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This tutorial will walk you through a few API scenarios focusing on the design-time integration such as creating new forms, listing and managing projects, launching the designer for a workflow, downloading schemas, projects, forms and workflows, download the XSD for a form/workflow, uploading custom XSDs, using forms and workflows.


In v9.1 and later frevvo's "Applications" are known as "Projects." The API objects and methods still use the word Application.


On this page:

Table of Contents


So you if you want to connect to a  install frevvo install running on localhost you can do as follows, replacing 'forms-cli-10.0.17.jar' with the current jar filename.

Code Block
java -jar forms-cli-10.0.17.jar com.frevvo.forms.cli.Main -s http://localhost:8082


This means that you are up and running, but not yet connected. First you need to log in to a frevvo account. Be sure to create at least one tenant and one user for the tenant before you try to log in. See Connect to a Server and Log In below for instructions.

How are the sources organized?


The following topics show how to log in to the  server frevvo server and use the command line API to interact with the server, projects, and forms and workflows.


The example below shows how to log in to a local  serverfrevvo server. In this example, the login user name is david, the name of the tenant is, and the user password is david (e.g., login david).


To login, you must first create a tenant on the server (other than the default d tenant). You  You should also create a user such as a frevvo.designer or an admin userwith the role frevvo.designer who can create projects.

Code Block
Directory of D:\frevvo v4.1.4

08/05/2011 08:59a <DIR> .
08/05/2011 08:59a <DIR> ..
08/05/2011 08:59a 3,044,609 com.frevvo.forms.cli.jar
07/12/2011 09:20a <DIR> frevvo
        1 File(s) 3,044,609 bytes
        3 Dir(s) 7,803,990,016 bytes free

D:\frevvo v4.1.4>java -jar com.frevvo.forms.cli.jar

usage: com.frevvo.forms.cli.Main
-s,--server <arg> serverl url (e.g. http://localhost:8082)
-t,--tenant tenant (optional, e.g.

D:\frevvo v4.1.4>java -jar com.frevvo.forms.cli.jar -s http://localhost:8082

localhost:8082> ?list
Name     Abbr     ArgNum     Descr
login     l         1        login(username:String) : String
login     l         2        login(username:String, password:String) : String
login-as  la        2        loginAs(username:String, tenantAdmin:String) : String
login-as  la        3        loginAs(username:String, tenantAdmin:String, tenantAdminPassword:String) : String
print     p         0         print() : String
localhost:8082> login david
        ID  | david
        URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/
    UPDATED | 2011-08-05T09:52:45.510-04:00
       NAME | david


Code Block
localhost:8082/> ?list

Name     Abbr     ArgNum     Descr
apps                0        SELECT apps for this user (e.g. 'apps')
subs                0        SELECT subs for this user (e.g. 'subs') you
tasks               0        SELECT tasks for this user (e.g. 'tasks')
themes              0        SELECT themes for this user (e.g. 'themes')
link      l         1        OPEN a link in the browser (e.g. 'link {link#}')
descr     d         1        UPDATE this entry's description (e.g. 'descr {newDescription}')
links     l         0        SHOW all entry links (e.g. 'links')
links     li        1        SHOW feed links for given rel attr (e.g. 'links {relAttr}')
name      n         1        UPDATE this entry's name (e.g. 'name {newName}')
print     p         0        PRINT this entry (e.g. 'print')
delete    d         0        DELETE this entry (e.g. 'delete')
refresh   r         0        REFRESH this entry (e.g. 'refresh')

The  UI frevvo UI displays the projects belonging to the user on the projects home page.


You can use the apps > down and up commands to download projects to a local drive and upload them to the  serverfrevvo server.


In the  UIfrevvo UI, you can download projects individually, and select the destination directory.



To download a single project, you must first select it. See the Downloading and Uploading a Form/Workflow topic for instructions for selecting a project.


Code Block
localhost:8082/> down

Downloaded 2 application(s):
        Downloaded application DTM July 2011: C:\DOCUME~1\esposito\LOCALS~1\Temp\
        Downloaded application DTM August 2011: C:\DOCUME~1\esposito\LOCALS~1\Temp\










In the  UIfrevvo UI, you can upload projects from the projects page.


As with downloading projects, in the  UIfrevvo UI, you can download individual forms and workflows and select the destination directory when you're editing a project on the projects home page.

Image Modified

In this example, down downloads all the forms and workflows in the tenant to a directory on the local machine. You can't choose which forms to download, and since down takes no arguments, the target directory depends on your local machine settings. Since the command downloads



The command prompt includes the new form name (''../forms/TestForm>''), so you can Downloading and Uploading a Form/Workflow from the command line at this point.


To edit a form, you first select the project the form belongs to, and then select the form you want. See Downloading and Uploading a Form/Workflow for instructions on selecting a project.


Once you've selected a form, you can use it; this is, you can run the form as an end-user would. See the Editing a Form/Workflow topic above for instruction on selecting a form. Then simply type use at the command prompt and press Enter.  opens frevvo opens the form or workflow in your browser.


After you select a form, you can display a list of all the controls in the form. See the Editing a Form/Workflow topic above for instruction on selecting a form. Then simply type controls at the command prompt and press Enter. You see the list of controls.


Now, the purchaseorder.xsd has been upload and you can verify that this is the case by going directly to the  UI frevvo UI in Projects->Schemas.

Add an new XSD data source to a form


Now that we have a new form, we need to add a new XSD data source to the form using the API, which is the equivalent to adding a new data source in the designer by clicking the Data Sources panel and then clicking New from XSD as shown in the following screenshots.

 displays frevvo displays the available schemas in the current project. You can then click  to select the XSD you want to use.  adds frevvo adds it to the Data Sources panel. 
