Section | |||||||||||
You may also notice that Share links for the Important items now show parenthesis instead of curly braces. You will see the parentheses in any newly created space. Tomcat 8.5 doesn't allow curly braces in URLs since they are not valid URL chars and deemed a security vulnerability. Live Forms frevvo currently supports parenthesis as well as curly braces, however, support for curly braces {} will be dropped in a future releases . Use parenthesis () moving forward.
Forms/Flows displayed on the Space menu will only show the forms/flows which the logged in user is authorized to view.
If you are using a tenant configured for a container security manager and you want to allow anonymous access to your forms/flows, you must add a public URL to your space menu.
Tip |
Tip |
Refer to the Space Content topic for tips and information about more "cool" items you can add to your Space menu. |
How to Locate a Form or Flow using the Share URL
Let's say you created a Space or added a form/flow to your space and now you must find that form or flow to make changes to it. The Share URL for a form/flow can be used to determine the Live Forms frevvo designer account where a form/flow is located.
You may notice a slight difference when logging into a Space. When you access your space with the Share URL, then click the Login tab, the whole screen becomes the login screen. Enter your credentials to view your space.
Space Content
Your space contains links for your users to easily access any forms Spaces are always ‘public’ which means anyone with the link can access them. However, any forms or flows in the space that require authentication cannot be accessed until the user logs in. If you would prefer that users log in before accessing a space you can construct a share URL that used the target-uri query parameter to accomplish this. For example:
Code Block |
In House: https://<your server host>:<port>/<frevvo home>/web/login?target-uri=<spaceurl> |
Space Content
Your space contains links for your users to easily access any forms and flows your designers created in your tenant. Your space also automatically contains the following:
- Task List
- My Account
- Shared Items
- Home
- Operational Reports - Active Processes, Submission Failures, Recent Submissions, Productivity. These Reports are only accessible to the tenant admin and users with the role frevvo.Reports. Refer to Operational Reports in a Live Forms frevvo Space for information about the links to these reports and spaces.
- Login/Logout - You can hide this tab if you choose.
Info |
Shared Items (Submissions View or Edit), Home, My Account, and Report links are automatically added under the Important Items tab along with the Task List and Login/Logout when your space is created. Existing spaces must be manually edited as described below to add these items. |
To manually add these and other useful features to your space, follow the instructions described in detail below.
Adding an Anonymous Signup form link
You can add the URL to an anonymous signup form for your tenant. Users can create a user account in your tenant using this published registration URL. The designer does not have to create the form, the URL shown below accesses the Add User Anonymous Register form included with . When this form is submitted, the user receives an activation email which enables the account.
You must check Anonymous Users in your tenant to take advantage of this feature. Also, there is an invisible control on this form which requires the tenant name. The form will not submit if this field is left blank. Append the _data parameter to initialize the control with your tenant name:
Code Block |
* Important Items
** Task List|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/(
** My Account|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/(
** Shared Items|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/(
** Home|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/u/e5a0e839-1026-4bcf-92a0-5c8e4db9685e/space/test/home?embed=true
** Active Flows for Tenant|Submission Errors|Resent Submission Activity|Workflow Bottleneck Analysis|<FREVVO_REPORTS>|<FREVVO_REPORTS> |
5.If you want the Operational Reports to display under a customized tab instead of under the Important Items tab, add the name of the Report tab preceded by a single asterisk followed by the pipe symbol followed by the <FREVVO_REPORTS> keyword.
Space URLs, appended with a locale parameter, take precedence over locales appended to individual forms/flows in the space. As expected, if no locale parameter for the space is found, the browser setting is used.
Default Spaces
A default space can be set for the tenant. Once a default space is selected, task notification links will direct the user to the task and/or Task List rendered in the space (rather than in the tenant.) Default spaces must be set by tenant admins. Click here to learn more.
Spaces and Mobile Devices
You do not have to use Spaces to access your mobile forms but it is a convenient way to do so. Simply bookmark the space URL on your mobile device to access it. You can add icons to your forms and flows which will display on mobile devices when you access the space. Spaces can be a valuable tool for testing your forms/flow on the iPhone and iPad.
Info |
Selecting the Excel export or Download to CSV features the when viewing submissions from the Shared Items tab (inside or outside of a space) on an IOS device (iPad,iPhone), may require the installation of an application to edit and save .xls files. This requirement is browser specific. |
Of course, you can still embed your forms and flows in your own internet.