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The Forms and Workflows homepage appears after you create/edit a project.


On This Page:

Table of Contents


For example, let's say you have an Invoice form with the First Name and Last Name fields set up as searchable fields. You can search existing submissions or tasks by setting up a filter using the data in these fields.

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Your users have requested the ability to search submissions and tasks by product name in addition to the First and Last name of the customer. You must add the Product Name field to the list of Searchable Fields in your form.

  1. Login as a designer user or your production account if the form is deployed.
  2. Edit the Application where your form is located.
  3. Edit your form. Click on the toolbar to display the form properties.
  4. Add the Product Name control in your form to the Searchable Fields list using the Setup Searchable Fields wizard.

    titleClick here to to see how to do that.

    Insert excerpt
    Form Setting Properties
    Form Setting Properties

  5. Follow these steps to run the Refresh Searchable Fields process. 


    Run the Refresh Searchable Fields Process during a time period when the forms form or workflows are workflow is not being used.

    1. Select  Refresh Search Fields from the form/workflow Operations Menu for the form/workflow you want to update.
    2. Information about previously run Refresh processes for the form display in a table.

      • Starting and Ending date/Time of the process
      • Status of the process - completed/failed/stopped
      • The user id and name of the process initiator
      • A description providing the Application/Form Name
    3. Click the icon to start the Refresh Process.
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    4. Click Submit.
    5. The message "Index batch was successfully started" displays and the submitted process shows in the Refresh Process list table.
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    6. Click the  Refresh icon to update the table with the most recent information.
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    7. Click the Back to Forms and Flows link to return to the Forms Home Page.

Once the Refresh Searchable Fields process for the form is completed, the Product control and the associated data displays as a column in the Submissions Table.

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The Refresh Process can be stopped or abandoned once started.


You will notice a Stop column in the row in the table for the process that was started. To stop the job:

  1. Click the Stop icon .
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  2. Click Ok to confirm.
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  3. When the process is stopped, the status column will update.
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Restarting a Stopped Refresh Searchable Fields Process

When the Refresh process runs, tables that store the state of the process are created in the frevvo database. By default, if a process were to fail or be stopped, starting it again would restart the failed/stopped job from where it failed/stopped.

To restart a Stopped/Failed refresh process, simply start the batch job again with same tenant and it will resume the last stopped job. 

To prevent the last stopped job from restarting, change the status to Abandoned.

Abandoning the Refresh Searchable Fields Process

The Refresh Searchable Fields process can be abandoned if it is not in the STARTING or STARTED state. The process must be stopped to mark it as abandoned. This prevents it from being restarted. You may want to abandon a batch job if it failed and restarting it would result in another failure. Abandoning the batch job allows you to start over again with a new process. The process cannot be abandoned if it is in the STARTING or STARTED state.

When you stop a Refresh process, you will notice Stop and Abandon columns in the row in the table for the process that was started. To abandon the job:

  1. Stop the Refresh Searchable Fields Process
  2. Click the Abandon icon in the row in the Abandon column for the process you want to prevent from restarting.
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  3. Click Ok to confirm.
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  4. The Refresh Job Status screen will update.

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Assigning a Thumbnail Icon to a Form


In the Thumbnail feature you will see a list of icons provided by .

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If the form/workflow does not have an icon assigned the Current thumbnail section of the screen will display the message "You have not specified a thumbnail for this form/flow. Please select one or upload your own thumbnail. If you do not specify one, frevvo will display a default thumbnail where required." Once you select or upload a thumbnail, the Current thumbnail section will update with that icon. You will not be able to delete the current thumbnail once it has been assigned but if you update the form/flow icon by selecting another one from the list or by uploading an image file, the updated icon will be reflected in the Current thumbnail section.

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If thumbnail changes are not reflected immediately, refresh the screen.


If your goal is to update your form/workflow to a new version that you had previously downloaded or to revert to an older version previously downloaded, do not first delete the form/workflow since this removes all associated saved/submitted/pending form/workflow instances. Instead leave the original as it is and upload the version from disk by clicking the  Add Content icon and selectingUpload a Form or Workflow. A dialog will display that lets you browse :

  • Browse to the form/workflow zipfile on disk


  • Select the option of replacing the current form/workflow with this new version


  • Ignore XML schemas in the form being uploaded if those schemas already exist in the


  • project and you intend for the existing schemas to be used. 

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titleError Messages

When uploading a form/workflow with the same ID as an existing form without checking Replace, a copy will be created and the designer will see an error message: "The form/workflow that was uploaded matches the id of one that already existed so a copy was made. If you intended to replace the existing form/workflow, delete the form you just uploaded and upload it again but check off the ‘Replace’ option."

When uploading a form with Replace checked that is currently being edited by another user, the designer will see this error message: "This form is currently being edited by <user@tenant>. Please try again later."
