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frevvo is a multi-tenant application. Tenants allow you to segregate groups of users and roles. Users from one tenant cannot access users in any other tenant. Note: this does not apply to public forms/workflows which do not require login access to a tenant.

The frevvo In-house superuser admin can create as many tenants on your form server as needed. Once the superuser admin creates the tenant, the tenant admin user can then login to manage the tenant, configure LDAP, add users & roles, etc. See the Admin Home Page for differences between the superuser admin and tenant admin. 


trial frevvo trial tenants in the cloud are initially configured with the frevvo Default security Manager. Once you have purchased your license frevvo license, you can switch the Security Manager of your tenant and retain existing forms/workflows, users, roles and submissions.

Tenants using the Default Security Manager can be migrated to:

  • Default Security Manager → LDAP
  • Default Security Manager → SAML  
  • Default Security Manager →  Azure SAML

Tenants using the LDAP Security Manager can migrate to:

  • LDAP → Azure SAML

Contact us to purchase or change your security manager.


On this page:

Table of Contents

Manage Tenants

The superuser for in frevvo in-house customers can add new tenants to your frevvo server using the Manage Tenants page.


The superuser for in-house customers can use the Tenant page to add a new frevvo tenant . We recommend using lower case for the tenant name as the tenant name becomes part of your user's login names which are case sensitive.


  • Are you creating a tenant for Confluence? - Check this if you are planning on integrating with frevvo with Confluence. If checked, the Security Manager Class field displays the Delegating Security Manager - This is the Security Manager needed for Confluence. The SharePoint section of the screen is hidden. The SharePoint Connector is not available to frevvo Confluence customers as it will not work in embedded scenarios.  If unchecked, the Default Security Manager will be used. 

  • If you are not using Confluence, select a Security Manager Option from the following choices: 



    1. Frevvo Default Security Manager (FSM) -  is  frevvo is responsible for authentication/authorization and managing users/roles. This is the default option. Your tenant will be created with this security manager if no other choice is selected. 
    2. SAML Security Manager - This security manager allows the  exchange of authentication and authorization data between an identity provider of your choice (ex:Shiboleth) and a service provider (frevvo). SSO is supported. Although this security manager can be used on-premise it is primarily meant for cloud tenants who use LDAP but do not want to expose it over the internet.
    3. LDAP Active Directory Security Manager (LDAPSM) - The user is authenticated outside frevvo. Typically, SSO or frevvo performs the authentication using LDAP directly.
    4. Azure SAML Security Manager - Allows the on-premises AD to be exposed to the cloud via synchronization with Azure AD. Uses the graph API to access users and groups from AD. SAML is used for authentication only, providing single sign on.
    5. Delegating Security Manager - this is the Security Manger needed for Confluence integration.

  • Tenant ID - Enter the tenant Id in this field - The tenant id can contain characters, numbers, dot(.), hyphen (-) and the underscore. It cannot start with a number. A common practice is to use your domain name for the tenant id.

  • Tenant Name - Enter the name of the new tenant.
  • Tenant Description - Enter a description for the new tenant.
  • Password Strength - This feature only applies to the Default Security Manager. Tenant admins can set password strength requirements on the Create Tenant or Edit Tenant screens. There are four password strength options (Fair, Good, Strong, Very Strong) or the field can be left blank if you do not want to enforce password strength. Leaving this blank will still require minimum password length of 8 characters. When you change the password strength requirement, users whose passwords do not comply will automatically be prompted to change their password on their next login.
  • Max Concurrent Users - Leave this field blank if you do not want to set a maximum number of concurrent users. Concurrent Users are users that are logged into  simultaneouslyinto frevvo simultaneously. You will not see this field if your tenant is configured for the LDAP, SAML or AzureSecurity Managers.
  • Admin User Id - This is the tenant admin id. It can contain characters, numbers and the underscore. It cannot start with a number. The maximum length is 16 characters. This account is used as the built-in admin if you are using the LDAP, SAML or AzureSecurity Managers.
  • Admin User Password - This is the tenant admin password. Notice the text will appear as bullets as you type.
  • Reenter the Admin User Password - Reenter  the tenant admin password.  will  frevvo will display an error message, "Invalid Value" if what you type in this field does not match the contents of the Admin User Password field. This is one way to change the password for the built-in admin if you are using the LDAP, SAML or Azure Security Managers.
  • Change password on next login - Tenant Admins can expire passwords by checking this field. The tenant admin will be prompted to change their password the next time they login.

