:
Save Value will be unchecked (default) for new Message, Link, Image or Form Viewer controls added to your form/flow. It will be checked for all output type controls upgraded from a previous release version in order to preserve existing functionality. Re-instantiating a submission that has a message control will restore the value/text of the message control only if Save Value was checked for it and it was in the submission document.
Message and Link Controls and Business Rules
The Message and Link controls still support the "value" property. All existing rules will work unchanged. Note the Save Value property must be checked for there to be a value and have is accessible in a rule.
Message Controls in Repeats
Message Control Changes
Message Controls and Optional Sections
If the Save Value property is unchecked, Message controls can now be included inside a section control. If this section control is referenced in a business rule that changes the sections properties (optional section) you will no longer be prevented from submitting the form or completing the flow.
Rich Text Editor Toggle
Templates can now be included in Message controls.
Save and Test
The save and test feature reduces development time by allowing forms/flows, business rules and mapped PDFs to be tested without leaving the designers. Designers will be immediately notified if Rule or PDF precondition errors are found. Modifications needed after testing can be quickly addressed since you will still be in the designers once you close the popup window. This is particularly helpful when building, troubleshooting, and testing forms, business rules and mapped PDFs.
Refer to the Testing Forms and Testing Flows topics for more information about this awesome enhancement.
Precondition Rule Builder
Preconditions are typically used in workflows to perform/skip a step based on control values in prior flow steps. They can also be used to generate/not generate mapped PDFs . Preconditions use the same logic as Business Rules. In previous releases, designers had to type the JavaScript in the Precondition property of the workflow step or when setting up mapped PDFs. A modified version of the Visual Rule Builder is now available in v7.3 as a Precondition Rule Builder to help designers with preconditions. The Editor can be invoked in two modes:rule builder mode and code entry mode. Selecting the rule builder mode presents the editor where you can build your precondition statement by selecting form fields and conditions from dropdown lists. Of course, you can still enter the JavaScript manually in code entry mode. Refer to the Precondition topic for all the details.
Flows migrated from earlier versions (or uploaded) will have all existing preconditions shown in code entry mode with the manually entered code displayed. This also applies to PDFs with preconditions for migrated forms and flows.
This awesome enhancement in conjunction with improved error messages associated with this feature will significantly reduce the time spent troubleshooting workflows and PDF preconditions.
Space Menu Items and Relative URLs
New Space menu items are created using URLs relative to the application root, i.e. /frevvo/web/… Relative URLs help with forms/flow portability i.e. creating Spaces on your production and development servers. URLs in existing Spaces will not change after upgrade.
Dynamic Options - Zero Code
Static Checkbox, Radio and Dropdown selection control options can be typed into the Options property in the form/flow designers. You can now populate Dynamic Options for Dropdowns, Radios, Checboxes and the ComboBox from a REST web service such as the frevvo Database Connector using control properties.
The Dynamic Options feature is now available to configure these selection controls to pull values from a Rest Web Service and dynamically populate the options without the need to write a business rule.The designer need only provide the:
- URL to the REST Web Service with any parameters and mappings that the service requires
- Value and Label path(s) to retrieve the value to be included in the submission and the label the users see from the web service results.
The image shows a Dropdown control named Customer that populates the options from the JSON results of a query run on a database using the frevvo Database Connector (REST service) to obtain a list of customers. Refer to the Dynamic Options topic for the details.
Enhanced ComboBox Control
The functionality of the ComboBox control has been enhanced. An Options Src property has been added to the ComboBox control. This control can now be used to:
- Generate lists of users and roles from your current tenant.The designer no longer has to manually provide the tenant in the Options Src property.
- Retrieve values from a Restful Web Service using control properties to populate the ComboBox Options. Users can now typeahead and the options will change to match the entered text.
- Retrieve values from your database via the frevvo Database Connector
- Use new properties to set options from a business rule.
Designers no longer need to write complicated business rules to retrieve data from an external datasource. Simply provide the following:
- The URL to the RESTful Web Service and any parameters and mappings that the service requires.
- Path to retrieve the value that will be included in the submission from the web service results.
Existing forms/flows that contain the ComboBox control will have the value of the Options URL property in the Options Src field after upgrading. For example: if the Option URL was set to /frevvo/web/tn/tenant.id/users?match= in the previous release it will be changed to frevvo Users. If the Option URL was set to /frevvo/web/tn/tenant.id/roles?match= in the previous release it will be changed to frevvo Roles. Lists of Users and Roles can only be retrieved for the current tenant.
If the Options URL was empty in the previous release, the upgrade code defaults it to frevvoUsers.
{task.perform .url} template is the new default for Task Notification Emails
The {task.list.url} has been replaced as the default template by the {task.perform .url} template in Task Notification emails. The task.list.url template generates a clickable link in the email that takes the user to their Task List. The task.perform.url template generates a clickable link in the email that bypasses the Task List and takes the user to the specific task.
version of the Database Connector
A new version (v2.5.3) of the Database Connector is no longer included in the v7.3 frevvo tomcat bundle. It is available in a separate download. You can download it here. The database.war does not extract after startup. You will not see a database subfolder in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps directory if you are using the tomcat bundle as in previous releases.
