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Possible Reason for Doc Post FailureTry This...
Connection Timeout
  • Check if the submission documents/data are actually present or not in Google Drive/Sheet. Sometimes, the submission goes through successfully, but frevvo does not hear back from Google in time and after a certain timeout period throws this error.
  • Resubmit (see this documentation on how to resubmit forms/workflows).

Google Sheets

Workbook or Sheet deleted/renamed

First Column header deleted/renamed 

  • Check your Google Sheet to see if the workbook, sheet or first column header was altered. This can also happen if the sheet is sorted without excluding column headers, so that the headers end up on some other row.
  • If needed, update the Doc Actions to reflect the new name.
  • Resubmit failed submissions.
Google Sheet has a column or sheet set as a Protected Range
Google Sheets has reached the limit of 5000000 cells
  • Reduce the size of your spreadsheet. A few methods are described in this blog article.
Google Sheets or Google Drive API is not enabled
Google Drive folder deleted/renamed
  • Check your Google Drive to see if the folder was altered.
  • If needed, update the Doc Actions to reflect the new folder name.
  • Resubmit failed submissions.
Google Drive folder name set by template that resolves to null
  • Check the submission to see if the control used to set the Google Drive folder name happens to be blank or invalid.
  • If possible, edit the submission to enter a value in that control, then resubmit.
  • Make that control required or troubleshoot the business rules that set it to ensure it is always filled with a valid value.
Google Drive folder name set by template that contains an apostrophe
  • Check the submission to see if the control used to set the folder name contains an apostrophe, i.e. O'Donnell
  • To ensure templates are valid, you can set a pattern on the control(s) you are using as template(s), or write a business rule to remove apostrophes in the control(s). 

OAuth Token expired

Follow these instructions to regenerate your OAuth token. Then, update your Doc Actions and rules to reflect the new token.


  • Navigate to
  • If you are a cloud customer, select ‘YES, THAT WAS ME’ for the unknown device with IP address - this is the ip address of the frevvo SaaS server.

  • In-house customers may see the ip address of their own serverfrevvo server.
Once completed, login to the Google connector wizards will work without any error.


"Unknown Error has Occurred" message when logging on to the Save to Google Spreadsheet wizard

In-house customers:

 infrevvo in-house customers may encounter an "Unknown Error has Occurred" error when logging on to the Save to Google Spreadsheet wizard. If you see "Error creating bean with name 'credentialController" in the <frevvo-home>/tomcat/logs/frevvo.log file, then the error was caused by starting  without starting frevvo without the client_secrets.json file present in the <frevvo-home>/tomcat/lib folder. Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Stop Stop frevvo.
  2. Navigate to the Credentials screen for the project you created for your Google Account at
  3. Click the Download JSON file.
    1. Rename JSON file as client_secrets.json
    2. Copy it to tomcat/lib folder.
  4. Restart Restart frevvo.

Cloud and in-house customers:

Cloud and in-house customers may see this error when selecting a Google sheet from the dropdown after you log into the wizard with your Google account and access code. To prevent this, set the Share permission for your Google Sheet to private then run the Save to Google Spreadsheet wizard. Change the share permission to public once the wizard is completed.

There are other causes for this error. Contact frevvo support if this solution does not solve your problem.

"Oops, something went wrong" on Save to Google Drive connector

A generic error message like "Oops, something went wrong" or "Login is required to retrieve the list of folders" may appear when trying to connect the Save to Google Drive wizard to an account that has no folders. To resolve this, create at least one folder in your Google Drive account.

There are other causes for this error. Contact  Contact frevvo support if this solution does not solve your problem.


You may see the error: "Syntax Error: missing ; before statement" followed by the name of your form/workflow and the name of the rule containing the error in the debug console when testing a form/workflow that reads or updates a Google sheet via the Google Connector.

Image Removed

This may be because you are using an invalid or revoked access token in your business rule. Make sure you are using a valid access token and retest.

This error can also occur if you are writing to a Google Sheet using a business rule using the deprecated '&updates' parameter, and you have a text or textarea control that gets a value with a comma at runtime. For example, if you are passing a control in the var updateparams rule such as "FullName" and the runtime value entered is "Smith, John" the comma can interfere with the comma-separated update parameters being passed to the Google Sheet. To correct this, please update your business rule to use the '&updatesjson' parameter as described in this documentation.

You may see this error with the additional error status information "This operation is not supported for this document." In this case, check that your Google sheet is saved as a Google sheet and not a .xlxs file. If you have uploaded an Excel spreadsheet to Google Drive, you will need save it as a Google Sheet after uploading. This will change the spreadsheet key, so copy the new key and update your rule.

Invalid String Literal

If you see the error "invalid string literal" when using a business rule to read or update a google sheet, make sure that you have commented out the slashes in your oAuth Code, as in OAuth21\/\/0dqqBnY...


You may encounter this error when performing read/update/write operations to a Google sheet from a form/workflow. The Google API can never be a replacement for a database in terms of reliability. There are no SLAs associated with free google accounts. makes frevvo makes multiple http calls to the Google API with no guaranteed SLA.  As the load increases, the chances that the Google service might fail increases. If you encounter the 'internal server error', the only thing to do is to try again later.

Error - Cannot find dependency

If you the error "** Error: cannot find dependency named [results] in rule" in the debug console, check to see if you are attempting to read a Google Sheet column whose name is a reserved word, such as "status". The workaround is to encase the word in square brackets.

Code Block
Status[i].value = x.results[i]['status'];

Google Connector Known Issues