  • Admin User Email Address - Enter the Email Address for the user id specified in the Admin User Id (built-in admin) field. The tenant admin receives an email with a link if they use the frevvo Forget Password? feature to reset their password.


The superuser or tenant admin can set up the Business Calendar for your tenant.  will  frevvo will then use the calendar information when calculating an escalation deadline for workflow steps and to determine the date/time for notification/reassign emails if they are configured. A tenant can only have one Business Calendar.


Configure HTTP Authorization Credentials

Live forms frevvo offers a user interface to specify credentials to external secure web services that are accessed by the forms/workflows in your tenant.  For example, if you have a rule that connects to a web service or a Form/Doc action that posts to a web service that is not publicly accessible, credentials can be configured for the services in each of your tenants.


Configuring the SharePoint Connector

Store submissions and metadata on a registered SharePoint website using the frevvo SharePoint Connector and wizard. The configuration information is discussed in the SharePoint Connector topic

Configuring the LDAP/Active Directory Security Manager

Creating/editing the LDAP tenant is performed by the superuser (on-premise) or the tenant admin (cloud). Refer to this documentation for configuration details and here for some troubleshooting tips. 

Configuring the SAML Security Manager

Creating/editing the SAML tenant is performed by the superuser (on-premise) or the tenant admin (cloud). Refer to the SAML Security Manager topic for the details.

Configuring the Azure SAML Security Manager

Creating/editing the SAML tenant is performed by the superuser (on-premise) or the tenant admin (cloud). Refer to Configuring the Azure SAML Security Manager for the details.

Configuring the Database Container Security Manager

The Database Container Security Manager should be selected when authentication is the container's responsibility and you want to use the   database interface to fetch users/roles for design time functionality from an external database.  Click here for the /wiki/spaces/frevvo100/pages/1062995483admin (cloud). Refer to Configuring the Azure SAML Security Manager for the details.

Edit Tenant

A tenant admin or a superuser admin can use the Tenant page to configure or edit information about a tenant. 


  • Admin User Id - This is the tenant admin id. It can contain characters, numbers and the underscore. It cannot start with a number. The maximum length is 16 characters. This account is used as the built-in admin if you are using the LDAP, SAML or Azure Security Managers.
  • Admin User Password - This is the tenant admin password. Notice the text will appear as bullets as you type.
  • Reenter the Admin User Password - Reenter  the tenant admin password.  will  frevvo will display an error message, "Invalid Value" if what you type in this field does not match the contents of the Admin User Password field. This is one way to change the password for the built-in admin if you are using the LDAP, SAML or Azure Security Managers.
  • Change password on next login - Tenant Admins can expire passwords by checking this field. The tenant admin will be prompted to change their password the next time they login.

  • Enter the Email Address for the user id specified in the Admin User Id (built-in admin) field. The tenant admin receives an email with a link if they use the frevvo Forget Password? feature to reset their password.

Built-in admin for LDAP, Azure and SAML Security Manager tenants

A Tenant admin can login directly to Live Forms frevvo or login with a user id who has been given tenant admin permissions in your Active Directory. Tenants using the LDAP(s) Security Manager now have the ability to configure a built-in admin account. This was not possible for this Security Manager in previous releases.

When you create a new tenant, you are prompted to set up a tenant admin user id, password and email address. This tenant admin does not authenticate via your LDAP IDP. It only exists in Live Formsfrevvo. If you experience an issue with your LDAP configuration such that you can't login as an Active Directory authenticated user, use the built-in admin to login to your tenant as a tenant admin in order to fix your configuration issue. The built-in admin is able to access the tenant frevvo tenant admin functions if your LDAP Server should become inaccessible. Only one built-in tenant admin account is supported.


Browse this URL to login as the built-in admin: <base_URL>/frevvo/web/admin/login. When specified, will frevvo will prepend the base URL to the URLs in your Form/Document Actions. The <base_URL> is typically http(s)://<your servername>:<port>.