The Database Connector v2.5.3 requires v7.3.2 . The v2.5.3+ database connector datasources are now defined in the new <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\frevvo-config.properties files. The v2.4.* database connector datasources were defined directly in configuration.xml. This upgrade requires you to move your datasource configuration out of configuration.xml and into a configuration properties file.
In-house customers should refer to Tomcat Logfiles topic for information about turning on DEBUG for the frevvo log and to the Connector Logging topic for more details.
In v7.3.+, users with the tenant admin role receive email notification if a Document or Activity Document action fails to reach the intended destination. If a workflow has flow admins configured then they will receive the email instead of the tenant admin(s).
Support for curly braces in Share Link URLs
Tomcat 8.5 doesn't allow curly braces in URLs since they are not valid URL chars and deemed a security vulnerability. currently supports parenthesis as well as curly braces. However, if you are embedding forms, flows or the Task List in your website, change the markup to use parenthesis (). Support for curly braces {} will be dropped in a future release.
Embed script change
Embed code for forms/flows now contains container=false by default. This change should not affect existing embedded forms which have container parameter set to true. If you need the container value to be set to "true", change this setting manually for newly embedded forms/flows going forward.
Tips for Embedded Forms/Flows viewed on Mobile Devices
Form/Flows embedded in mobile pages may not display properly when rendered on mobile devices. frevvo offers these tips to resolve the issue. Note the default behavior for showLink is now set to false which will show the form in a frame. A true value will show the form/flow as a link.releases
Migration Considerations for Live Forms In-house Customers
Changes to Supported Platforms
Java 1.7 is no longer supported. In-house customers should upgrade to Java 8 before upgrading to v7.3+. Please review Supported Platforms for a complete list.
You must install the Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) before installing Live Forms. Although Live Forms will run with either JAVA package, the Insight Server requires the JAVA_HOME environment variable so set it to the installation directory for the Java package that you install. Refer to JDK or JRE Prerequisite for configuration details.
Tomcat version Upgraded
The version of tomcat used in the frevvo bundle has been upgraded to now uses Tomcat 8.5.16. Tomcat 7 is not supported for 7.3.0.
Override _data properties in Configuration Files
In previous releases, global properties for different environments were defined using the built-in Manage Default_data feature. There is an additional option to define them in configuration files in v7.3. This approach is a simpler way to manage global data especially when configuring multiple environments.The values specified in the parameters in the configuration files overrides the values set in the _data properties file. Refer to the Manage Default _data chapter for the details.
For example, if you are using the tomcat bundle, you can set the servername for each environment by adding this parameter to the frevvo.xml file:
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<Parameter name="frevvo._data.servername" value="http://<server>:<port>" override="false" /> |
Customize Default Messages and Labels
Changing string name/value pairs in the default file found in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps\ frevvo.war displays the new English version of the string on the UI. This is mainly for OEM partners and resellers, but it will work for any in-house customer. Modifications to the strings in this file can be used to change the labels in the Form Designer e.g. change Palette to Palette Controls or change the text of a message such as "Access denied. Authentication required" to something more user friendly. To access the default file, the frevvo.war must be unzipped, then rezipped after the changes are made. Refer to the Customizing Runtime Messages and Labels in the Designers topic for the step by step instructions.
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A New SharePoint Connector
Video Control removed from the Palette
Guided Tours and Page Help
Visual Guided Tours and Page Help are available for Cloud customers. When you install a Template Application, a Guided Tour is automatically launched if one is available. Guided Tours and Page Help can be invoked on–demand by clicking the appropriate button.
You may notice that the correct elements are not highlighted or scrolling is not working properly when participating in a Guided Tour using the IE 11 browser. This is a known APPCUES issue.
Just a Reminder for In-house Customers
It may be necessary to increase heap size for the Insight server, when reporting on/indexing a large number of submissions. Refer to the memory configuration topic for the details.
Email and Database Configuration moved to server.xml file
The database configuration that was done in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file has been moved to the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\server.xml file. Also, note that the datasource in the server.xml file has been renamed to jdbc/sharedfrevvoDS so that it can be shared by and the Insight server.
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Configuring the database and Email has not changed. The difference is that it is now done in the server.xml file and not frevvo.xml as in previous releases. When you configure your database, make the changes in the v7.3+ They are now both configured in the v7.4 server.xml file. Do not replace configured sections from a frevvo.xml from a previous release into the v7.3+ server.xml. file. |
Start the Insight server before Live Forms
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requires Insight software for the Reporting and Submissions View feature. The Insight software is included in the tomcat bundle. The Insight server MUST be started BEFORE starting . Instructions for Windows and Linux operating systems are listed here:
You do not have to restart the Insight server every time you restart . |
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