Definitions of Password Strength:

  • none - uses system default, enforces a minimum password of 8 characters
  • Fair - very guessable: protection from throttled online attacks. (guesses < 10^6) Strength meter will indicate "Very weak."
  • Good - somewhat guessable: protection from unthrottled online attacks. (guesses < 10^8) Strength meter will indicate "Weak."
  • Strong - safely unguessable: moderate protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses < 10^10)
  • Very Strong - very unguessable: strong protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses >= 10^10)

A user creating or resetting their password will be required to meet the password strength specified by the tenant admin. Password strength is indicated as the user types by a Password Strength Meter visible below the entry. There are no specific length or character requirements, but the meter will detect the strength of the password based on use of uncommon words or phrases and unpredictable use of capitalization, numbers and special characters. Helpful suggestions appear to prompt the user towards a stronger password. Password length is limited to 100 characters and an error message will appear if user attempts to enter more than 100 characters. Users cannot use their old password or a temporary password as the new password. Here are screenshots of what a user might see if the Tenant Password Strength is set to "Strong." Strong and Very Strong passwords use uncommon words or phrases and unpredictable use of capitalization, numbers and special charactersand special characters.


Password strength will not apply when the server admin (superuser) creates a user in any tenant and sets their password.

Email Address

The email address entered in this section is used as the from email address for email notifications and doc action emails for forms and workflows in the tenant.  If you want to setup the email address with a user friendly name, enter the text in the Display Name field. The Document Action and Activity Document action email wizards have a From: address field. You can specify a different from email address for Document Actions and Activity Document action emails by entering a valid email address in the from field in both wizards. The values in these fields overrides the address entered on the Edit Tenant screenand Activity Document action emails by entering a valid email address in the from field in both wizards. The values in these fields overrides the address entered on the Edit Tenant screen.

Cloud Customers - When you change the "from" email address, your email provider may inadvertently mark emails from frevvo as spam or block delivery. This is a security feature of some email providers that blocks emails that might be trying to maliciously impersonate your internal email addresses. You/your network expert must follow the steps in this documentation to whitelist emails from frevvo.

Refer to the Email configuration or integration topics for more information.


A user designing a form, viewing their task list, or using a form to enter values and submit has a certain number of minutes to complete the activity. This time limit is called the Session Timeout. By default the session will expire after 30 minutes of inactivity. When the session expires a designer user will have to re-login to frevvo to continue designing forms and users filling forms will have to get new form instance and re-enter the values. The tenant admin can override the default session timeout with the value that is entered into the Session Timeout field.


The Deployment State lets you toggle the default deployment state of your form between two states: PRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT. When a form is in development state it contains a watermark. If you have a  unlimited frevvo unlimited user license key you may want all the forms created by the designer to automatically be deployed for production with no water mark. 


Now this person has a user account on your tenant and can login. If you gave them the frevvo designer role they will also be able to create forms and workflows. If not, when they login, they will see their task list as shown below.



If you are planning on changing the Security Manager from the Default Security Manager to LDAP(s), SAML or Azure SAML, and you want to preserve Projects/Forms/Workflows developed in your trial/starter frevvo tenant, here's what we recommend:

  • Download the Projects/Forms/Workflows that you want to preserve to your desktop as a backup BEFORE changing the Security Manager.
  • customers frevvo customers should be aware that changing the Security Manager of your tenant is a ONE-WAY operation. Once you click the Change button, you cannot revert back to the original security manager.


titleClick here to see the LDAP configuration screen .

If you are editing a tenant using the LDAP/Active Directory Security Manager or the LDAP Container Security Manager configured LDAP properties will display. These properties  can be modified using this screen.


  1. Click the Manage Roles link.
  2. You will see several pre-created roles: frevvo.Designer, frevvo.Editor, frevvo.Publisher, frevvo.ReadOnly.
  3. Click the  icon, fill in the form and submit it to create new roles e.g. Employee or Manager.
  4. Click the Back to Manage Tenant link.
  5. Next click the Manage Users link.
  6. For frevvo In-house you will see a single user – the administrative user you defined when you created the tenant. Note that you will have to click the link to display All users. By default, only users beginning with the later A are displayed. For Online frevvo Online you will see two users – the administrative user and the designer username you specified when you signed up for your trial SaaS account.
  7. To create a new user with permissions to create forms, click the  icon, fill in the form and select the role frevvo.designer. If you do not select this role then this new user will not be able to create forms but will only be able to use forms created by others.
  8. The new user will be created. Create as many users and assign them roles as needed.
  9. Logout of the tenant admin account and login as one of the newly created users with the frevvo.Designer role and start building forms and workflows.
  10. Note that you must login using either the syntax: userid@tenant for the user name. For example, if the newly created tenant was named then all users in that tenant must login using the ID: If you prefer to enter the username and tenant name in their own login page input fields, the configuration parameter,, can be modified to display the tenant name input field.  
